View Full Version : We free world gay folks just think we got it tuff

Oct 12, 2009, 11:03 PM
Wow, I was reading this weeks issue of Southern Voice a newspaper that is available at news-stands all over Atlanta GA, and it's available for free online. It comes out every week, and you can subscribe to it through their website www.sovo.com There was a story in this issue, listed in the sovo wire column, at the bottom of the list there is story titled "the hunted". If you click onto that story it will take you to a story that was published by New York Magazine. You can skip the www.sovo.com connection and just go to www.nymag.com and in their search bar type in the subject "The Hunted" and look for the story written by Matt McAllester. EVERYBODY AT THIS SITE NEEDS TO READ THIS ONE. It's supposedly a true story about the gay folks in the Arabian / Muslim countries (specifically Iraq). If you are accused of or even thought of as being gay, then it's going to be a slow miserable death for you! We have all heard of the things that they (the Muslims) do to gay folks. Well this is supposed to be an actual account. All I can say is that if we, in the so called "free world" think that we got it tuff, then reading this story will prove to you what having it tuff really means.

All I can say is that my heart goes out to the gay folks in the Arab / Muslim countries. And this would especially would include the effeminate type of person. Nothing was said about the female gay (lesbian) folks. I guess that that's OK with them, it's just the guys they are after, I guess. I am amazed at what stupid shit people will do in the name of religion, and how people can get suckered into what they somehow, get convinced that it's the truth!?

:( Comming from a sad, sicken-ed and whipped puppy :disgust: Your friend, :doggie:

There is a similar, weekly mag available at news-stands all over Atlanta, and on-line for free it's www.davidatlanta.com

Oct 12, 2009, 11:41 PM
Thats bad enough but you cant even have a beer while they stone you...

M. Wolfe
Oct 12, 2009, 11:42 PM
I am amazed at what stupid shit people will do in the name of religion, and how people can get suckered into what they somehow, get convinced that it's the truth!?

Well religion is self-propagating because they all glorify faith and vilify doubt meaning that from the beginning members are brainwashed so that they are unable to be critical of anything espoused in that religion. This gives rise ti fundamentalism.

If people stopped indoctrinating their children and waited till they were much older, religion would be all but gone from the world in a matter of generations - along with a lot of evil in the world. PEople would no longer try to justify their inhumanity by believing that their god endorsed it. Most of these mainstream religions teach hate because of the time that the books were written, but we've moved on now, we know women and men are equal as well as black and whites, and we know sexuality is a thing of nature. These facts won't stop the extremists toting signs reading "God hates fags."

roy m cox
Oct 12, 2009, 11:50 PM
"damn" that is bad i feel for them i feel the same hear watching some people get beat up for being gay and the police wont do any thing about the perps doing the crime,

i was beat up one time by some skin heads in my neighborhood and the cops that come 2hrs later just told me oh well shit happens and did not help me :(

so yeah i feel very bad for thous people over their :2cents:

Oct 13, 2009, 2:14 AM
Well religion is self-propagating because they all glorify faith and vilify doubt meaning that from the beginning members are brainwashed so that they are unable to be critical of anything espoused in that religion. This gives rise ti fundamentalism.

If people stopped indoctrinating their children and waited till they were much older, religion would be all but gone from the world in a matter of generations - along with a lot of evil in the world. PEople would no longer try to justify their inhumanity by believing that their god endorsed it. Most of these mainstream religions teach hate because of the time that the books were written, but we've moved on now, we know women and men are equal as well as black and whites, and we know sexuality is a thing of nature. These facts won't stop the extremists toting signs reading "God hates fags."

Doesn't this kind of make you a fundamentalist to a degree, since you're preaching a reactionary idea based on blanket statements about an ideology that you disagree with?

Fundamentalist anti-religion is not the answer to Fundamentalist religion.


Oct 14, 2009, 9:10 AM
[QUOTE=HornedUpRam;143744]Atheism is not going to somehow solve all of the world's problems, hate crimes against GLBT people, create world peace, or get rid of "evil" in the world.


Nope, but paganism will :-P lol

Oct 14, 2009, 11:04 AM
Doesn't this kind of make you a fundamentalist to a degree, since you're preaching a reactionary idea based on blanket statements about an ideology that you disagree with?

Fundamentalist anti-religion is not the answer to Fundamentalist religion.


Atheism is not going to somehow solve all of the world's problems, hate crimes against GLBT people, create world peace, or get rid of "evil" in the world.

Would you prefer that people be selfish and think only for themselves and justify it by saying, "Well there's no God or religion/spirituality so I'm the center of the universe and I'm the most important thing there is! So fuck everyone else and fuck humanity it's a dog eat dog world!"

Atheists can be just as "brainwashed" as some Theists can be.

I think that's very true. Non-religion isn't going to solve anything, cus then people will find some other convoluted excuse to kill and torture other living beings.

DB :flag2:

Oct 14, 2009, 12:07 PM
Well religion is self-propagating because they all glorify faith and vilify doubt meaning that from the beginning members are brainwashed so that they are unable to be critical of anything espoused in that religion. This gives rise to fundamentalism.

If people stopped indoctrinating their children and waited till they were much older, religion would be all but gone from the world in a matter of generations - along with a lot of evil in the world.

Your thoughts are so naive and bigoted as to evoke puke more than a response. not only are you insulting, but you espouse the same thing you claim to hate. Quite ironical.

Faith is a matter of believing in things that are unseen. Hatred has nothing to do with it. A persons desire to dominate another can be construed in a secular context as well as a religious one as well. Rome didn't dominate the world during its hey day because of God. They did it because of the state. Secular as it was. Yes they had their gods, but they had little to do with the purpose of their vast military projections.

TO end hate is noble, to hate others because of their beliefs is merely folly for my laughter at your inanity. Carry on however, its great entertainment.

When you can create life from methane, nitrogen, and hydrogen, let me know. I'll be curious to see you brilliance.

Oct 14, 2009, 1:21 PM
Your thoughts are so naive and bigoted as to evoke puke more than a response. not only are you insulting, but you espouse the same thing you claim to hate. Quite ironical.

Interesting how you are so insulting while claiming that another person is insulting.

Nuff said.

DB :bipride:

Oct 15, 2009, 4:29 PM
I think that's very true. Non-religion isn't going to solve anything, cus then people will find some other convoluted excuse to kill and torture other living beings.

DB :flag2:

Yeh. :D
