View Full Version : Ant doctor or homeopathic types in the house?

Aug 9, 2006, 2:44 AM
Ok, I've been up enough nights I may aw well ask. I've had a strange affliction this summer. I'm pretty frequently waking up a few hours (~2-3) after going to bed ready to get sick. You know, that fun feeling in your throat and taste in the back of your mouth? Well, here's what makes it interesting.

-Almost no nausea. Usually when I'm sick I have somewhat of a churning feeling? I don't notice that.

-I go to bed feeling great. In fact, I usually go yo bed poised for 7-8 hour of sleep before my alarm goes off. I usually wake up just fine too and the next day you can't even tell I felt horrible the night before (except for some lost sleep).

-Sometimes the problem gets better by just sleeping sitting up. Sometimes I need to get up out of bed for a while (like now).

Any thoughts? Cuz this is definitely getting old.

Aug 9, 2006, 4:25 AM
I have only one thought .. go to the doctor .. ;)

Aug 9, 2006, 7:40 AM
Sounds kind of like acid reflux. Try raising the head of your bead (put a brick or two under the legs of the headboard) and see if that helps. And yes, see a doctor. :)

Aug 9, 2006, 9:24 AM
Might also be sinus drainage from adult allergies.

Go see a naturopath.

Aug 9, 2006, 10:17 AM
Could definatley be acid reflux. Elevating your headboard as Canuckotter said is a great idea and may help. If it still happens, you may want to try an acid reducer like Pepcid AC, there are other OTCs too. They last about 8-12 hours and you can take it 45 minutes before bedtime so it will be in full effect.

I have lived with acid reflux since I was a kid and these are things I have to do sometimes to live with it.

Most importantly, check with your physician first.

Aug 9, 2006, 11:45 AM
Hey hun. Posting here cuz I'll prolly forget later.

I'm sorry to hear about that. Definitely talk to your doctor... and prolly Katie L. too. She def went through something similar soph. year but she wasn't able to get back to sleep afterwards, so I'm not sure how exactly similar it is. HSe'd probably be able to understand the symptoms if it is acid reflux (and tell you which meds work or don't work.)

Hope this doesn't continue and you feel better!


Aug 9, 2006, 1:29 PM
Sounds like allergies. I live with something very similar. Echinacea perhaps?

Aug 9, 2006, 2:31 PM
Just a note..if it is indeed acid reflux, you MUST see your doctor ASAP. Untreated acid reflux can lead to severe problems with your esophagus. Many good ideas and thoughts have been shared, but the the most important advice would be to see your Doctor!!


Aug 9, 2006, 3:51 PM
Ok...you can see your doctor and get a Protonic Pump inhibitor drug that will make you all in all WORSE! You trade esophageal erosion for stomach cancer, dementia, fecal retention, gastric distresses of a HUGE magnitude.

This is my(Sean's) forte. I work in health and nutrition, that's my job, my career and my passion. You want a solution then you can address the problem at its core. Stomach problems can begin at any age and all of them deal with digestive problems of the enzyme area. The body produces acid of a certain level and when it cannot break down food or the acid gets too LOW the food loads up in the stomach and doesn't go down. The sphincter that seals off the throat doesn't seal off properly, food and acid get pushed UP rather than digesting and going DOWN.

You want this problem to go away without side effects and disease? Get the strongest Enzyme supplement you can buy from the most convenient location to you. Take two right before each meal everytime you eat, take more if you get additional distress. The only known side effect to taking to many enzyme tablets is slightly runny poop and shinier hair...to that I say SFW.

Now for the nay sayers that will push the "Medical Solution" I warn you now...I lost my aunt Marie and my grandmother to that. The doctors induced Aluminum Poisoning in my grandmother and Lymphoma in my aunt. That was with the highest level of medical science at the time...since then we have about 40 new PPI drugs that makes Prescription Strength Mylanta look like Pretty Mary Sunshine!

I recomend HIGHLY that you call or place an order to Great Earth Vitamins for their best enzyme supplement called Ergozymes. I have put countless persons on it with similar issues. Even if it is allergies or food sensitivities, the enzymes WILL help. The one in New Jersey is:

Great Earth Vitamins (Mays Landing)
Black Horse Pike, Route 322 Hamilton Mall
Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Most will take phone orders and ship it to you, most of them for just the cost of the product and Priority Mail shipping.

Good luck!

Aug 9, 2006, 7:41 PM
My guess would also be acid reflux. Like everyone else said...go to your dr. You need to get that checked and on meds to correct the problem immediately.

Aug 10, 2006, 2:32 AM
Ok...you can see your doctor and get a Protonic Pump inhibitor drug that will make you all in all WORSE! You trade esophageal erosion for stomach cancer, dementia, fecal retention, gastric distresses of a HUGE magnitude.

This is my(Sean's) forte. I work in health and nutrition, that's my job, my career and my passion. You want a solution then you can address the problem at its core. Stomach problems can begin at any age and all of them deal with digestive problems of the enzyme area. The body produces acid of a certain level and when it cannot break down food or the acid gets too LOW the food loads up in the stomach and doesn't go down. The sphincter that seals off the throat doesn't seal off properly, food and acid get pushed UP rather than digesting and going DOWN.

You want this problem to go away without side effects and disease? Get the strongest Enzyme supplement you can buy from the most convenient location to you. Take two right before each meal everytime you eat, take more if you get additional distress. The only known side effect to taking to many enzyme tablets is slightly runny poop and shinier hair...to that I say SFW.

Now for the nay sayers that will push the "Medical Solution" I warn you now...I lost my aunt Marie and my grandmother to that. The doctors induced Aluminum Poisoning in my grandmother and Lymphoma in my aunt. That was with the highest level of medical science at the time...since then we have about 40 new PPI drugs that makes Prescription Strength Mylanta look like Pretty Mary Sunshine!

I recomend HIGHLY that you call or place an order to Great Earth Vitamins for their best enzyme supplement called Ergozymes. I have put countless persons on it with similar issues. Even if it is allergies or food sensitivities, the enzymes WILL help. The one in New Jersey is:

Great Earth Vitamins (Mays Landing)
Black Horse Pike, Route 322 Hamilton Mall
Mays Landing, NJ 08330

Most will take phone orders and ship it to you, most of them for just the cost of the product and Priority Mail shipping.

Good luck!

While I admire your dedication to your given field and I understand your personal interest in this particular situation, I would like to caution you against advising someone so vehemently against seeking the help of a licensed medical doctor. Unless you wish to put your credentials up for scrutiny, you are giving medical advice without the benefit of license as well as the protection of malpractice insurance and that leaves you open for liability in the giving of such advice. You can believe what you will and say it with the vehemence and dedication that you do...but you have no right to suggest that seeking the help of a physician will lead to harm in their quest for comfort and treatment.

To each his own I say..and if you believe so whole heartedly in your idea of treatment...then by all means say so...but don't do so with tabloidesque comments like you have suggested. Back up your statements with factual information and then, and only then, will they be taken seriously.

Aug 10, 2006, 9:33 PM
Now for the nay sayers that will push the "Medical Solution"
I'm one of them. Go see a doctor. If the doctor's any good, he or she may prescribe PPI as a short-term solution if the situation is unbearable, while looking for the root cause so that it can be treated. If the doctor tells you to take drugs and leaves it at that, you've got one of the (unfortunately many) quacks out there who have no business practicing medicine.

If it is acid reflux, there can be any number of causes. Several people I know suffer from terrible reflux because of food sensitivities; my wife, for example, can get terrible reflux if she has too much caisin (milk protein). One of my coworkers is fairly certain that household mould problems caused his acid reflux. Plenty of people are sensitive to gluten. There are all sorts of other reasons too, I'm certainly no expert. A good doctor will help control the symptoms while finding the cause so that can be treated. Masking the effects just means that the underlying source of your problems is never dealt with. Of the many people I know who suffer from acid reflux, not one of them takes any kind of medication for it on any regular basis, and that's in part because they saw a doctor who helped them diagnose the source problem and correct it. :)

Of course, this is all assuming it's acid reflux, which I'm certainly not qualified to diagnose. There are probably a hundred other unrelated things it could be, and just willy-nilly following our advice without doing some research on it could distract you from solving some other, very serious, problem.

As for herbal medicines, remember, they're medicine. A lot of people think "Oh, it's herbal, it's good for me". Tell that to a pregnant woman who has too much rosemary on her roast beef... :( Apple seeds contain a form of cyanide. Tapioca contains a lot of cyanide, although the preparation of it renders it harmless. Heck, even poison ivy is a herb. :) You should never take any medication, herbal or manufactured, without thoroughly researching it and understanding the risks... Even if a doctor prescribes something for you, you should always do basic research on it, because doctors don't always know what the side-effects of drugs are, and what sorts of things it might interact with. And remember, if a doctor ever asks you if you're taking any medication, include the herbal stuff. A former coworker of mine was a doctor, he'd go off on regular rants about that one. :tong:

Aug 11, 2006, 7:15 AM
you are giving medical advice without the benefit of license as well as the protection of malpractice insurance and that leaves you open for liability in the giving of such advice.

Actuallly, in all truth, all of your "Diagnoses" as the situation sounding like "Acid Reflux" which is a known disease makes you all practicing medicine without a license. So in reality anyone who made those statements broke the law. I did not, nor did I mention what it sounded like to ME. As for placing my credentials from University of Florida, or my 14 years working with a doctor out on an open forum...don't make me laugh.

Advising against seeking treatment from a doctor is not only NOT against the law (thank god for small favors) in the USA, since we have freedom of choice, but also one step damned near certain to improve your lifespan. SO show me your credentials to say you can make an assertion that he must go to a doctor and that it is "Acid Reflux" and that legally you can say it sounds like it,and I'll back you 110%.

This is a case where the pharmaceutical industry has gotten so into people's heads that they reach for chemicals without ANY thought as to consequence. The resulting response is that you all take it as perfectly fine to ingest as many of them as you like to cover or mask problems, sinceout of sight become a "cure", when in fact it is not. if I were to explain in more depth how many people I see daily pushed and shoved into believing that medicine should be cannonized, and how they walk the primrose path to rapidly failing health we'd have a small novel on this website alone.

110,000...sounds like a pretty big number right? It is. And it's about the number of people who died in the US due to Properly Prescribed medicine in 2001. That make sit the fourth largest killer in the US..or third, I forget which. This number is nothing compared to the interactive drug prescription fatalities, and sinceit isn't cogent to the one medicine he might be put on, I don't want to mention it.

But please, don't place your advice above mine by attacking me like that. I have neither the time nor inclination to argue facts you know nothing about after a long day at work...undoing the harm Lipitor does to remove cholesterol that is NOT the cause of heart diease...

Or those whose jaws are wasting away due to osteoporosis treatment drugs that were originally chemotherapy medicines...

How about my fave? Diabetes! Blind, on dialysis and suffering neuropathy...and I have to keep them going long enough for the doctor to prescribe MORE drugs that will cover more symptoms, so they can keep coming back for another $300 prescription they can't afford.

It all starts somewhere.

So I fire this one back at you:

When did it become ok to turn your stomach...OFF? Don't you think you need it? TO digest? Don't you think it odd that when they created the terminology for Acid REflux and Esophageal Erosion they had drugs already to be launched? And that the terms of the Dietary Health Supplement Act changed so that no one could mention a stated "Disease" and a nutritional supplement in the same breath? Or that suddenly, out of nowhere, people suddenly began diagnosing themeslves off of stupid commercials and running to their doctors for these medicines that they are now taking by the millions? And that before these drugs came out there were nowhere near this many stated cases of acid reflux?

I can ask the same and inject other drugs and condtions, where the drug came out the instant the FDA named it a disease too.

You want to blindly join the herd and run to the drugs, go for it.

Want my credentials? I might take pictures and post them somewhere as I don't have a scanner, but you have to show yours BEFORE I show mine.

Now for Otter and his rambling. 7000 AERS. What's that? Adverse Event Report Surveys. That is the number of people, last year, that complained in the US officially to the FDA. Complained about getting a pill stuck, or an upset stomach, shakiness..etc.

Zero..what's that for? The number of deaths from all supplements as listed in the Emergency Room databases around the US attributable DIRECTLY to any and all DIetary Supplements in the US. That is a fact. And doctors rant about herbs because it is not a field they study at all, so they lump it into a category as useless or false. There are hundreds of herbs that were once standard medicine and still, to this day, have higher success rates than any similar drug. The difference? The pharmacartel's cannot get exclusive patent rights on any herb or natural compound and extract the level of money from an ignorant public they do with a synthetic.

Those are the plain, simple, verifiable facts. Not the Urban Legend about Rosemary on beef...or apple seeds having cyanide (wow, you hear about people dying from apple seeds daily, right?) and the lethality of tapioca (yeah, ok? I'd be more worried about all the added sugar myself).

Also, doctors do NOT know all the side effects of drugs because they leave it to the Pharmacist to exlain or not. In the US they don't have to tell a damn thing if they haven't the time, and most don't In fact they give a long damn scare sheet with your drugs when you pick them up, with all the KNOWN side effects listed. They also in clude all the KNOWN drug interaction on it. Because of the huge number of drugs and copy-cat medicines on the market today, the FDA does not require more than rudimentary checks and cross drug correlations which allows the pharmacartels to push their drugs out early and with less testing each year...begging off on cost(falsely) and difficulty of checking for more interactions(which I am more likely to buy).

If all I have said and all I know is not enough to give you pause and make you wonder, then by all means reach for that drug...give into the ease of temptation. Don't think, just respond to the glowing lights on the commercials...selfdiagnose as the others here have and BUY BUY BUY.

I'm done with this conversation. Have fun.

Aug 11, 2006, 5:30 PM
If all I have said and all I know is not enough to give you pause and make you wonder, then by all means reach for that drug...give into the ease of temptation. Don't think, just respond to the glowing lights on the commercials...selfdiagnose as the others here have and BUY BUY BUY.
Dude, you're smarter than that. Go back and re-read what I wrote before calling me an idiot, please.

Aug 12, 2006, 10:17 AM
Ok people. Lets get back to the focus of the topic. Jrz wanted thoughts, and people gave him thoughts. Most people advised him to see professional help before trying any regimine. Now you have taken a post that was meaningful to someone (Jrz) and turned it into an arguement, which was unnecessary. Some of you are no longer speaking to Jrz, but to amongst yourselves. If this was my post I would be sad about some of the responses I have seen. I know there is freedom of speech, but sometimes it needs to be balanced with compassion and empathy.

I guess overall everyone is just wanting the best for you (whatever they believe is best). Take care of yourself hun, anyway you see fit. Hope that you get real answers soon and no longer suffer your ailments. (((hugs Jrz and Scifi))))