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  1. Being submissive, when and how did you know??

    [B][I][SIZE=4][COLOR=#0000cd]for me it all started one night.. I met a guy late at night or should I say early morning.. I fallowed him into a vacant parking lot.. there he almost instantaneously starts ripping my clothes off.. very quickly I am naked and he pushed me to my knees.. grabs my hair and puts his cock in my mouth.. face fucks me till he is very hard.. then pushes me bent over the hood of his car.. spreading my legs and dumped about a half a bottle of lube in my ass crack then forced most of the rest of the bottle inside me.. I was scared and confused.. he then smacked my ass really hard and grabbed my hair.. lined him self up and drove in balls deep in one thrust.. I lost my breath, my knees went weak, my toes curled up and my mind was a blur.. he pulled my hair to drive deeper.. spanked me a lot.. and fucked me aggressively for about an hour.. he blew two huge loads deep in my pussy.. I was a mix of emotions.. thinking that this must be what getting raped was and thinking I never wanted him to stop.. after he blew his second and final load he put his hands around my throat and held me there till he got soft and fell out.. he left me there with lube and his seed running down my legs totally naked my clothes were in shreds.. I used my shirt to clean my self up a little.. then drove home naked and leaking all the way.. after my shower I was a bit sore but felt amazing.. I was so horny and wanted more.. this experience was the first time I had ever been treated that way.. I wanted and needed to experience that again.. to be man handled and used.. to just give in and surrender my pussy up to pleasure my guy.. it started me down the path I now walk as a submissive bottom.. so when and how did you come to be a submissive bottom?? How did dose it make you feel to give in and give up your pussy??[/COLOR][/SIZE][/I][/B]
  2. The perfect hookup, Where are you.

    [SIZE=2][SIZE=3][/SIZE][/SIZE] I'd like to find the same thing. Your looking for someone to have sex with on a regular basis but if you had to call it off, no hard feelings. Right? From my experience its' going to be just dumb luck to find the right guy. I met a guy a while ago and it was just luck that brought us together. The bars had just closed and I was walking down the street to see fire trucks in front of the adult book store that was fully engulfed. As I stood watching the activity another guy was watching it and we just started talking. The fire was almost out and my new friend asked me if I'd like to come up to his apartment for a drink. It happened to be across the street from the abs. We went up and he told me the booze was in the kitchen. As I was making my drink he got kind of close as if he was trying to see if I liked guys. We went in the living room sat down an talked for a while. Just the typical get to know you kind of stuff. He then got up to make himself another drink and on his way back to his chair as he passed in front of me I stopped him reached under his robe and pulled out his semi erect cock and put it in my mouth. I sucked on it for a few strokes, stopped looked up at him and said "Is this what you were trying to find out?" He nodded and I went back at it till he came in my mouth which I swallowed down. We spent the rest of the weekend having sex and it was great. We met up on a pretty regular basis for about a year till he switched jobs and moved away. I will say I certainly miss that time I had with Bill. So you see it's all about luck and being at the right place at the right time. Good luck.
  3. My Old Job

    [COLOR=#000000][FONT=-apple-system] Whooh boy, I debated on whether or not share this, but if I'm going to make friends, best share some things I guess. [/FONT][/COLOR][COLOR=#000000][FONT=-apple-system]I was going to school at USC in 95, and at 21 in great shape I started going out to gay bars in secret from my roommates and friends, I wasn't ready to come out due to fear that I'm sure we're all more than familiar with. I'd hook up with a guy from time to time, always played it safe as a bottom, aside from going to a stranger's place.

    One night I met a nice older guy, we hit it off, went back to his place, ended up staying the rest of the weekend with him, soon enough we were seeing each other on a regular basis. He worked for a small production company that made adult movies. After about a month together, he must have gotten tired of hearing me bitch about being a broke college student, he talked me into auditioning for a part. I agreed after a few drinks to ride to his office in a strip mall in the valley.

    The place was sketchy as hell outside, but it was where my new boyfriend worked, and it was a decent set up once you got inside. Cubicles, offices, break rooms, edit bay, decent and nice people just working, adorned with posters of some of the most 90's looking porn movie cover posters you could imagine. My BF hands me a stack of forms to fill out, and takes me to his office, when I'm done, he leaves, comes back with his boss and another guy with some camera equipment adorned with a big bright light. I'm ready to bounce at this point. My BF asks if I'm sure I'm ready, I lie and say I am(I REALLY liked this guy). His boss and I chat, he tells me what's going to happen and to go ahead and disrobe, and get hard so I undress, and am almost immediately hard for some reason. The camera guy takes some still shots. Standing there naked in front of strangers and a camera was so scary, yet amazing at the same time, I've never been able to find the words to describe it. Since I'm dating my BF, and he works there no other talent is in the room, I ended up being talent in auditions later on. My BF comes over and kisses me, I can tell he's already hard, we get to business pretty quickly, I'm blowing him while his boss is watching with zero expression. We had sex on the floor in a few different positions, my BF finishes, starts getting dressed, his boss smiles and asks if I'm available the following Tuesday at 9am.

    My first scene I did was a solo one, I hated solo scenes, sounds like the easiest 150.00 but they're not, it's you tugging at your dick while 3 other people in the room are working, with one yelling at you to x,y &z, but make it look sexy, repeat at least 2 more times in under an hour. My next few were just guy guy scenes with cheesy subplots, one involved a hot tub after a long day of rollerblading for fuck sake, my scene partner had a mullet too, but a wonderful cock. I was then in several multi partner scenes, usually 3 somes with me being spit roasted, the most was about 8 each taking their turns entering my 90's hairless ass, hairless as hell was the deal back then.

    These were bad low budget movies, most were only distributed on VHS if not all of them. Thankfully, I've only been recognized a handful of times, but it's been years since, and at least two of the times someone knew me, it ended up being a pretty good lay. My BF ended up leaving California 3 months later, I continued working there. I met a guy I ended up falling in love with, he was a fellow "actor" we moved in together and left the business after about a year.The production company got bought out. I made decent money, but it was actual work on set, multiple takes due to "missfires",waxing and shaving every last ounce of body hair, the cleaning and prep work for a scene, remaining hard while lighting is changed, sometimes you were in a scene with a guy who was too rough, too big, or just unprofessional, had just eaten Subway and you're making out, the amount of crew and extra people on set, the stress of waiting for your scheduled test results to come back, easily takes away from the sexiness of getting paid to get laid. But I had a lot of fun too, I got over being naked in front of strangers REAL quick and actually ended up preferring to remain nude as much as possible, it wasn't uncommon to assist with an audition at the office and go to the break room in the buff have a cup of coffee and a 5 minute conversation with Ray in payroll, plus the great sex.. soo many dicks!

    I'd be lying if I said I didn't sweat people finding out about my past, but the glut of so much online porn available lets me breath easy for the most part, 90's gay porn is very niche, I'm thankful that not too many people have seen my work and are uploading it to the internet or even the cover art. There have been times though, that I've thought of submitting to some of the online sights looking for talent, the pay is WAY better than it was when I was in the biz, but the risk of being found out is much higher.
    Someone IM’d me & suggested I blog this, if you’ve read this before, I apologize. I believe I’ll be sharing a few more.. so stay tuned.

  4. To Date or Not To Date

    As a society in general, the term date, along with dating has been so overused, there is no meaning to the word. Dictionaries can define the word, but those definitions are useless today, and have been useless for a long time.

    Recently, I joined a "traditional" dating site. I put the word traditional in quotes, because it is your standard dating for serious people looking for long term relationships, yada-yada. It is a paid site. My rational, and reason, being if someone is on the site, that woman is serious about actually meeting a man. Sad part, nothing for actual bisexual dating. Who says I don't want to date men? Just not romantically, which is why I put "traditional" in quotes.

    This is where I get into the concept of non-traditional dating. Hook ups, fuck buddies, and booty calls are not really relationships, and would in some sense not fall under the whole concept of dating.

    I spent the money for three months on the "traditional" site. After two weeks, only one response from a woman. I keep journals of sorts when I am dating. Thoughts, feelings, any information my future self might find pertinent. So far, things are the same as my past self wrote about. It is a numbers game. This is why I only gave myself three months. After that point, all the women I am interested in have been emailed, and no response means not interested. The women whom responded I have met personally or been stood up, and I have either entered into a relationship or I am still single. At three months the dating sites are not getting enough "new" women joining to be worth the effort to send an email.

    Women on the "traditional" dating site have their own ideas, and so I might not fall into what they want. I would say maybe one out of every three women I view conform to my concept of someone I might want to date. Given that I might fall into an even smaller percentage of a woman's concept of what she wants to date, the odds overall are slim for a response. As stated above, I only gave myself three months, because this is where the odds will nose dive into near nothing of getting a response.

    One of the things dating sites do is allow people to join for free. "Freeloaders" is the term I use for these people. Really insulting on dating sites where one pays, you can pay for "freeloaders" to contact you. WTF? Dating sites use freeloaders to pump up the numbers. Millions of people have joined our site. Really? How many are freeloaders? Dating sites won't tell you. Because paying people are dumb enough to pay, are they dumb enough to pay more? Maybe? Not me. Been there, done that.

    The only time I might pay for a "freeloader" to contact me is if I am on a non-traditional dating site. A hookup site. The concept that someone is not good enough to fuck because they are too cheap to pay is stupid. The person might be serious about sex, but not dating. Follow my thoughts for a moment.

    A person on a traditional site is not really serious if that person is not going to pay. If someone is joining a traditional dating site for free and counting on someone else paying, that person is fishing. Fishing for someone gullible and willing to spend money to meet someone. Which translates into spending money to woo and scrape and bow. Sucker.

    A person on a non-traditional site whom is not willing to pay might be serious about hooking up, that person is seeing how serious you are willing to hookup. People on hookup sites play different games.

    My thoughts at the time of joining a dating site was to join both a traditional site and non-traditional site to see what type of response I get. Paying for freeloaders on the non-traditional site as well. Reality set in, in the world of financial outlay. Granted the money per month is small, but all dating sites make you pay the three months up front for the savings. Now it gets expensive. Joining month to month is much more expensive when you are only giving yourself a certain time frame.

    If things do not work out for the traditional dating site within a certain length of time, I have already decided to join a non-traditional site. This time, I will join as a bisexual instead of just heterosexual.

    Thoughts and comments welcome, I do not come onto this site as often as I want, so I may not respond promptly.
  5. 32 straight


    32 yo straight guy that will be a repeat
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Images
  6. About Last Night - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He releases me and we're both lying there gasping like fish out of water - I needed this real bad and I'm thinking that I'm good to go now - just one last thing to take care of before I head back home.

    I gotta suck that dick again and I know his foreskin will save him from that crazy-assed sensitivity thing and as I move to get into position to eat his cock again, oh, boy, he looks scared and I almost laugh - he thought I was done with him and to be honest, I thought I was, too.

    He's asking me not to do this to him again, that he can't take it... but his cock is saying otherwise and I give him a silent nod of appreciation to feel him getting hard in my mouth. He's trying to resist but I felt it in his body the moment he gave up and submitted to getting sucked off a second time. My own dick is starting to stir again, something I find interesting but, okay, that's a good thing and it isn't long before I feel him tugging on me so he can get at my dick again.

    I'm still sensitive as fuck... but I manage to ignore it and I groan against his cock in my mouth as he starts sucking on me; I know it's gonna take a while before I can cum again and I'm actually hoping it's gonna take him a while, too, because his dick tastes so wonderful.

    My mind kinda shuts down; there's nothing but his cock in my mouth and mine in his and, to me, the next thing I know, he's blowing another load for me to swallow and I'm not too far behind him and it was all incredibly delicious and I hope he thinks so as well.

    We get untangled... and he's looking at me like I just tried to kill him; he manages to laugh a little and says, "I don't think I can do this a third time..."

    "That's fine," I said, sitting up and feeling the room spin a little as the blood starts flowing back to my brain again. "Thank you for this - you don't know how much I needed it.

    He just nods as I get out of the bed and go hunting for my clothes; I don't remember when I lost my shirt but it's here somewhere. I can feel him watching me getting dressed and I like that feeling. Before I head out, I thank him again and he says, "Maybe we can do this again some time?"

    "I'd like that," I said.

    "Maybe next time, um, we can - well, you wouldn't mind fucking me, would you?" he asked.

    "I don't mind if you don't," I said.

    "It's kinda my thing," he says while blushing a really cute shade of red.

    "Hmm; you shoulda told me that before now," I said with a smile. Truthfully, I'm not that much of a fan of fucking guys these days but for him, yeah, I'll make an exception. On the way back home, I'm thinking that in a couple of days, I'll get a message from him. I'll go to him, suck his balls dry, then empty my balls in his ass and I think this just might be a little more than a one-night fling for either of us.

    We'll see...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. About Last Night - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Fine. Whatever. I follow him to the bedroom and he lies down... and I invert myself and put my dick right in his face; he got the hint and started sucking me and I went back to work on him, letting my lust carry me away while pushing him closer to the edge so I can shove him right over the side.

    He doesn't want to cum; I can feel how tense he is and he's losing focus - he's not sucking me as vigorously as he was just a moment ago but that's fine; I like the way he tastes and really start to give him the business so he can lose his battle to hold onto his sperm for as long as he can.

    He's moaning, groaning, fucking into my mouth and I use a finger to tickle his back door and - voila! Maybe he'd been saving that nut up for a moment like this or something but his cock swells just a tiny bit before he unleashes a whole of lot of spunk into my mouth and I take it as if I was starving... and that ain't too far from the truth, to be honest. He finally stops pumping sperm into my mouth and begins to soften; my hunger for cock has been fed and part of me doesn't give a fuck if he finishes sucking me off or not.

    But he goes back down on me; I can feel his body still trembling from his release and he's doing his best to eat as much of my dick as he can manage. Usually, I'm very considerate when getting my dick sucked; I might fuck into the guy's mouth but not aggressively so; I've had more than my share of moments of guys gagging and throwing up on me. I usually don't even put my hands on the guy's head and "urge" him to keep right on sucking - he knows how to suck a dick and doesn't need my help.

    Not tonight, though. I'm holding his head gently but firmly and thrusting into his mouth and just deep enough to watch his cheeks puff out; I'm not even talking to him which is kinda unusual for me but sometimes, eh, I just don't have anything to say as I watch him suck my dick. He's struggling and a part of me feels sorry for him... but I need to cum and tell him that I'm getting really close.

    Yeah... not that much of an asshole that I won't warn a guy about that.

    I'm sliding the head of my dick in and out of his mouth and it feels really good and I say something like, "Here it comes...;" my dick swells up and he grunts and his cheeks puff out as I shoot into his mouth and, god, do I love busting a nut in someone's mouth; it's so intense it's almost painful and I'm barely aware of how hard he's breathing - or trying to breathe - as I empty my balls into his mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. About Last Night - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I needed to suck some dick so I opened my A4A app, knowing that all I had to do was just wait for a few minutes and some guy will hit me with a smile or a "what's up" and sure enough, a guy less than a mile from me smiled and even sent me a note that was a whole sentence, asking me what I was interested in.

    I told him I wanted to suck and be sucked and I could be where he was in less than five minutes if he was good with that - and he was. Abnormal for me, I didn't want to get into a long, drawn out conversation and didn't even bother to ask the usual questions, i.e., cock size (which I don't care about) cut or uncut, swallow or not - I'm not sure what he was thinking but I had a great urge to make him call his momma to save him.

    I got there and we spent a couple of get to know you moments and I was unusual impatient - but I guess he could sense it as he stepped out of his shorts (he'd been going commando, I guess) and revealing a nice, uncut cock. Now, I've always had a thing about uncut dicks but I'm a big boy now and, ugly or not, that dick was getting sucked. I stepped out of my shorts and underwear and I'm already hard just thinking about what he's gonna taste like. He sat on the sofa and waved me over to stand before him while he examined my junk which I understood but, um, I was wishing he'd lay back so I could feast on his dick!

    He's telling me how much he loves Black cock and I've heard it all before and my impatience gets the best of me; I give him a gentle shove onto his side, then get between his legs, settle in, peel that foreskin back, and feed on his dick. I'm not getting started good and he's calling on God and Jesus; he feels good in my mouth and I take him deep over and over before giving him a small break and do some work on his nuts which are already tight against his body.

    He's not gonna last much longer and maybe he knows that I know this because he suggests we get in his bed to finish things.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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