View Full Version : fave sport

Feb 13, 2011, 9:06 AM
What do you like to watch/ participate in?

Feb 13, 2011, 9:22 AM
sailing, swimming/snorkling/diving, river toobing, target shooting (bow or gun)...

Feb 13, 2011, 9:28 AM
Varies by season, right now it's heading up to March Madness the tournament for College Basketball that will lead to a National Champion. Go Duke :)

Feb 13, 2011, 10:46 AM
Those who know me know how much I have a pash for me luffly jambos.. it really is the only sport which holds the interest.. may look in on some otha supports cosa the gorge sexy creatures playin but not for the spectacle.. in fact sports like athletics, tennis an swimmin, God wotta turn off...otha than the luffies who participate.. so its gud ole footie for Fran.. always has been.. always will be... man's footie in partic but have caught a few women's games of late principally cos a m8 plays.. much slower less hard but it has its moments.. an ther sum rite lufflies play that an all... tee hee.. so those ofya that like ne other version ya call football.. or any otha sport woteva.. its football for Fran an nowt else gets a look in..

...except... me dad has a cottage up north we go 2 quite frequently.. wos 'is mums n dads.. 'is granmas an 'is g8 granmas.. 'e wos born ther but lived most of 'is life in the city wich spawned me.. is beautiful up there.. mountains forests lochs.. sunsets 2 die for.. luffly lil pub.. an a few x amours goin back 2 God knos wen.. AND Shinty..

Used to play hockey at school.. spose its shinty's nearest equivalent part from hurlin wich has the same roots.. wosnt very gud at it.. but it wos a way 2 get back at peeps me didn like.. hockey (field hockey not the game on skates) has some very definite rules wotya can an cant do.. Shinty has rules.. but not so yad notice.. its rough tough played by the most ugly guys and ther is always blood an stitches an ambulances whizzin players to the nearest hospital.. Ive seen split heads, dislocations, bone breaks, punch ups, an a ball crunchin tackle in shinty is exactly that.. they dont get up again 1ce wacked in goolies wiv a shinty stick or ball.. not every guy is ugly maybe me is leadin ya astray ther.. not wen they start ther playin days.. but afta a season or 2.. noses kinda seem 2 disappear round ear'oles, scars appear, ears thicken like a boxer, digits swell an stay that way, legs r nobbly as hell an all scar tissue.. an "accidental" hoikins of the goolies from behind wiv a shinty stick is not a nice thing to witness... but for all that... they r luffly guys.. hard as nails, really but wen ya listen 2 em speak in that soft highland brogue ya wudn think butta wud melt in ther mouth.. an wudnt most of em.. not till a few drams r down ther necks or worse.. wen they run on2 a shinty pitch.. its evil.. but its fun 2 watch.. catch it ifya can.. rain sun snow or shine..

So yea.. footie is THE game for me.. but the shinty is gr8 fun an all... highly recommended for an aftanoons thuggery!!!;)

Feb 13, 2011, 2:02 PM
College football is what I watch followed by hockey. I also like cycling but it was not on the list. I like baseball if I go to a game but not watching on tv.


Feb 13, 2011, 2:19 PM
Not really into sports (competitive), but I run several hours every week, some gimnastics (I'm more-less beginner), don't have my own bike, but I love cycling. I don't have a chance to hike, just several times a year, but I'm pretty good at it. Also, I train aikido and do tai-chi almost every day. I do everything, but preferably non team sports (not much of a team player), but nothing in particular.

As for watching, mostly martial arts, boxing, MMA, K1 etc.

Feb 13, 2011, 6:10 PM
American Football, Rugby, and Australian Rules. I see more Rugby and American Football, so... yeah.


Feb 13, 2011, 7:19 PM
What do you like to watch/ participate in?

bicycling, racing of any kind, hockey

Feb 15, 2011, 8:32 AM
Snorkeling, sail, SCUBA, Snowmobile, off road ATV riding, cycling and canoeing. Never sit and watch sports on the tube, except for the local Green Bay game about 1/2 of the final game this year a couple weeks ago in a bar with friends. Have been to a few events when we were given tickets ( hockey, football, baseball, NASCAR) and it is fun being there, but the watching on television isn't exciting for me, kind of like porn, watching it on the tube isn't the same as doing it.


Just my :2cents: worth.

Feb 16, 2011, 5:04 AM
My favourite participatory sport is snow skiing (af the Alpine variety)
.......... (though the knees are starting to complain and the bum is having trouble fitting into a suit! :eek:)

I also like punting. When I was serious, I did very well for myself - these days it's just a very casual and therefore less financially rewarding semi-pastime.

Of the sedentary sport, being a Victorian its Aussie rules, test cricket (yuck to ODI and T20) and a little bit of time with English EPL.

Dead Account
Feb 16, 2011, 5:45 AM
U.S. Football- watching & playing, soccer- playing (EU football), Scuba diving (havent done that in years, but would love to do it again), And Id love to go to a Nascar race- never been. Ive been around the cars and people due to part of my job at the time, but never seen a race.

Feb 16, 2011, 12:57 PM
Watching two men fucking each other. Does that count?

Dead Account
Feb 16, 2011, 1:13 PM
Watching two men fucking each other. Does that count?

That's a sport? Who sweats more? You or them? LoL

Feb 16, 2011, 1:20 PM
Ice Hockey.

Big brawly men ramming into each other and getting into fights. Sometimes, they do a sporty think like get a goal or something.

What's not to like ?

Feb 16, 2011, 3:18 PM
I made my pick based on the selections offered--my choice was US style "football"--and of that---I am more partial to the college version over the NFL version.

I guess they do call it a "sport"--but I do like auto racing---NASCAR is ok--but I really actually like the SCCA road rally type races---I used to run cars in those---when I had, not at the same time, a 1975 BMW 2002--one of the best cars ever as far as I am concerned or a turbo charged Renault R-5--that car was a bitch to keep up and running--but man---it hauled ass!!!!! I friend of mine had a really cool Alfa Romeo and we would take turns doing SCCA road rallies with one of us driving or navigating. I forget what they called that model--it was not the "Graduate" Spider---but an Alpha with four seats--it didn't look so sleek and all--but that car really handled well. I also like the other sorts of road course races like the GT, GTP and other classes of "Grand Prix" races they still or used to run.

Feb 16, 2011, 5:26 PM
Oh, Volty...you hit my best nerve! I love international rallying, older car road racing, nostalgic drag racing, autocross, hill climbs, antique boats, etc, etc.

You mentioned 2002 Beemers..........fantastic cars! So were Cortina Fords, Datsun 510s, Mini Coopers, Austin A-55s, Bug-eyed Sprites, Porsche 356s, Audi Quattros, even SAAB 3-cylinder GT 850s!

I knew a fellow, back in the early '60s, who owned a 3-wheel Morgan with a Matchless V-twin engine. He used to smoke AC Bristols, MG TC/TDs, and even Austin Healeys, with it!

Nice little trip down memory lane, thanks!

Feb 17, 2011, 10:46 PM
Hockey for me. My nephews play high level hockey. So, I now know where most every hockey rink in S.E Michigan is located.

Feb 18, 2011, 12:44 AM
Noone put one of my favorites, tennis!

That and track and field at the olympics

Feb 18, 2011, 5:56 PM
Oh, Volty...you hit my best nerve! I love international rallying, older car road racing, nostalgic drag racing, autocross, hill climbs, antique boats, etc, etc.

You mentioned 2002 Beemers..........fantastic cars! So were Cortina Fords, Datsun 510s, Mini Coopers, Austin A-55s, Bug-eyed Sprites, Porsche 356s, Audi Quattros, even SAAB 3-cylinder GT 850s!

I knew a fellow, back in the early '60s, who owned a 3-wheel Morgan with a Matchless V-twin engine. He used to smoke AC Bristols, MG TC/TDs, and even Austin Healeys, with it!

Nice little trip down memory lane, thanks!

Glad to have taken down that road---a few other fave cars from that era: I liked Triumph TR6's--it would be cool to take that body styel and put some totally modern mechanicals underneath such as the engine, brakes with ABS and traction control, etc----they drove nice but sure were another hard one to keep going---same for FIAT Spiders----loved that body and driving characteristics--but they sure were another pain in the butt car to keep running--maybe that was part of the charm of those cars---never quite knowing if they were gonna always start or get you to your destination---and if you did all those things---feel a degree of satisfaction along with being in a car that was just simply fun to be in.

Modern cars of nearly every brand and model today certainly are reliable, safe in crashes and such--but they almost seemed to have lost a certain element of just being "fun"--sorta like digital audio and photography are good in many ways but also lack a "certain something."

Feb 18, 2011, 6:28 PM
A friend recently told me, "Cars back then had CHARACTER...they didn't always run, or stay running, the brakes weren't the best, safety devices were almost non-existent..........but, by God, they had character!"

Not only that, but anyone with some basic mechanical knowledge, could fix 'em!

Me.......I'm not asking for much, I'd be happy with a nice, new, 1961 356 Porsche 1600 Super, coupe!

Feb 18, 2011, 11:33 PM
HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cool:

Feb 19, 2011, 9:04 PM
Im not into sports. I tried to respond like that and I cannot because the choice isnt there..... Oh Well.....