View Full Version : piercings and the body

Oct 16, 2006, 8:34 PM

this post is aimed at men who have their cock and/or balls pierced. i have seen pictures on this website of men with giant pieces of jewelry hanging from their dick or balls, and i am not sure what i think of it.

how do you have sex with a massive silver loop on your johnson? i think at one point, my girlfriend mentioned she thought it was mildly attractive, but i can't exactly recall. is it supposed to be sexy?

i guess what i am getting at is: why do it? does it hurt? does it enhance sex? does it damage nerves and limit sensation?

i'm into tattoos and my girlfriend at one point had her boobs pierced, so i understand alternative body art, but it seems that adding extra holes to your manhood is dangerous.

mind you, i have thought about doing it. but really dont know what the point would be.

over and out,


Oct 16, 2006, 8:54 PM
I've known guys who've done it, and what I've been told is that yes, it makes sex WAY better for both partners. If it's damaging nerves, then it was done incorrectly, I believe... But I think a few of the types of penis piercings can make pissing harder. :)

Anyway, I have very limited knowledge on this topic, so I'll let the experts answer with more -- which is to say, some -- information. :)

Oct 16, 2006, 9:17 PM
My male lover has a pierced frenulum, an 8 gauge I believe. He has upsized a few times. It feels wonderful during vaginal sex, esp when being taken from behind. It hits the g-spot perfectly. Wow. I make him take it out for anal sex, because while not painful, it is sorta uncomfortable. I have a tongue stud, so sometimes my tongue stud catches on it during oral sex -- but practice has helped with that.

My friend's husband has a ladder and while I have seen it and find it very attractive, I have not had the pleasure of experiencing it first hand. She loves it though. I think a ladder probably makes masturbation a bit more difficult though.

My lover said it hurt like nothing ever had before or since. He didn't even masturbate for weeks afterward. But it has healed very nicely and I like it very much. I've brought up getting another one, or even a ladder to him, and he has said he doesn't want to go through the pain again.

Oct 17, 2006, 1:55 AM
I know all about piercings. I use to have 5 facial piercings.1 in my Tongue,1 under my Lip, a loop through my Lip,1 in my Left Eyebrow and a Thick Loop going through the entrance of my Nose Hole,I guess you can say I had The Manitaur look.that was the only piercing that hurt;when they do it,water will come out of your eyes.it took six weeks to heal.

Oct 17, 2006, 9:21 AM
I have a frenum piercing and love it. It hurt like crazy for about 2 seconds and that was it. Then it just felt mildly uncomfortable for about a week. It takes a while for them to get fully healed and toughened up. Once you get to that point everything is fine just like having a pierced ear or whatever.

If you want to see lots of good piercing pictures, talk to folks that know a lot about it and check out jewelry, etc try this web site. I'm not advertizing for these folks. I'm just a satified subscriber to their site and a very satisfied customer of some of their jewelry.


Oct 17, 2006, 9:23 AM
I hope I didn't violate any rules by posting that link. If so I'm sorry.

Oct 17, 2006, 12:06 PM
I've had both nipples pierced and until 2yrs ago had my frenum pierced. That cock piercing was great. It dangaled all day causing erotic sensations. I had very few complaints. If I could have it done again I would.

Oct 17, 2006, 5:07 PM
I just couldnt have my cock pierced - its not right and its not natural!

But seriously, I know a body piercer and he has everything, except that. He's says its one step too far, even though he does it for others in a professional capacity.

And the thought of absent mindedly catching it on something and then turning round quickly, its just not worth thinking about ...

Oct 17, 2006, 5:59 PM
I have a 00 gauge "Prince Albert" piercing. Its big and heavy and at times uncomfortable in the pants. But sexually, its worth it. It enhances the sensations for me and my partner. I have to remove it for oral and sometimes anal sex. And, condoms can be a bit tricky.

Oct 18, 2006, 1:40 AM
I have a frenum peircing. (Barbell thru the skin on bottom side of dick)

I also have both my nipples pierced. The nipples, were a bit painful...and seemed to take forever to heal.

My dick piercing, compared to the nipples.....was PAINLESS. Very good guy and very good aftercare instructions. I had done a lot of research online too, before having it done. I had sex the next day. The main thing is the salt soaks. Sea salt in water, heated to as hot as you can stand. flop your cock in the glass/cup and soak for 5 minutes 3 times per day. It helped dry it up and heal faster. Sex for the next 6-8 weeks was ALWAYS with an UNLUBRICATED condom, and cleaning right after sex.

Wife says the enjoyment isn't that much more noticeable for her. At the beginning.....it put alot of preasure right under my head and made me feel like I was a teenager again......came almost intantly....LOL. Took some getting use too and retraining the brain. I have a few different bars to put in, large to small. Anal is possible with all....but everyone has said its probably better without for anal.

Any other questions.....ask.....

I would do it again....good reason to take my cock out of my pants.......TO SHOW EVERYONE!!! LOL

Oct 18, 2006, 5:15 AM
I have placed two little pebble stones as implants under the skin at the outsides of my cocks (are souvenirs from a holiday on 'cleopatra beach' in turkey).
And they bring good rubbling effects in the pussy with better coming of my wife!
And it was a hot act to place them and easy too, selfdone.
I can recommend every man as a effectful love toy!

Oct 18, 2006, 1:25 PM
I have placed two little pebble stones as implants under the skin at the outsides of my cocks (are souvenirs from a holiday on 'cleopatra beach' in turkey).
And they bring good rubbling effects in the pussy with better coming of my wife!
And it was a hot act to place them and easy too, selfdone.
I can recommend every man as a effectful love toy!

now that just seems barbaric!!


Oct 18, 2006, 2:16 PM
I just couldnt have my cock pierced - its not right and its not natural!

But seriously, I know a body piercer and he has everything, except that. He's says its one step too far, even though he does it for others in a professional capacity.

And the thought of absent mindedly catching it on something and then turning round quickly, its just not worth thinking about ...

You could always keep your keyring on it...at least you'd always know where your keys are!

Mar 31, 2007, 11:35 AM
Hy curious! Why barbaric? For the love is each means allowed and right! which brings effects and success and new experiences. and after many years of a relationship chance is good for holding fresh the love! :male: :female: :tongue:

Mar 31, 2007, 12:57 PM
I have placed two little pebble stones as implants under the skin at the outsides of my cocks (are souvenirs from a holiday on 'cleopatra beach' in turkey).
And they bring good rubbling effects in the pussy with better coming of my wife!
And it was a hot act to place them and easy too, selfdone.
I can recommend every man as a effectful love toy!

I find that interesting and borderline arousing.


Mar 31, 2007, 1:54 PM
This whole discussion reminds me of a cartoon a friend sent me. It shows a woman telling her boyfriend, "There, I got my tongue pierced. Now I'll be able to give better blowjobs."

To which he replies, "Oh, wow, super! A small, cold, hard, dry little piece of metal. Good. I really hated your moist tongue and warm, welcoming mouth. I'm so excited, I'm gonna go masturbate with a fork!"

Apr 15, 2007, 1:52 PM
yes, the acorn has a well formed border and groove behind only for the destination of arousing the wifes pussy. And more border points - implants - bring more and better arousing for the wife. Thats simple and naturally! I believe many wifes don't reach her cuming because they getn't enough arousing by her partner. :rolleyes: :male:

Apr 15, 2007, 3:10 PM
You could always keep your keyring on it...at least you'd always know where your keys are!
Kate you are so funny :cutelaugh I just love this ;) :female:

Apr 15, 2007, 7:23 PM
Amazing how some just love to put others down about things they do. You know if someone wants to pierce their body or get a tattoo , isnt that their decision? Seems judgemental for some to act so shallow, and to act in the manor that they do to judge what someone does to themselfs. We should be allowed to express ones self in anyway we want, without the fear of being judged. People in glass houses , hum I have a few rocks left over too.

Apr 16, 2007, 3:55 PM
I have a 10 gauge PA (soon to become an 8 gauge, but I'll most likely stop sizing up after that) and a frenum (about halfway down the penis, not right under the head). I also have both nipples pierced.

I have the piercings because having them turns me on. That's really what it comes down to for me. I'm generally not a top, so I can't report from experience how they affect penetrative sex -- but a lot of people (as evidenced by posts in this thread) find that they enhance it.

Nipples hurt like hell; the PA and frenum weren't bad at all. I know it's counterintuitive, but they really were very easy piercings to get. The PA healed very quickly (a few weeks), but the frenum took a couple of months to fully heal. The first few weeks were quite painful, actually -- the piercing would get jostled around when I walked, and so I had to keep that part of my cock wrapped in gauze. For the first few days after getting pierced, I tried to avoid walking as much as possible.

But it was so worth it -- I couldn't be happier with the result. I'm considering working up to a ladder, but I'm not yet prepared to go through the healing process again.

Jun 9, 2007, 7:15 AM
Kate you are so funny :cutelaugh I just love this ;) :female:
Yes - Okay!
A keyring was my first PA. it was to the hand and not expensive! :)

the mage
Jun 9, 2007, 9:43 AM
I've got no holes in me that weren't promptly sewn up again.
do have a few of those though.

No tattoo's either. I'm not against them, its just not my style.
I express myself with a good hat, which I can take off daily!!

My much younger Lady has several nice tats, no piercing there either.

As mentioned above we like the soft and squishy sensations of love, for harder play we can add toys.

Jun 9, 2007, 10:00 AM
I have a 4 guage PA , and would I do it again , YES i would , Seems some people think that us who do these things are weird , well were not. DOnt judge us for what we do, after all we all dont live in glass houses. We do things that please us, were all human. I love my PA

Jun 9, 2007, 4:00 PM
I've got a ring in my foreskin--had it for over 10 years. For years it was the only jewelry I wore, & I've got many different rings & barbells for diffferent effects. At the time I got it, I was actually hoping it would make me come faster. I was dating a girl I was moderately attracted to. I enjoyed fucking her, but wasn't really motivated to cum. The sex seemed to be phenomenal for the first two weeks, but then she got very upset that I wasn't ejaculating; it felt like rejection to her. Her vagina was also chaffed from the marathons. I've been incredibly turned on by piercings, and this just seemed like a good time to do it. The big ring tugging my hood with every deep thrust did make me orgasm faster, but the ring on the roof of her canal also made HER come faster, and squirt too, so she was still sore when we were done. But spermaliciously happy.
Until they came out with jumbo condoms, it was difficult to fuck with. The tight condom often pinned my forskin over the most sensitive part of me making it inmpossilbe to orgasm, or feel mouch of anything. I now use the ones that allow for elbow room in the front, like 'Inspirals', and a good time is had by all. With a new playmate, I usually take the ring out, since they're afraid it might break the rubber, even thought it's not really likely, just makes them feel more comfortable.
I think you might be able to see it on the pic on my profile.

Jun 9, 2007, 4:05 PM
Almost ALL of the guys I know who have prince alberts/frenelum piercings they're pure bottoms (they love/prefer to get fucked).

I've heard that with a P.A. you can't use condoms since they'll break/tear open that way and that if you're going to fuck a man or woman you should take it out when you use a condom.

Jun 9, 2007, 5:06 PM
Almost ALL of the guys I know who have prince alberts/frenelum piercings they're pure bottoms (they love/prefer to get fucked).

I've heard that with a P.A. you can't use condoms since they'll break/tear open that way and that if you're going to fuck a man or woman you should take it out when you use a condom.

I've got that ring in my hood, & I'm definitely top! Haven't met any guys with those piercings you're talking about, but i don't think submissiveness is a given. Certainly, piercings can be a sign of enslavement, if only to one's own desires.

As for ripping the rubbers--it's possible, but unlikely. I've broken rubbers before I was pierced, but not since. I think it has more to do with using too tight a condom, or the person getting fucked isn't well lubricated. I do take out my ring with new partners to make them feel more comfortable. Spending an entire sex-session worrying about getting a bellyful spoils the intensity.

Jun 10, 2007, 9:08 AM
Almost ALL of the guys I know who have prince alberts/frenelum piercings they're pure bottoms (they love/prefer to get fucked).

I've heard that with a P.A. you can't use condoms since they'll break/tear open that way and that if you're going to fuck a man or woman you should take it out when you use a condom.

Sorry DiamondDog , not a bottom here , and have never toren a rubber.
Woundering where all these people who dont have PA's get their advice, or knowalge of PA's ? Wake up america LOL

Jun 10, 2007, 3:39 PM
I love piercings, just not too many, especially on the face... i got my nipples pierced last november, hurt like hell for a little bit, took a long time to heal too, but I love the way they look!! (on everyone else too for that matter! lol) I just dont think I'd like any thing tru my cock, meet a guy once at a Nudist camp years back that had one thru the urethra ( spell?) at the tip of his penis, didn't look all that cool to me... I think women have better options when it comes to this sort of thing, love women who have the hood done :stoned: GFH

Jun 11, 2007, 12:49 PM
Curious, I hope you dont mind, but I would like to broaden this topic to include tattoos on the penis or around the genital area.

I found a design that I think I would like to have tattoo'd at the base of my penis. I am just starting to do my research, so I am looking for any feedback. People who have their genitals tattoo'd, or artists themselves who will or will not tattoo that area.

But back along the topic of piercings, I am also considering a genital piercing. I am going to get a hoop at the top of of my sac where it meets the base of the penis. I havent seen many like that, not even sure if there is a name for it. But again, I am looking for feedback with pros and cons.

Any thoughts???

Jun 13, 2007, 11:17 AM

Jun 13, 2007, 12:05 PM
Well, I have thought about genital piercings, and I will probably get a couple of rings in my ball sac, going up the middle. I am not going to get a PA, or any piercings on my cock.

I have both nipples pierced, and they fucking rock! My piercings are BEHIND the nipple, since they were too small to pierce. It took a while to heal, and hurt when they were first done, but, I have had them for almost 3 years now, and I LOVE THEM!

I recently was guaged to 12 on both my nipples and tongue. I can't wait to get my ball sac done, and when I do, pics will follow!

Jun 13, 2007, 9:31 PM
Well, I don't have a penis, so I can't say how it actually feels, but just like with any piercings, if you have a problem with the piercing, then most likely, it wasn't done correctly or you're being an idiot and not doing what you should.

And when you get it done, no contact with bodily fluids of others for the healing period. So pretty much no unprotected sexual contact, oral, vaginal, or anal. And probably no sex period for a little just because it'd hurt like a bitch.

I have snakebites and I used to have my eyebrow pierced, and the eyebrow I took out because it wasn't done correctly.

So really, if you want to get your naughty bits pierced, make sure you find a good place. Do some research and if you can find a piercer that is APP approved. You can google "APP" or "Association of Professional Piercers" and it'll come up. Safepiercing.something. I'm too lazy to look it up.

But yea, I ramble.

Jun 13, 2007, 9:40 PM
I have placed two little pebble stones as implants under the skin at the outsides of my cocks (are souvenirs from a holiday on 'cleopatra beach' in turkey).
And they bring good rubbling effects in the pussy with better coming of my wife!
And it was a hot act to place them and easy too, selfdone.
I can recommend every man as a effectful love toy!

Self body modification unless you're a professional is always a bad idea. Those guys literally train for months to make sure they know what to do, what veins they could hit and how they need to angle things to prevent major damage of something important.

I'm not trying to put you down. You're obviously ok and were lucky, but other people may not be, and you might give someone a bad idea.