View Full Version : Off Topic: Know any good online store for....

Aug 31, 2006, 5:55 PM
Totally of topic for a site like this lol

but Im looking for a online store that sells really nice wooden handcraved sculptures of animals, especially Owls.
A store that ships to canada (or it is a canadian site) and has RESONABLE prices.

Im looking but all the sites Ive found sell junky or ugly looking owls and the prices are silly, not to mention "USA only shipping"

I found out through another friend that my friend Heather has always wanted an Owl Sculpture (wooden handcraved) and her birthdays coming up and I thought that would be a perfect present.... promblem is, theres no store around here that sells it and I spent all morning trying to find a online store.

So, if any of you know any good sites that sells those....(or you know a store in your area does) Let me know!!! (I checked Ebay, didn't see any I wanted)

Im just looking for a nice wooden handcraved Owl Sculpture... colors doesn't matter but it'll be nice if it looked "natural". :-) Maybe one that could symbol as "friends forever" ?? (17 years on September 6th... thats when we met, on the first day of school 17 years ago)

Thanks :-)


Aug 31, 2006, 8:23 PM
hey Tasha,
I just did alittle looking around and you might check this site out and they ship outside the US http://www.goantiques.com/detail,set-hand-carved,877067.html hope it helps you out and if you need more just let me know.
