View Full Version : To close to home...

Jun 2, 2011, 4:43 AM
A short while ago my Mom's home town of Joplin MO was all but obliverated, almost blown away..literally. And today, more tornados ripped through Springfield Mass, 90 miles away from Boston, where our Belle and her family are. I am asking one small thing, M'loves. If you know any of our members well enough, or have a good contact with them, Please check up on them. I know we all have folks all over the country from this group, and those that were are good friends with, and we need to keep tabs on one another. Thats what friends do, thats what Family does, so please..send out a quick "Hey, how are ya'll?" to people that you know, and folks that you care about.
I dont mean to sound soft or tender hearted because I'm Not, but the loss of Joplin hit wayyy too close to home for me. So if you care about folks, check up on them.
Sound off Loves! Let us know you're safe and sound..

Jun 2, 2011, 11:52 PM
Saw those on the news, apparently pretty rare to have tornados up there in Mass. Hope everyone is okay.

Briar Rose
Jun 3, 2011, 10:33 AM
They even had a small tornado in Maine. I grew up there and I can't ever remember there being tornados reported before.