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  • KDaddy23's Avatar
    Jun 6, 2024, 10:54 AM
    KDaddy23 created a blog entry "Crazy" Cousin in KDaddy23
    I sometimes mention my "crazy" cousin who, in order for us to have sex, wanted to, well, roleplay with me as his "Master" and him as my obedient...
    0 replies | 51060 view(s)
  • KDaddy23's Avatar
    Jun 6, 2024, 10:35 AM
    KDaddy23 created a blog entry "Crazy" Cousin in KDaddy23
    I sometimes mention my "crazy" cousin who, in order for us to have sex, wanted to, well, roleplay with me as his "Master" and him as my obedient...
    0 replies | 985 view(s)
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