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May 27, 2010, 6:51 PM
Free Love, Transsexual Style
Why are all the good TS guys taking money?

By Dan Savage on May 28, 2010

Where can a straight guy find a transsexual woman who is NOT a hooker and just wants to be friends (with benefits)? I know of one club where they hang, but they are mostly hookers there. I would like to go someplace where I could meet one and see if we could hit it off and go from there. I know they are out there, but I just can’t find them! Help a brother out! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEASE!

—Lonely Tranny Lover

If what you’re looking for is a transsexual who’ll allow you to fuck her—or who’ll fuck you—but who won’t require you to have an actual relationship with her, LTL, then you’ll have to pay some nice woman for her time and her emotional distress, like all the other straight guys out there into MTFs. Why do they have to pay? Because, LTL, it’s kinda shredding to sexually service someone who’s embarrassed to be seen in public with you. Just ask any openly gay man dating a closet case and/or a Catholic priest, or any BBW sleeping with a man who’s married to a rail-thin trophy wife he isn’t physically attracted to. Someone who puts up with that kind of bullshit—“You blow me, I blow you off”—should be compensated for her time, pain and suffering.

It’s nice that you’re willing to be friends with the transsexual you’re fucking, LTL—that puts you above most straight-identified men who are into trans women. But most trans women, hookers or not, want more than that. They want love, companionship, intimacy, and a commitment—you know, all that shit non-trans women want. Be open to an actual relationship, LTL, and you’ll have an easier time finding a non-pro who’s open to you. —Dan

I couldnt have said it better. Cant say I always agree with Dan "call-them-a-tranny" Savage, but I think he got this one right.

May 27, 2010, 6:56 PM
lol Is this the same Dan Savage from the Stranger in Seattle? Man is a nut case. :} (Said most affectionatly and lovingly) lol