View Full Version : Happy New Year

Dec 31, 2011, 1:40 AM
Since it's already New Year's Eve in New Zealand posting this and a pic for my babe :)

May everyone have a safe and happy holiday and may the New Year bring you your heart's desire.

Dec 31, 2011, 2:11 AM
:three: Happy New Year to all my friends and those I haven't met yet :)


Dec 31, 2011, 4:23 AM
About 20.5 hours away now, but Happy New Years! I know I'm extremely new (and possibly extremely annoying at that), but thanks for letting me be a part of the community!:):bigrin:

Dec 31, 2011, 4:29 AM
If I don't make it online again this year have a safe and happy new year!

Hau ‘oli Makahiki Hou!

Dec 31, 2011, 7:42 AM
Happy New Year, DD; hope you're closer to your move to NZ!

Dec 31, 2011, 9:29 AM
Happy New Year All, and to steal a tiny bit of DD's thunder, a BIG Happy New Year's Kiss to everyone!

Peace, happiness and health to all!


Dec 31, 2011, 3:02 PM
Last post of the year.. no soz guys.. not ever.. cant oblige ya ther.. unless me pops me clogs of alcy poisonin' tonite or tomoz.. or some such tragedy for poor lil me.. off out soon cos the Naggy person is now lookin gorge and all me hasta 2 do is 2 powder me nose an brush me hair an then off out 2 the city Hogmanay party.. 2 those ofya 2 the east who have r already in 2012..hopeyas r havin a blast.. but ifya r readin this now.. dont think this place is much of a blast for Ne'erday.. gerrout an enjoy.. go first footin', nip off 2 a party!!! 2 those who have still 2 celebrate the bells... gerrout an have a gud ole knees up..an afterward... have an even bigger knees up...

2011 wasnt brill.. odds r 2012 wont be that triff eitha.. but out with the old and in with the new.. resolve 2 make our world better and be better ourselves... we make an end to an old year... lets go out an embrace the new one... we r off out 2 Edinburgh's party... music, food an drink an gr8 company... good luck 2 all an a Happy New year when it comes!!! Wen the bells go Fran will snog the first person closest 2 'er.. yep if its a guy so b it... snog passionately the luffly Kate and scream at the top of 'er voice.. HAPPY NEW YEAR WORLD.. an 2 alla u lot from me an' Kate.. its heart felt cos each ofya r an important part of our world and do hope next year is ya best eva... lang may ya lum reek me luffly gals an' guys!!!

Dec 31, 2011, 3:18 PM
/\ Um, wot? Oh, never mind.

I know that in the states, on New Year's eve, many people go outside and watch the balls drop. But here in Canada, because of the cold, our balls go the other way, so we stay in. :bigrin:

Happy & Healthy new year to all!!!!!

Dec 31, 2011, 3:33 PM
/\ Um, wot? Oh, never mind.

I know that in the states, on New Year's eve, many people go outside and watch the balls drop. But here in Canada, because of the cold, our balls go the other way, so we stay in. :bigrin:

Happy & Healthy new year to all!!!!!

Nah, Fuck that going outside to watch the ball drop, I'll watch it live and in color on tv while I sit warm inside. I've never understood the appeal of filling Times Square no matter what the weather or temperature but for some it's an annual thing and they would not change it for the world.

Dec 31, 2011, 4:13 PM
I quit celebrating the new year a long while ago, but HAPPY NEW YEAR.:bigrin:

Dec 31, 2011, 4:22 PM
Ditto to what GearBox said......I call it amateurs night. 2011 was a bag of shit for me, getting flooded out due to Hurricane Irene and all, but I will aspire to plod through the new year with a bright face and happy disposition. I wish for that attitude for all of us as we may not be able to control some of our circumstances, but we can control how we react to them. Peace and prosperity to each and everyone of you. :cool:

Dec 31, 2011, 4:46 PM
Ditto to what GearBox said......I call it amateurs night. 2011 was a bag of shit for me, getting flooded out due to Hurricane Irene and all, but I will aspire to plod through the new year with a bright face and happy disposition. I wish for that attitude for all of us as we may not be able to control some of our circumstances, but we can control how we react to them. Peace and prosperity to each and everyone of you. :cool:

This post humbled me Keef; put my own, personal problems into perspective. All is relative, once again. Really hope you have a better year; I enjoy your posts here. You've given me some good laughs which is good for my health.:bigrin:

Dec 31, 2011, 5:48 PM
I have never posted here before (but done a lot of reading!) and now would seem like a good time so......

Tanti tanti auguri di buon anno da Milano! ^_^

- From myself, my PJs and my furball cat! Bring it on 2012 :)

Dec 31, 2011, 6:13 PM
This post humbled me Keef; put my own, personal problems into perspective. All is relative, once again. Really hope you have a better year; I enjoy your posts here. You've given me some good laughs which is good for my health.:bigrin:

That's very nice of you to say, Peppers. One thing that recently really impressed me, was an online seminar that I viewed. I'm not making any NY'rs resolutions, what I am doing though, is going over my regrets and forgiving myself of some. Again, Happy New Years. :stoned:

Dec 31, 2011, 9:09 PM
happy new year
im going to make a fresh start,
after the come down.