View Full Version : Another pretty good article on bisexual men

Driver 8
Aug 10, 2006, 1:59 PM
... marred a bit by the author's claim that "most men who call themselves bisexual are more gay than straight, but afraid or unwilling to say so." Still, a thoughtful challenge to the usual idea that there are hardly any truly bisexual men.

Are you gay or straight? Admit it, you are most likely in between (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,1065-2299670.html)

Aug 10, 2006, 3:54 PM
interesting article.

I enjoy the writer's point about pre 20th century Europe not having sexual orientation labels of gay/het. I just don't like the idea that religion is important or the outdated idea of "sin".

>Perhaps Europe before the 20th century was not so wrong as we now think to have adopted no category of “homosexual” (or indeed “heterosexual”), and to have talked only of urges, acts and “sins” to which all human flesh was prone. <

Driver 8
Aug 10, 2006, 5:35 PM
And I'm not sure he's correct about pre-20th century Europe lacking those categories ... Boswell's book on the history of Christian views of homosexuality (he goes up until the 12th century, as I recall) has plenty of quotes that suggest that people were well aware that some people are more strongly attracted to the same sex, even if they didn't use the same words we use now.

Aug 10, 2006, 6:40 PM
I think he was speaking from "gays-eye view" because he quickly said there was probably 12x that claiming to be straight.

... marred a bit by the author's claim that "most men who call themselves bisexual are more gay than straight, but afraid or unwilling to say so." Still, a thoughtful challenge to the usual idea that there are hardly any truly bisexual men.

Are you gay or straight? Admit it, you are most likely in between (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,1065-2299670.html)

Aug 10, 2006, 7:41 PM
And I'm not sure he's correct about pre-20th century Europe lacking those categories ... Boswell's book on the history of Christian views of homosexuality (he goes up until the 12th century, as I recall) has plenty of quotes that suggest that people were well aware that some people are more strongly attracted to the same sex, even if they didn't use the same words we use now.

yeah I took a class on UK lit from the 16-19th centuries and I wrote a paper on sexuality in 18-19th century europe the uk and at least in the 19th century in the UK people knew about same gender attractions.

hmm I should read some de Sade and see what he had to write about it, if I can stomach it. :doggie:

Aug 12, 2006, 12:09 AM
What i thought started as a great article turned to crap after this
First, we who call ourselves gay know well that most men who call themselves “bisexual” are more gay than straight, but afraid or unwilling to say so. But what we overlook is that for every gay posing as a bisexual, there are probably a dozen bisexuals posing as straight.

After that it went downhill\\\\\\\\