View Full Version : To shave or not to shave....

Dec 26, 2007, 10:19 AM
I have talked to and read how alot of people like a bare pussy. Now I know that the feeling is greatly intensified when it is shaved (or low) and I loved it but I HATED how it itched beyond belief when your hair starts to grow back. Since I want to go bare I have a couple of questions...
1) What's the BEST way to shave it completely bare?
2) How do you stop that terrible itching when it's growing back?
3) Why the hell does your pussy itch like that when hair is growing back but your underarms and legs don't...lol?

This is my first post but since I have greatly enjoyed reading all of the answers/commments, I figured what better people to ask.

Dec 26, 2007, 10:40 AM
I do not have that plumbing, but I have watched (and done) someone shaving her pussy, and have read much in my time as a porno store clerk, so here is my :2cents:

1) Best way is having your partner (or someone that you *really* trust) shave you. While the drawback of that little bit of shame that every gal has about her area is still there, having someone else do it gives the closest shave, and gets all the areas that you might not be able to see / feel.

2) Continue shaving.

3) Your armpits and legs itched just as much as your pussy will for the first few times. After that, your skin (even at the most sensitive) will get used to it.

One of the things I have noticed is that it's easier to shave the Mount of Venus than it is to shave the lips (if I were female, I'd want to do the same thing), but your partner would rather not have stubble on your labia, as it feels sharp (think porcupine) on their face or genitals. Most guys, and about half the gals, like the feel of bare labia on their face, so if you make the choice of shaving, keep doing it :)

Also, consider waxing... costs more $$$ than shaving, but lasts longer, and makes cleanliness easier during that week.

Dec 26, 2007, 12:47 PM
Thanks for the advice Vuarra, I think I will take the suggestion and just spend the extra $$$ and get it done.

Dec 26, 2007, 2:49 PM
Plucking hurts, but results last about 6 months and when the hair does grow back, it starts very thin, so there is no stubble for itching/irritation.

Dec 26, 2007, 3:15 PM
Plucking hurts, but results last about 6 months and when the hair does grow back, it starts very thin, so there is no stubble for itching/irritation.

Plucking. . .DOWN THERE???


You. Have. GOT. To. Be. Kidding.


Dec 26, 2007, 8:39 PM
why not just trim it, when you shave it always will hurt when it grows out.
I don't have much too worry about, and what is wrong with a little hair.

Promising Galahad
Dec 26, 2007, 8:45 PM
As a guy, I must admit being totally bare down there feels really good. Why would you cover such a beautiful thing with all that hair? However,on the other hand a little pubes can be sexy as well. The landing strip is always sexy.If your bush is thicker than mine we have a problem.

Dec 27, 2007, 10:58 AM
When I started shaving, it took about 2 weeks for my body to get used to the idea, and to develop a procedure that works for me. I shave every day, and have not had any issues with itching.

BTW, another vote for the landing strip look. And you might try a topics search; lots of shaving threads here with good info and various techniques.

Dec 27, 2007, 1:45 PM
Yes, plucking.down.there!
Hurts like hell at first, but within 10-15 minutes you're bored plucking individual hairs, so I grab the pliars to pull 10-20 at a time.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have red hair and it grows long; pubic hair grows to 7 or 8 inches long. The hair in the pubic area as well as the hair on the shaft can cause major irritation during coitus. I tried shaving once... once... didn't work for me. Plucking has simply become a (nearly mandatory) part of life for me. Sometimes I get lazy and wait an entire year; but ultimately, I get sauced (alcohol IS an analgesic/depressant) and pluck away. Sometimes I even take aspirin; if the folicle bleeds, it usually dies (because ripping the root out is what causes the bleeding). I seldom get more than 4 spots of blood while plucking.

Dec 27, 2007, 2:10 PM
Yes, plucking.down.there!
Hurts like hell at first, but within 10-15 minutes you're bored plucking individual hairs, so I grab the pliars to pull 10-20 at a time.
I don't know about the rest of you, but I have red hair and it grows long; pubic hair grows to 7 or 8 inches long. The hair in the pubic area as well as the hair on the shaft can cause major irritation during coitus. I tried shaving once... once... didn't work for me. Plucking has simply become a (nearly mandatory) part of life for me. Sometimes I get lazy and wait an entire year; but ultimately, I get sauced (alcohol IS an analgesic/depressant) and pluck away. Sometimes I even take aspirin; if the folicle bleeds, it usually dies (because ripping the root out is what causes the bleeding). I seldom get more than 4 spots of blood while plucking.

Goodness Gracious just the thought of that makes me hurt! lol Im sure your right though- I've always plucked my eyebrows and after those first couple of hairs it goes numb so its probably the same thing for down there.. Hmm maybe i'll try it one day!! thats an awful lot of hairs though- it probably takes forever!

Dec 27, 2007, 5:02 PM
OMG.. this thread is cracking me up :)

h'ok, so I am proud to say that I am completely and utterly natural.
Granted, I am kind enough to tug at the hairs to get rid of lose ones so it's not totally like a wild jungle down there, but I don't think it's mandatory that I follow the pack and go mostly bare.

Visually, I think either is ok, and I don't really care what a girl has. I like that "zone" either way :bigrin: ... as long as there isn't stubble because the look of hair when it's growing back is nasty... so either all or nothing... sometimes even trimmed looks weird... I guess it depends on how short.

And yeah, if I WERE to go bare, i would opt for a professional wax. Shaving is just too UGH on my own. In terms of having your bf/gf shave it... DAMNIT. I don't think THAT'll happen... mine has dyspraxia (causes "partial loss of ability to perform coordinated movements with arms and legs")... He can barely shave his beard without patchy spots LOL.. I cherish that zone too much to trust it to him. :eek:

Plus, he doesn't give a crap. He loves me anyways. Hair and all. :tong:

Dec 27, 2007, 6:48 PM
.... In terms of having your bf/gf shave it... DAMNIT. I don't think THAT'll happen... mine has dyspraxia (causes "partial loss of ability to perform coordinated movements with arms and legs")... He can barely shave his beard without patchy spots LOL.. I cherish that zone too much to trust it to him. :eek:

Plus, he doesn't give a crap. He loves me anyways. Hair and all. :tong:

Well, I'm a perfectionist, so I have no problems with co-ordinated movements, and I like that zone too much to screw up with a razor.... otherwise, I may never see that zone again :P

the mage
Dec 30, 2007, 12:38 PM
I have talked to and read how alot of people like a bare pussy. Now I know that the feeling is greatly intensified when it is shaved (or low) and I loved it but I HATED how it itched beyond belief when your hair starts to grow back. Since I want to go bare I have a couple of questions...
1) What's the BEST way to shave it completely bare?
2) How do you stop that terrible itching when it's growing back?
3) Why the hell does your pussy itch like that when hair is growing back but your underarms and legs don't...lol?

This is my first post but since I have greatly enjoyed reading all of the answers/commments, I figured what better people to ask.

The key is to continue once you start shaving.
The pubes grow much faster so need more attention.
In time. (a couple weeks) the itch stops. Use good skin gels and good sharp blades changed often.