View Full Version : Bi Net USA

Aug 1, 2010, 10:50 AM
Not sure if I or anyone else has posted about this before but, in case it hasn't been mentioned, Bi Net USA (http://groups.yahoo.com/group/BiNetUSA/?yguid=224794640) is a nationwide Yahoo Group for bi folk. If you're like me and like to sign up for just about any bisexual mailing list and join any bi org you can find, you might want to sign up.

Reason it came to mind to me this morning was a guy from Florida made a post about wanting to contact other bi guys in Florida to chat about how they deal with their bisexuality. I e- mailed the guy privately and suggested he join this site as the forums here deal a lot with that and I know I've seen Floridians posting here.

Bi Net USA also has a Facebook group I'd love to join, although the most recent post I've seen in the discussions there is from 2009. Holding off on joining, though, as it would be a little too obvious of a public outing of myself than I feel comfortable with right now.

Aug 1, 2010, 8:43 PM
as a yahoo member, i came across this same site; however, as i was already a member here, and both share very similar structure, intent, etc. i have stayed with this group, not seeing for myself any benefit belonging to identical groups. not say that their site in and of itself would not be as good as this group.