View Full Version : Where is a good place to cheat?

Jul 16, 2009, 11:04 PM
Where is a good place to cheat? I am looking for a general answer as well as any specific ideas about where to cheat in or around Washington, DC.

Jul 16, 2009, 11:11 PM

Jul 16, 2009, 11:32 PM
Oh...I know it would be an act of stupidity. But I'm a guy...I do stupid things. I just want to find a place to do stupid things discretely.

Jul 16, 2009, 11:36 PM

The facepalm squad reports for duty. :p



Jul 16, 2009, 11:52 PM

me three

Jul 17, 2009, 12:06 AM
Tee hee:bigrin:

Jul 17, 2009, 6:16 AM
I would say Capitol Hill. People cheat there all the time - both on their wives and their constituents

Jul 17, 2009, 7:32 AM
Cheating is like doing drugs, do it once and it soon becomes a habit. It messes up your life and the lives of those close to you. Shows you have no respect for your wife and family.

.............................oh yeah,.................. A Facepalm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!........................... .............................................

Jul 17, 2009, 9:41 AM
In your mind. That's the ONLY safe place that won't end your life, lead to social diseases for you AND your partner or get you in divorce court.

Be smart. Keep the Trouser Snake contained.

Jul 17, 2009, 10:07 AM
simple DON'T CHEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! be honest if nothing else

Lisa (va)
Jul 17, 2009, 12:08 PM
have to agree with lv couple, cheating is the same as being dishonest. Why cheat, why not open up lines of communication with you partner ? After all shouldn't one be able to go to their partner about anything ?


hugs n kisses

Jul 17, 2009, 12:11 PM
His excuse for doing stupid things "I'm a guy". If I were a man, I would find it offensive..As a wife, I find you offensive...

Get a divorce first, clearly in your profile you are unhappy with your marriage.. Give your wife her dignity before you slaughter your own. Cause if you hide it from her and she finds out.. Don't act ignorant when your stupidity gets concreted in court documents open to the public.

Jul 17, 2009, 12:45 PM
His excuse for doing stupid things "I'm a guy". If I were a man, I would find it offensive..As a wife, I find you offensive...

Get a divorce first, clearly in your profile you are unhappy with your marriage.. Give your wife her dignity before you slaughter your own. Cause if you hide it from her and she finds out.. Don't act ignorant when your stupidity gets concreted in court documents open to the public.

I am a guy and find it offensive even just as a human..... sunshine i just looked at his profile you got it D-I-V-O-R-C-E. and i hate them but the post and profile all say the samething. :2cents:

Jul 17, 2009, 1:47 PM
Remember that movie about in the casino, that guy got caught cheating and they took him down to a room and sat him in a chair then busted up his knuckles with a ball-pen hammer and he was covered in blood and they almost shot him in the mouth with a gun but instead said if they ever see you again they'll put him 6 feet under and then let him go running off crying with blood dripping all over the place ?

That's one place NOT to cheat.

Jul 17, 2009, 2:01 PM
Remember that movie about in the casino, that guy got caught cheating and they took him down to a room and sat him in a chair then busted up his knuckles with a ball-pen hammer and he was covered in blood and they almost shot him in the mouth with a gun but instead said if they ever see you again they'll put him 6 feet under and then let him go running off crying with blood dripping all over the place ?

That's one place NOT to cheat.

Um, yeah...I guess that should be at the top of the list. We should start a thread about the worst places to cheat.

Jul 17, 2009, 2:04 PM
I'm guessing he's not going to get a straight answer...

Jul 17, 2009, 2:17 PM
I'm guessing he's not going to get a straight answer...

he did there is NO GOOD PLACE, TIME or REASON in my opnion, and looks like I am not alone

Jul 17, 2009, 2:32 PM
I'm guessing he's not going to get a straight answer...

[ Enter the stones]

You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
You can't always get what you want
But if you try sometimes you might find
You get what you need

Jul 17, 2009, 2:47 PM
I'm thinking a few more facepalms are in order...

Jul 17, 2009, 3:06 PM
For Rissa


Jul 17, 2009, 3:12 PM
I'm guessing he's not going to get a straight answer...

We're queer here. We can't give straight answers. ;)


Jul 17, 2009, 3:16 PM
I'm guessing he's not going to get a straight answer...

On a Bi-sexual site ?

Jul 17, 2009, 3:53 PM
Awww... Littleray, you love me!

Jul 17, 2009, 4:34 PM
Awww of course! What's not to love Rissa?


Jul 17, 2009, 8:57 PM
Oh my god, I go away for just nearly a day and come back to this thread and I pissed my pants. Each and everyone of you all posted a fantastic reply. Rissa you continue to enlighten me with your thoughts..Bizarro..quips rolled me off my chair. I think that the poster of this thread may wish to head the advice given here.


Jul 17, 2009, 9:47 PM
I bet if you look around you will find sites about cheating. We are new here but 1 thing I like here is most everyone here are honest NOT CHEATERS

Music Girl
Jul 17, 2009, 11:53 PM
I'm probably just echoing what everyone else is saying, but you owe it to yourself and your wife to be honest. Chances are if you're unhappy in your marriage, she is too. Communication is key here. Cheating wil NOT fix the problem; it will only make it worse. It sounds to me like you are looking for a way out of your marriage. Saying it's a shame not to enjoy the pleasure our bodies are made for is a cop out. If you were single, that would be fine, but you owe her your honesty. If it works out, ok. If not, at least you have your integrity.

Just my :2cents:


Jul 18, 2009, 1:03 PM
i wasn't sure if to write but decided i'd go for it. i'm married,have been for a long time,always considered myself straight up till having a affair with what i thought was a close friend(now i know the depth of "hell have no fury like a woman scorned",but that's another post!).

hand on my heart if anyone reading these posts is thinking about having a affair....DON'T. the pain and heart ache just aren't worth it. it causes so much damage.

i know some folks have "open" relationships, that's so very different to a affair,the lies and deciet that go into it have such a devastating impact for so long after the affair has ended. i ended the affair but we are still feeling the impact.

i suppose looking for ways to cheat might imply casual,maybe one night stands,where an affair is more of a relationship?? but it's built on lies.

think very carefully.:2cents:

Jul 18, 2009, 1:57 PM
Hey, we haven't had a collage of facepalms yet!


Jul 18, 2009, 2:18 PM
Stay with me, this really does relate: When I was working as an Instructional Supervisor, a female instructor came to me and asked if she could speak to me privately about something that was bothering her.

I took her into my office and let her reveal her problem. She was married and loved her husband, but was feeling that they'd come to an impasse. They didn't talk and were coming and going without even saying "hello, I love you, or even go to hell!" It was like they were two ships passing on a dark night. She was on the verge of allowing another fellow take her out.

After she left, I then called her husband in, who also worked for me. I told him that I had noticed that he hadn't been his "Old Self" and asked if there was a problem at home. He told me almost the same thing his wife did.

I then asked him, that if I got his wife in the office after work, would he allow me to discuss something with them.

He agreed and she agreed.

Within a few minutes together, with me keeping them calm and their anger subdued. I got them talking to each other and they aired their problems. They really did love each other and after they got all of their frustration out, they felt good that they really did care, but had gone through a slump.

They found some new interests and as far as I know they are still together. She began doing some things that he wanted her to and he returned the favor. They really found a new life together and I assume it's still working for them. It wasn't me doing it, I just got them together and let them figure their own problems out.

Maybe you just need to be up front and tell your wife that you're feeling distant from her and want to get some of that old spark back. You never know, she may be waiting for you to inspire her. It certainly wouldn't hurt to see.

Cheating is never a good option. If you get caught, and believe me some slick characters get caught, there'll be hell to pay.

Do the right thing and see if you can work things out. Do it before you get something started that you can't end without feelings being hurt and lives damaged!

That's what I'd advise you to do!

If you don't care, then go ahead and do whatever you were going to. But, believe me, if you really do love your wife and family, that is NOT the way to a peaceful resolution!

Jul 18, 2009, 5:38 PM
Hey, we haven't had a collage of facepalms yet!



Jul 18, 2009, 5:38 PM
Where is a good place to cheat? I am looking for a general answer as well as any specific ideas about where to cheat in or around Washington, DC.

There is never a good time or place to cheat. It's a sign of weakness.

Jul 18, 2009, 11:18 PM
I would say Capitol Hill. People cheat there all the time - both on their wives and their constituents

Boy is this not appropriate or what. Just call 877-SOB-USOB and that is approapriate as well.

Jul 19, 2009, 12:59 AM
Try www.icantbelieveyouaskedsuchadumbquestion.com

Jul 19, 2009, 7:18 AM
i feel this is one of this moment wher eth three stooges start smaking each other in the faces.
i never cheated on my ex husband i was upfront i was going out and getting some but i didnt dig it in his face i kept it discrete.

Jul 19, 2009, 9:45 PM
I cheated on my second wife...I got caught up in it. It was so easy, then, but I began hating myself and the lies I had to tell. One lie caused me to have to come up with another one...it kept getting worse and worse. I was looking over my shoulder, thinking I was being followed/watched/overheard/seen and never did anything without thinking about it ahead of time. I vowed that when I got out of that marriage I'd never do it again, and I haven't. I divorced my 3rd wife, too. But I can say I never cheated on her. Lord knows I wanted to, but at least I could sleep at night.

The best thing to do, if you're gonna get married, marry someone who will love you for being you. Then you can stay married and happy and still have a good time!

Ah, how clear hindsight is!

Jul 19, 2009, 11:00 PM
Wow...wow...wow!!! So much advice!!! I am most amazed at the response, because I did a poll back in Dec 2007 and the results were as follows:

Never cheated 196 43.56%
Cheated and got caught 43 9.56%
Cheated and got away with it 211 46.89%

With more than half of the respondents openly and honestly admitting to having had affairs, so I was not expecting such a vastly one-sided set of responses.
Believe it or not, despite several opportunities to do so...I have never cheated. But along with the 1,000 reasons not to cheat...there are also 1,000 reasons to cheat.

This is honest...adult...and part of real life.

Jul 19, 2009, 11:21 PM
Well, just because people are against it doesn't mean that they haven't made a mistake before. Also, there are a lot of people who do polls like that and don't actually respond so...yeah...

Jul 20, 2009, 10:33 AM
Well, just because people are against it doesn't mean that they haven't made a mistake before. Also, there are a lot of people who do polls like that and don't actually respond so...yeah...

I am new here and never saw the "poll" and learned from mistakes with my X never got found out. but can tell you it was NOT worth it.:2cents:

Jul 20, 2009, 10:40 AM
I am new here and never saw the "poll" and learned from mistakes with my X never got found out. but can tell you it was NOT worth it.:2cents:

I don't really remember the poll either truthfully, but if there was some kind of poll he saw that stated all of this to make him believe that people are ok with cheating that I am somehow missing, well, there is always an explaination for what he saw...somewhere...lol.

Kermit Jagger
Jul 20, 2009, 10:56 AM
Those who have responded to this thread are indeed fortunate to find ourselves in relationships with partners who accept our bisexuality or to have the courage to move to situations were we are free to be our bisexual selves. We rightly condemn cheating as wrong, stupid, and self-destructive.

What about members who find themselves in relationships with partners who believe any sex outside of marriage is abhorrent, to say nothing of the disgust they feel for sex with a person of the same gender, and for whatever reason - emotional, family, religious, financial - choose not to move on? Not to cheat means that these fellow members live in a state of sexual anxiety and frustration. Which is the greater sin -- cheating or living an unhappy life?
I'm not sure I know the answer.



Jul 20, 2009, 11:07 AM
Those who have responded to this thread are indeed fortunate to find ourselves in relationships with partners who accept our bisexuality or to have the courage to move to situations were we are free to be our bisexual selves. We rightly condemn cheating as wrong, stupid, and self-destructive.

What about members who find themselves in relationships with partners who believe any sex outside of marriage is abhorrent, to say nothing of the disgust they feel for sex with a person of the same gender, and for whatever reason - emotional, family, religious, financial - choose not to move on? Not to cheat means that these fellow members live in a state of sexual anxiety and frustration. Which is the greater sin -- cheating or living an unhappy life?
I'm not sure I know the answer.



Well, it is SO hard for those people to keep their junk in their pants then they should move on. If they choose not too, that is their choice. It doesn't mean that because they don't want to leave their partner, now they get to do whatever they want.

Everyone is entitled to live a happy life, including ones partner. It is wrong and unfair for somebody to put the other person in such a position because they have to be selfish and not to the right thing.

Jul 20, 2009, 11:44 AM
When you cheat, you take away one of your partners freedoms.. Choice.... The partner has no choice in the matter because it has been ripped away from them. The partner doesn't even get the chance to support or condemn. When you cheat, you get to make the choice. Place, how, when, with whom.. But the partner is forced to live blindly.

If as much effort was put into the relationship, instead of the hunting and getting to know or what else it takes to cheat, might be surprised that cheating might not even be necessary at all. Even if the effort was put towards divorcing, at least you are treating the partner with respect and yourself with dignity. It's not a partner's fault if the other partner cheats and it never will be. The only person's fault is the cheater. There is just no arguing about it. When you cheat and it is revealed (which most of the time it is eventually found out) The only choice that is left for the faithful partner is "Shall I stay or Shall I go now?" You would never be able to repair what had been broken. You may glue the handle back on a broken cup. But you will always see the cracks in it.

Yeah some of us are openly bisexual in our marriages.. Some of us have open marriages, some of us are faithful. Some of us are totally monogomous. But we are blessed with all that because of whom we chose and how we chose to live. We did all the hard work along with our loved one to be able to be in a relationship where we are safe. Our relationships are working because of both parties being fully aware of who they are with and what sex/love means to them and no one is being blindsided. Wool is for sweaters, not for eyes.

My post isn't strictly meant for bisexuals cause I feel it applies to all kinds of relationships and couplings.

Jul 20, 2009, 12:36 PM
Hi, i'm one of those who doesn't "fit" the poll. i'm sad to say i did have a affair. i didn't get caught. i came clean,so i didn't "get away with it" by any means. it was the hardest thing i've ever had to do. the ripples have been far reaching,they're still there. it is true the person who suffers most is the one being cheated on. i've found it very painful,it's felt like i'm being torn in two. i loved her so much but i also loved my husband.

i always thought i was 100% straight untill this relationship. i've spent a lot of time looking back over my youth trying to work out if there were signs otherwise. being honest,my parents would have been horrified and squashed any behaviour etc that hinted at me being anything other than straight.

i know i'm not straight. that's a huge thing for me to admit to myself.

we've worked hard at Relate to repair our marriage. in the beginning my husband was prepared to look at alsorts of ways to "manage" this but he's changed his mind and i must respect that or deal with the concequences.

we don't all know we're bi from earlie on, but take it from one who's still dealing with the impact-a affair isn't the answer.

Jul 20, 2009, 1:15 PM
What about members who find themselves in relationships with partners who believe any sex outside of marriage is abhorrent, to say nothing of the disgust they feel for sex with a person of the same gender, and for whatever reason - emotional, family, religious, financial - choose not to move on? Not to cheat means that these fellow members live in a state of sexual anxiety and frustration. Which is the greater sin -- cheating or living an unhappy life?
I'm not sure I know the answer.

Sigh, I'll repeat it again. It ALWAYS comes down to 4 simple options:

1) Tell your partner
2) Cheat
3) Get divorced without revealing the real reason
4) Suck it up and live with it.

(and no one has shown me any other option that wasn't just a variation of one of these 4, perhaps prettied up with euphemisms)

If someone hasn't the intestinal fortitude for option 1, or the willpower for 4, then 3 is the only honorable option.

Saying one can't divorce for whatever reason isn't the issue. No matter what the reasons are, if you can't keep it in your pants and you cheat, then you run a very high risk of making the situation even worse.

What's worse for a child, knowing that daddy left mommy cause he wasn't happy, or knowing mommy left daddy cause he was fucking around?

Jul 20, 2009, 2:03 PM
lol Talk to the hand. Thats the best place for you or anybody else to cheat. At least with your own hand you wont get into Too much trouble.

Jul 20, 2009, 2:44 PM
I would say Capitol Hill. People cheat there all the time - both on their wives and their constituents
This is a good one, Skiffy !!