View Full Version : how do you know she is attracted?

Sep 21, 2006, 10:53 PM
If you are attracted to a girl.. and you are a girl.. :tongue: how do you know if the other girl you are attracted to is attracted to you.. Tongue twister...
just a thought...
:) maybe a bad thought.. and I should probably know the answer.. but it is a lot of work to figure it out :tong: ?

Sep 22, 2006, 1:19 PM
I'd say watch her actions to see if she is interested in you and see what she does if you try alittle flirting of some sort

Sep 22, 2006, 1:54 PM
I've always had a huge problem with this. As a result, I've never actually approached another female in public. Females tend to be nosier and judgement than males. Males will look at the door, see a female enter and think 'damn, it just got more crowded, maybe she'll have sex with me'. A female sees another female enter a room and thinks 'I like that outfit, is she glaring at me, I wonder if I brushed my hair'. Because of this it seems like just because she's looking at you doesn't mean she's interested in you.

Sorry, that doesn't help much. But I definitely sympathize.

Oh, if females were only as uncomplicated as males....

Sep 22, 2006, 2:41 PM
Recently my best friend from High School has been expressing what CLEARLY seems like jealously every time I mention a girl. I had only recently also told her I was bi but more likely gay. Shes fine with that, said "Oh, I always knew that.... and I think your better off with women than men anyway"

Now, back in school we were best friends, did a lot together, she was REALLY good about my being deaf.... (i went to a hearing school), She has never ever met or seen a hearing impaired person before and wanted to be a friend :-) No one asked her to and she didn't have to, she just did it...... but she helped me make sure I got all the notes that was done in class including important stuff the teacher said that wasn;t written on the blackboard.
When the teachers saw what she was doing, they let her keep helping me this way as long as the notes were school subjects... not personal lol (ya, personal slipped anyway hehe)

I remember one time sleeping over at her house, I was looking at her books at the side of her room... she was in front of the dresser brushing her hair in the mirror.... when I turned to look at her to answer something, she suddenly dropped her hairbrush which made a loud noise as it hit the dresser and then her foot lol I said "What was that?" She said "oh... I hmmm just lost my grip on the brush"
But when I think about it.. she had been looking right at me through the mirror and I guess my sudden turn surprised her cause I had caught her staring.

RECENTLY however about a month ago (well, August since Septs almost over.) I was chatting to another girl I met online... I let my HS friend in the converstation so we all could chat together.... and I swear my HS friend was replying to everything the online friend said with jealously... I didn't think much about it till my HS friend had to log off... and my online friend said
"Ok.... whats with her??? She seemed VERY jealous of me."
I said "I don't think she was, she is boy crazy... don't get any ideas"
When I did ask my HS friend about her behaviour she said "Oh I didn't mean to sound that way......." (changing subject to something that has nothing to do with the night before)
She did say before that she thought she was bisexual but decided she was to boy crazy to do something with a woman.

But I wonder lol Was and is she attracted to me?? Yes, I know Ive asked her why she sounded jealous sometimes but she always changes the subject really fast lol
But it would never work with me and her and I know that.... I do wonder about her tho.... :-) Shes mysterious... you never know whats going on in her head... lol She'll say one thing then change her mind and say "I didn't do that...." just like she did with the mysterious email I got from her years ago that had nothing but "I love you" in it. Makes me wonder but it'll never work....

I think just watch for signs if someones attracted to you... my HS friend seems to be but at the same time she also seems to be uncertain, doesn't know what she wants.

Now my childhood best friend....... lol The only signs she gave me was the strong encouraging to date woman and with her man hating attitude when she said that...... oh shes done a few other things but shes not as noticable as my HS friend is acting :-) (to be honest.... my childhood friend and I would be a much better match.)

PS Sorry for the long post lol