View Full Version : A glass half full

Jun 27, 2011, 2:32 PM
I'm a fairly upbeat and positive guy. I revel in the fact that I am alive now, in these times. I love my life, even if I'm not as wealthy as I would like. I love video games, and gadgets and the idea that nano technology is happening now.

I also love the progressive social changes in my lifetime. I am a child who was a victim of forced bussing in the 70s. We've certainly come a long way from that, right Mr. President? And we've come a long way in terms of gay rights.

I read some posters, and hear some guys in one of the local gay bars I haunt proclaim bitterly about "straights", "breeders" and other nasty social diseases like conservatives and...*whispers* Christians being the cause of all of their woes.

It truly confuses me. Sure, there is still homo/bi phobia out there. My mother is a prime example of this. But, even though I'll never come out to her, she is not a source of my problems or my worries. She is a product of a different generation and she just wouldn't understand. And that's ok.

But, I look around and think to myself that the amount of struggle the GLBT community has is significantly lessened from what it was. Let's take a look at today's society.

Will And Grace has been in re-runs for nearly 5 years after a 10 year run. And let's face it, that show showed a very wide range of GLBT life and brought it into the forefront of American culture. It brought a certain normalcy.

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy is still the best thing to ever come from Bravo Network.

Gay/Straight Alliances are flourishing in schools across the nation.

This year's Gay Pride Parade in Houston had record attendance, even considering that we are in the middle of one of the worst heat waves in the past 60 years.

Websites like this one are visible and well populated, and not just by gays or bisexuals.

Gay marriage is legal in 8 states, one of which is now New York, one of the largest states and generally is considered a leader (where New York, California, and Texas go, the nation generally follows). California's Prop 8 will be repealed, and I can see Texas reversing it's current course what with Houston and Austin having significant gay populations.

Houston, the 4th largest metro area in the nation, elected an out and gay mayor this past November.

Barney Frank has been in high office for over two decades. Granted, that's a mixed bag.

The latest polls by Rasmussen show that support for gay marriage is at 53% across the nation.

I'm not meaning to imply that the fight is over. I'm not meaning to say we don't have progress yet to work for. What I am meaning to say is that our world is getting better every day. We are going to come to a time, in my lifetime, where most people just don't give a shit who you sleep with. Whereas when I was a kid I could not imagine such a time, today I can see it pretty clearly.

Maybe I'll even be able to come out to my mom before she passes. I doubt it. But, I look at the situation with hope.


Jun 27, 2011, 3:24 PM
And there were at least three (christian ) churches at Denver Pride that marched in the pride parade and had booths. These werent just "gay' churches, they were mainline protestant churches - Methodist, Lutherans, UCC along with roman Catholic Splinter Churches and the UU (which isn't christian - although members may be.)

I see that Houston has added trans protections to it's schools. Portland, Or has joined San Francisco in adding transsexual medical coverage (SRS.)

Same sex marriage and marriage equality are on the march in many places. It may take some time (especially for places like Texas.) I feel it's only a matter of time. Don't ask, don't tell has been ruled out, it's only a matter of time before we have out and open service members.

So yes while there is a lot yet to be done, we are making progress.

Jun 27, 2011, 9:30 PM
I agree. Much to be done still, but so much already done.

The world does not suck nearly enough for the amount of kvetching going on.


Long Duck Dong
Jun 27, 2011, 10:09 PM
unfortunately, once the glass is full, you will find people will start bitching about the size and shape and color of the glass

there was one day that stood out in my mind from the days in NZ of fighting for the civil union, a ex friend of mine started a very offensive anti christian rant about how christians were nasty people etc and all that shit....

I waited until he ran out of breath, then introduced to the two pastors standing beside me that were walking in support of the civil union bill, and he promptly said, * wtf are those gay hating assholes doing here ? *..... it took 4 guys to stop me smashing my friend into the pavement.....

and now new york has the rights to marry for people, all people.... and what is happening.... bitching about how its called gay marriage, and its not addressing bisexuals.....

hell, its marriage for all people, lets celebrate cos we are all equal in another way, instead of complaining cos we are not being singled out cos of our sexuality.......

Jun 27, 2011, 10:46 PM
Thank you for this thread and all its positive stats! It's exactly the point I've been trying to make as well! It's so ridiculous that people just seem to refuse to allow themselves happiness, contentment, or satisfaction. I replied to the "bi invisibility" thread with these feelings, because I was appalled at the amount of whining, complaining, and theorizing in a time where we should be celebrating! I'll repost what I wrote:

"I wouldn't think so far into it. Everyone is talking about the "gay marriage" law, but it was actually written as the Marriage Equality Act. I may not be straight, but if I married someone of the same sex, that falls under gay marriage. If we're judging the media for simply not being mentioned (it's not as if they specifically mention lesbians and trans either!), then we're losing sight of the progress we've just made! I, for one, am extremely happy for the entire LGBT community. Yes, we are bisexual, but guess what... in New York, some other states, and hopefully soon, everywhere else, we can marry either sex. Would we rather NOT have that option? Regardless of "what" we label ourselves as, the outcome is the same. Our rights have been acknowledged. Labels are for soup cans, anyway.

Next, they are going to mention bisexuals in the media, and someone is going to say "they didn't refer to us as pansexuals, this is a conspiracy!" And then someone else is going to say "I'm not pansexual, I'm a Kinsey rating!" Seems like everyone wants something to complain about. Step back and count your blessings sometimes. We've made progress in human rights and equality. I sure as hell am not going to bitch about that.

Cheers to New York!! :bipride:"