View Full Version : Why Man Trances?

Aug 27, 2010, 8:25 AM
You’re (man) at a café with the woman in your life when your eyes move inexorably toward another woman walking by. In one-fifth of a second, before the conscious mind has had a chance to react, the male brain has rendered judgment on whether the oncoming stranger is sexually hot. If the ruling is favourable, physical manifestations are: pupils dilate, heart rate spikes, testosterone surges and the eyes assume a vacant stare — sure signs that the “man trace” has set in.

For genetically pre-programmed men, the offence is as involuntary and natural as breathing, says brain researcher, neuropsychiatrist and author Louann Brizendine whose book, The Male Brain, mounts a unique defence for such male indiscretions. We are more visual, more driven to sexual pursuit and more predisposed to cheat than women, she writes.

The sexual pursuit area in the male brain is 2.5 times larger than the one in the female brain “consuming him with sexual fantasies about female body parts,” she concludes.

This amounts to conclusive physiological justification for the male practice of staring at female breasts. “It's a reflex that’s built into the brain circuits,” she said in an interview. “At its core biological basis, it’s unfair to criticize men for that initial unconscious circuitry.”

In light of this, male ogling must henceforth be considered genetic destiny rather than anti-social creepiness.

When we finally do look away, the experience fades quickly for men, Brizendine writes. Man trances are fleeting moments of unconscious aesthetic appreciation that disappear from the mind as quickly as they emerge.

While our women fume for hours over our indiscretion, we’ve obliviously switched focus within moments to the ballgame, where to go for nachos or internal debates over who would win in a fight between Batman and Spiderman.

This is another point of misunderstanding triggered by differing brain waves, says Brizendine. What to us is a harmless moment surveying beauty — not unlike the way we might gaze at a wrist shot that picks the top corner — is, to our partners, an act of high treason.

But if the socially repulsive act of staring at beautiful women is actually an artifact of ancient DNA, surely the trance-induced man should get a little latitude, no?

“I tell women, cut the guy some slack,” says Brizendine. “He may cut you some slack for being moody during your PMS.”

In a counterintuitive twist, she says women whose men have healthy interest in curvaceous passers-by should feel relieved.
“It’s good news for her because it means he’s wired normally and has high enough testosterone to be a fertile male.
I suggested this to several women who have made mental notes in the past of men in their lives who had the audacity to notice, however briefly, the physical enchantments of other women. I received the following responses.
“Oh, get over yourselves. This is a desperate, pathetic attempt to justify rudeness and disrespect,” said one with eyes rolling.
This was the sympathetic of the rebuttals. The others were liberally peppered with profanities.
“Give me a **** break,” came the response from a particularly sharp elbowed 30-something who spat out her response with cringe-inducing shrillness. “So you guys figure it’s cool for you to stare at hot women and expect your girlfriends and wives to laugh it off, give you a high five and join in the fantasy?”
In short, gentlemen, no female expressions of regret are forthcoming.
But probe the outrage a bit.

Is this white hot intensity really just about a random glance here and there?
“This issue pricks a pin into that horribly sensitive spot for women of being compared negatively to that model image of femininity,” says Brizendine. “Women feel competitive about their looks with other women. It’s a very core, basic biology that our female brains are very threatened by other women that might out-compete us.”

The peace-seeking male, then, has only one option: To deny his hard-wired humanity and keep eyes focused at the ground at all times.
Best of luck with that.
When it fails, consider very dark sunglasses.

Hmm What about the bisexual male?

Aug 27, 2010, 8:53 AM
Hmm What about the bisexual male?

I'll have to admit to sexually evaluating pretty much every guy or gal I run into throughout my day. Am I the only one?

Everyone I see, even if just in the back of my mind, I'm thinking, "I wouldn't mind jumping his (or her) bones...". Or, in the case of most guys, I'll wonder why they let themselves go like that or why they don't get a haircut, or some such.

Most guys just don't seem that attractive to me.

Aug 27, 2010, 11:15 AM
I suspect a bisexual male must process all that information in 1/2 the time, cause he has two sexes to oogle. :cool::cool: A gay man? twice as long.:bigrin:

Funny thing is, when the wife and I are out, it is her who usually notices the beautiful women first, and oogles for much more than 1/5 of a second.

Aug 27, 2010, 2:18 PM
lol Good one Tenni.
Smiling Cat

Aug 28, 2010, 6:14 AM
She's got it wrong here, 'tis not women's breasts but men's bulges that bring about the reaction Louann Brizendine writes about along with a mandibular response causing secretion of saliva resulting in drooling. At least in my experience.
“So you guys figure it’s cool for you to stare at hot women and expect your girlfriends and wives to laugh it off, give you a high five and join in the fantasy?”
She does, actually and points out the one's I miss. We do that for each other. Love is about sharing joy.

Thanks for the fun one.:flag2::rainbow:

Aug 28, 2010, 10:41 AM
Love is about sharing joy.

And sharing mutual interests, maybe?

A few months ago we switched to satellite TV. The guy who installed it was one of those rare guys I considered a hottie. As he left our house I uttered almost under my breath, "What a hottie. Mmmm...mmmm....mmmm!". The wife just laughed and said, "Yes, he sure was nice". I think she thought he was a hottie, too, but just didn't want to say it up front. I think she enjoyed that we both appreciated his good looks and manner.

Same with me wearing girlie underwear on occasion. She actually made me 3 pair of pink and white flowered undies just like she wears. She seemed pretty enthusiastic about it. I came to the conclusion she just liked having us enjoy the same sort of things.

Maybe because we don't have many common interests aside from those two?