
All Blog Entries

  1. Other Brothers - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Within a neighborhood, you often got the impression that stuff like this only happened where you lived... but I found that it wasn't as true as I had thought; it seemed like with all the male friends I had outside of my 'hood, if they had a brother, they were having sex with each other, not every now and then, but every chance they had to do it.

    I got to do it to a lot of guys who didn't have brothers; those were the guys who'd get around to asking, "Hey, have you ever done it with a boy?" and because they wanted to do it... but didn't have a brother. One guy was pretty upset being an only child; he had told me that he was jealous of the other guys in the area who had brothers and they were doing it to each other and, oddly, those guys never included him... because he didn't have a brother.

    Guys would often get busted in the act... and the promised punishments were ghastly - also as promised. But knowing about those guys who got busted also taught me something and kinda proved my "theory" that parents knew their sons would have sex with each other but if they caught them, well, only then would the punishments rain down on them. So while some guys got busted and punished, it still didn't stop what they were doing, whether it was with a brother or another guy.

    We call it experimenting, even think of it as a phase and one that a guy is expected to grow out of... but the truth is very different. I was sitting at yet another friend's house with his younger brother and we were talking and the friend wanted to know if it was true that this guy we both knew and his brother were doing it to each other all of the time. I didn't rat them out with the kid brother sitting there; kid brothers were - and probably still are - notorious for tattling, right? But my friend said that he would never do it to his brother... but what he didn't see (because he was looking at me) was the disappointed look on his brother's face... and what he didn't know what that almost everyone was doing it to his little brother - except him.

    Not saying that he should have been (and like the rest of us with brothers were doing) but I wondered why he didn't know that his little brother wanted big brother's dick. I looked at the little brother with a look that asked, "How come you haven't asked him?" The younger brother understood the look and just shrugged but, yeah, he was not happy that his big brother didn't want to do it to him... and all while big brother was ranting and raving about how nasty and wrong it was to do it to you own brother.

    Then it got interesting.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Other Brothers - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Bold. Brazen. Totally and utterly shameless. Just the way it was... and made better by the sure and certain fact that it shouldn't be happening or so we were all told; it made me wonder how adults could say this when I knew for a fact that it was happening and maybe more than they knew it was.

    Or maybe they did know... and just chose to ignore it? I didn't know for sure but I suspected as much given how many times a parent would come knocking on a bedroom door or just barging in hoping to catch us in the act but when they didn't, they'd have this look on their face that told me that they knew... but what you suspected was one thing and what you could prove was something else.

    There was a new guy to our little gang of horny fuckers and he dove right on in after telling us that he'd been doing it with boys for a while and was glad that, after moving to our neighborhood, he'd found that we were into doing it to each other. But he had a secret that he shared with me one day and I don't remember how we got to talking about it but he had said that he was afraid that none of us were gonna like him.

    "Why not? You're pretty cool!" I said.

    "Um, because, um, I've been doing it to my brother," he blurted out and he looked like I was going to cuss him out or something.

    "Oh. We do it to our brothers, too," I said like it was no big deal - and because it wasn't. The next time we all got together, he brought his brother with him and delighted us all by pouncing on his very happy brother and we watched them screw each other silly before it all broke down and we were all doing it.

    The new guy was so relieved to know that he wasn't going to be treated as an outsider because he was doing the nasty with his brother.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Other Brothers - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Back in the day, I wasn't the only guy who got "caught up" in having sex with his brother; most of the guys I hung out with had brothers, both older and younger, who also were very much into it. I wasn't the first in our horny band of brothers - quite a few had started out that way and there were many times when I'd get to watch two brothers getting it on.

    To some, this is just plain wrong; there are too many other guys out there if that's what you wanted to do... but what seeing all those other brothers slaking their lust upon each other taught me something very important: Everyone was fair game... well, as long as all parties were agreeable and they obviously were.

    Sitting at a friend's house and waiting for his older brother to come back from wherever he was; my friend's parents were leaving and told him to stay put until his brother came back in a few minutes and once he did, he could go out to play. Sure enough, his brother's coming in as their parents are leaving and I'm thinking it's about time; we both wanted to hit the streets early enough to collect bottles and turn them in for five cents so that we could go swimming later; the competition for bottles was pretty cutthroat, too.

    His brother speaks to me, I speak back; he then looks at his brother and says, "You know the deal, right?"

    His brother - my friend - lit up like a Christmas tree and before I could even wonder why, his brother pulls out his dick - a monster compared to us younger guys - and says, "I've been waiting for them to leave for a while!"

    "Me, too!" my friend says... and literally leaps on his big bro's huge boner! My friend is blowing the shit out of his brother, who turns, looks at me, smiles and says, "He's really good at this, ain't he?"

    All I can do is nod; of course I know how good he is because he's sucked my dick.

    "Taught him everything he knows," the older brother says and with pride. Then they both forgot that I was sitting there and I got to watch my friend get fucked by his older brother... and he was having what was obviously a good time with that huge dick in his ass.

    The thing that got me was that I didn't think it was unusual... because it wasn't. I did get... miffed because I didn't get to play with that really big dick, though.

    I'd spend the night with a guy with brothers... and as soon as the lights went out, the dicks came out and, sure, I'd be all up in the fun and it was something I saw so much of growing up that it was all pretty normal and so much that any brothers who weren't doing it to each other were thought to be weird.

    Another friend and one with three older brothers - all teens so to me, they were older than dirt. His parents were... someplace and when I came to see if he was coming out, he said he was but he had something to do first and I just said okay. I followed him to the kitchen where his three brothers were sitting and drinking coffee; he cleared his throat to get their attention and I think he's gonna tell them that he was going out... but he says, "Who wants to do it to me?"

    Those three guys looked at each other, grinned and, boy, did they get undressed in a hurry! My friend grabbed one brother by the dick, grinning at me like he was crazy, and said, "Come on - you gotta see this!" Once upstairs and in the room the four of them shared, for me to say "it was on" was an understatement; clearly, these four were no strangers to this and I was once again the odd man out as the four of them went at each other like they were starving. I did get to suck the dick of the oldest brother and I was miffed because there wasn't any time for me to suck the other three dicks.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Moments of Clarity - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Later that day, we were kinda hanging out when he asked me if I ever felt like what we were doing - and had been doing for a lot of years now - was wrong. I told him about what I had felt earlier that morning and was kinda surprised to learn that he had been feeling the same way.

    "Should we stop?" I asked him.

    "Do you wanna stop?" he asked me.

    "Not if you don't want to," I said.

    "I don't want to," he said. "This shit is too good to stop, ya know what I mean?"

    I did know - problem solved. We eventually went our own way, me to find my friends, him to figure out what kind of trouble him and his boys could get into. My thoughts were occupied with that thought; it wasn't bothering me but I was thinking about what it had said to me and, yeah, it was right... but I still didn't care about that. He's my brother, my "enemy," and my lover and it just didn't get any stranger than that. I remember him telling me one day - after I beat him to a pulp in a fight he started - that he hated me so much it wasn't funny and in the same sentence and breath asked me if I wanted to do it later.

    Which I did... and we did... and it was glorious... but it always was... but it wasn't supposed to be. Fuck it; if he didn't care, I wasn't going to care either. I would still have those moments of clarity but I fully ignored them because they didn't really matter but this strange bond I had with my brother did. He loved having sex with me as much as I did with him and our other differences really didn't matter, either.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Moments of Clarity - Part V

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]Once back in the room, I found him lying on his bed, his dick already hard and I didn't give anything a second thought; I climbed into his bed and took his freshly washed cock into my mouth and took my time sucking on him until he coated my tongue with his spunk; feeling his dick jerking and spitting into my mouth never got old... but that strange thought and feeling was conspicuous by its absence - it just wasn't there.

    I let go of him and reluctantly so, the clock running in my head telling me that we were pushing things too close and we need to hurry. I looked at him and could see he was thinking the same thing; I laid back right where I was and he pounced on my dick and started sucking me like the devil was chasing him and I had the sense of having to hang on tightly so as to not fall off the bed. I'm lost in the feelings; he knows where all the good spots are on my cock and he knows what I like as I opened my eyes just enough to see him swallow every inch of my bigger and fatter dick (compared to his) and like my dick wasn't big at all.

    And that feeling/thought hit me again: Wrong, nasty, sinful and other ugly things I didn't have words for - and it was gone again, replaced by the white noise and delicious feeling of me cumming in his mouth. I looked down and saw him looking up at me as he swallowed my load and I thought that here's a guy that, normally, I'd rather punch him in the face... and he's sucking my dick anyway. What a strange relationship we had!

    I climb back into my own bed, feeling very satisfied; we'd had a lot of sex in a relatively short period of time and, importantly, we didn't get caught. That moment of very clear thinking had faded into the background but still giving me shit about being such a nasty motherfucker and all that and as I dropped off to sleep, I said to myself, "Go away and leave me alone; I like doing it to him and like him doing it to me and there's nothing you can do about it so shut up..."[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Moments of Clarity - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"You okay?" I asked him and just as I always did as I lay atop him and we both basked in the moment.

    "Yeah," he whispered. "Do we have time to do it again?"

    I looked at my clock on the little shelf above my bed; it's one in the morning and I told him that maybe we did; should we risk it? I pulled out of him and sat next to him as we both contemplated part three - how to get to the bathroom to get "degreased" and cleaned up without waking anyone up. He went first and while I waited for him, I thought about that nasty-assed feeling and thought that popped into my head. It was still there, telling me how fucked up we both were for what we'd just finished doing. I reached into my mind and grabbed the moment of that thought and looked at it - don't ask me how I did this, okay? I saw it and it was, indeed, a moment of absolute clarity in that I knew what we were doing to each other, knew exactly how wrong it was being both boys and brothers and it make me feel sick to my stomach...

    Then I somehow ignored it. That "voice" in my head was right, of course... just a question of whether or not I really agreed with it... and I didn't. I took my turn in the bathroom and my thoughts battled inside my head and what I really wanted to know is why now? Why would this pop into my head now... and when this wasn't the first time we'd did it to each other? It never showed up before with any other guy! I knew there had to be an answer, just as I knew I had to find it... and I would find it... but, first, it was about going back to our room and deciding if we did, in fact, have enough time to make each other cum again.

    And for me to see if this moment of clarity would return again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Moments of Clarity - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The whole time he fucked me, my cock laid soft and dormant but as we changed places with each other, I was painfully hard as I slathered us both up and mounted him, poking my boner between his cheeks and right straight into his butt. I sighed and he said, "Damn... that motherfucker feels good..."

    The clock is running in my head; I do not want to get caught again but I'm not really in a hurry - you get it, don't you? I rearranged myself so that I could watch my dick going in and out of him and to take my greater weight off of him as well... and the sight of my dick going in and out of my brother's hiney never failed to put things into perspective; nasty, forbidden and morally wrong... and then that moment of clarity slammed into me as a voice inside my head said, "You know you're wrong for doing this..."

    I blinked - where is this shit coming from? - but just like when he sucked me off, the thought passed quickly and was replaced with that crazy feeling of my dick getting longer and thicker in his ass... then that first shot of sperm went into him and the world went hazily white; god, this felt so fucking good... it always felt so fucking good... but that thought was still there and trying to bother me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Moments of Clarity - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He's grinning at me and despite that ugly thought stuck in my head, I'm grinning back at him; he's so good at sucking my dick but now it's on to part two of our routine. I reach down between my bed and the wall and grab the jar of Vaseline I kept there just for these moments and hand it to him, feeling the anticipation growing inside me as he slathered his dick and my hole with cool stickiness.

    He mounted me and slid right into me; none of that hunting around for my hole because he knew where it was. He groaned, I sighed and thought how familiar he felt inside me and reminding me that out of all the guys who had ever fucked me, he was still my all-time favorite. He starts to move inside me and it's delicious; I learned not to get a bad case of the giggles to hear that somewhat obscene sound his greasy dick made in my greasy butt and just focus on how good it felt.

    We both knew we could get busted at any time; shit, we'd already had that experience and it wasn't fun at all. Still, he took his time... while not taking his time, if that makes sense and I settled into being in that moment, feeling his hot, sweaty body atop mine, his dick sliding in and out of my ass - did it get any better than this?

    Yes, it does. After what seemed like hours, I felt his dick swell in my butt as he fucked me faster and deeper; I heard him gasp but not before I felt his sperm shooting into me, his dick twitching like crazy inside me and the happy moan escaped my lips all by itself followed by a few quiets noises that weren't exactly a language that could be understood.

    He withdrew and, as always, I felt... empty and somewhat disappointed... but happy at the same time; I could feel his spunk starting to ooze out of me and that always felt weird but good to me.

    "My turn," he whispered.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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