
All Blog Entries

  1. About Last Night - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Fine. Whatever. I follow him to the bedroom and he lies down... and I invert myself and put my dick right in his face; he got the hint and started sucking me and I went back to work on him, letting my lust carry me away while pushing him closer to the edge so I can shove him right over the side.

    He doesn't want to cum; I can feel how tense he is and he's losing focus - he's not sucking me as vigorously as he was just a moment ago but that's fine; I like the way he tastes and really start to give him the business so he can lose his battle to hold onto his sperm for as long as he can.

    He's moaning, groaning, fucking into my mouth and I use a finger to tickle his back door and - voila! Maybe he'd been saving that nut up for a moment like this or something but his cock swells just a tiny bit before he unleashes a whole of lot of spunk into my mouth and I take it as if I was starving... and that ain't too far from the truth, to be honest. He finally stops pumping sperm into my mouth and begins to soften; my hunger for cock has been fed and part of me doesn't give a fuck if he finishes sucking me off or not.

    But he goes back down on me; I can feel his body still trembling from his release and he's doing his best to eat as much of my dick as he can manage. Usually, I'm very considerate when getting my dick sucked; I might fuck into the guy's mouth but not aggressively so; I've had more than my share of moments of guys gagging and throwing up on me. I usually don't even put my hands on the guy's head and "urge" him to keep right on sucking - he knows how to suck a dick and doesn't need my help.

    Not tonight, though. I'm holding his head gently but firmly and thrusting into his mouth and just deep enough to watch his cheeks puff out; I'm not even talking to him which is kinda unusual for me but sometimes, eh, I just don't have anything to say as I watch him suck my dick. He's struggling and a part of me feels sorry for him... but I need to cum and tell him that I'm getting really close.

    Yeah... not that much of an asshole that I won't warn a guy about that.

    I'm sliding the head of my dick in and out of his mouth and it feels really good and I say something like, "Here it comes...;" my dick swells up and he grunts and his cheeks puff out as I shoot into his mouth and, god, do I love busting a nut in someone's mouth; it's so intense it's almost painful and I'm barely aware of how hard he's breathing - or trying to breathe - as I empty my balls into his mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. About Last Night - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I needed to suck some dick so I opened my A4A app, knowing that all I had to do was just wait for a few minutes and some guy will hit me with a smile or a "what's up" and sure enough, a guy less than a mile from me smiled and even sent me a note that was a whole sentence, asking me what I was interested in.

    I told him I wanted to suck and be sucked and I could be where he was in less than five minutes if he was good with that - and he was. Abnormal for me, I didn't want to get into a long, drawn out conversation and didn't even bother to ask the usual questions, i.e., cock size (which I don't care about) cut or uncut, swallow or not - I'm not sure what he was thinking but I had a great urge to make him call his momma to save him.

    I got there and we spent a couple of get to know you moments and I was unusual impatient - but I guess he could sense it as he stepped out of his shorts (he'd been going commando, I guess) and revealing a nice, uncut cock. Now, I've always had a thing about uncut dicks but I'm a big boy now and, ugly or not, that dick was getting sucked. I stepped out of my shorts and underwear and I'm already hard just thinking about what he's gonna taste like. He sat on the sofa and waved me over to stand before him while he examined my junk which I understood but, um, I was wishing he'd lay back so I could feast on his dick!

    He's telling me how much he loves Black cock and I've heard it all before and my impatience gets the best of me; I give him a gentle shove onto his side, then get between his legs, settle in, peel that foreskin back, and feed on his dick. I'm not getting started good and he's calling on God and Jesus; he feels good in my mouth and I take him deep over and over before giving him a small break and do some work on his nuts which are already tight against his body.

    He's not gonna last much longer and maybe he knows that I know this because he suggests we get in his bed to finish things.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. I want to be him pics

  4. The Numbers Game - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]What I've wondered is whether or not this is just a learned behavior and even when someone doesn't have that much experience in things M2M, we just assume that younger or older is either better or worse and by some default. Yeah, younger guys can be a pain in the ass (and beyond the literal sense) and older guys can just be too set in their ways... but you find younger guys with an "old guy" mindset and older guys who are more fickle and all over the place than younger guys can be and, as such, appearing to lack maturity.

    I learned, through all of this, to keep it simple: The guy has to be legally old enough to consent to sex, be clean and healthy and not my idea of an asshole; not too many guys meet that last requirement and some of them fail to meet it because they have some uncool thoughts about someone my age... and they don't really know why they do and more so with those guys who've never had an experience with someone "old enough to be their daddy."

    It's not to say that some guys have had bad experiences with someone much older than they are... they have; but perhaps they assume that one bad experience with a much older guy means that any future experiences will be just as bad... and that doesn't make a lot of sense [B]if [/B]you really understand what's going on and how a lot of this is situational or conditional; whatever happened took place at that time, in that place, with this person... and tomorrow is another day and you could do it with that guy again... and things can be very different... but few are willing to "take that chance;" it was bad before, it's always gonna be bad and gets worse when while they're looking for a dick to play with, a lot of the dicks available are of an age that, if nothing else, stirs up bad memories.

    Not saying that some of us have good reason to discriminate because of age; I just know that some of us do it and don't even know why they're doing it; it's their preference and that's all to be said about it and it's non-negotiable and it's such a stance that could be responsible for a lot of men not having the sex they crave in this or being able to find that one guy who can be as much of a steady partner as possible.

    Just my two cents on this numbers game thing.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. The Numbers Game - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It's one thing to be able to sit back and watch this game being played... another thing to find yourself subjected to it and getting kicked to the curb or otherwise ignored and simply because you're too old or too young, depending on who you were talking to... or trying to talk to. Before the Internet and the WWW, you'd just somehow manage to run into a guy who wanted to do something and find out in that moment that you were too old/young for them... but the apps and websites make it all too easy to find out how old a guy is - or isn't - and even if some guys try to beat the odds and lie about their age and, as such, the greater the chance for one to be subjected to this ongoing age discrimination.

    Even here on this site, there are hundreds of posts about preferring younger guys over older guys (and the other way around) and that, all by itself, is proof of the ongoing age discrimination that's being covered up under being one's preference... but the devil is always in the details and even guys here will let you know why they prefer younger over older or older over younger. I have a friend who I've been mentoring in the ways of dick and even he admits that he prefers guys my age over guys his age and younger, citing both maturity and greater life experiences as the reason why he wouldn't be eager to jump into bed with, say, a 20-something and someone, according to him, lacks maturity and experience.

    And we just assume this, don't we? Old guys like me are way over the hill; can't get it up, can't last all night long, and other such stuff; younger guys are just clueless, inexperienced, immature and guys our own age, well, we have a lot in common with each other in some aspects but, nah, give us someone either older or "way younger" - but not below legal requirements - and that's the ticket.

    Those men who have that age preference often has me asking a question: Do you know how much sex you're missing out on by playing the numbers game? Don't get me wrong: I understand the whole "gotta have a connection" thing many of us insist upon just as I understand the whole preference thing... but for those guys looking for a FWB, a younger or older guy just might be the guy you can start something with and even keep it going for a while - and provided that there aren't other things such men have going on in their lives - ya still gotta take care of the business of maintaining your life and all that.

    I get dissed by young guys... and I just laugh at them; I've gotten more sex by accident than they have on purpose and chances are I've forgotten more about sex than they've ever learned but for many, nah, disqualified because of my age. It seems to me that we - generally - want the kind of guy who is either very willing and eager to learn the ropes or someone who's been there, done that, and with closets full of T-shirts because while shit like stamina are of interest, it's the older guy's experience that, more often than not, comes to the front and can make sex or even establishing a FWB, theoretically, more preferable.

    Realistically, that's not the case - and it's never been the case... and you just gotta ask if this ongoing age discrimination really makes sense and the sad part is that for many, many men, it does make sense... when it probably shouldn't.[/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. The Numbers Game - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Did a lot of reading about the history of gay sex - well, as much as was available - and it was plain to see that as far back as the infamous Greek and Roman times, younger boys who weren't officially men in those cultures were fair game for older men and that simple premise confirmed a lot of what I'd been seeing; young guys looking to older guys for sex and pleasure and even to be educated, older guys not to proud or ashamed to unlimber their cock and use it on a "clueless" youngster - but ask them why they weren't doing it with guys their own age and many really couldn't answer in a way that made sense.

    It seemed that the older I got, the less sex I was having with guys who were my age, plus/minus a year or two; I'd find myself fending off those between the ages of 13 and 16 and, not all that often, guys old enough to be my father or grandfather. I learned from those much older guys that they either had a taste for young meat... or they avoided it because, to them, it was like having sex with someone who could be the same age as one of their children while a lot of younger guys - and read this as guys my age at the time (I think I was like 28 or so) would pass on older guys because, for some reason, it made them think of having sex with their father and it was just too weird for them.

    By the time I was approaching 40, I was attracting younger guys like flies to shit... but guys ten years or so older avoided me like that plague; some would want to get with me but, eh, I wasn't really their "type" so much but the overall message was that sex is for the young and once a guy got into his late 30s/early 40s, he was over the hill and men 50 and above were just pretty much dead and buried.

    I vividly recall talking to a guy on A4A who was two years older than I was... and he told me I was too young for him; I'd get messages from guys in their 60s who'd tell me I was a nice guy and all that but we couldn't do anything because I was too old for them.

    This numbers game has been with us since forever. I have always heard why older guys like/can't stand younger guys; younger guys are "young, dumb, and full of cum," can get it up quite a few times before they can't get it up anymore... or should be avoided because they lack maturity as well as lacking some real or imagined life experience. Younger guys would want to be "taught" about this - and who better to teach them than an older guy who's been there and around the block and way before the young guy was even born?

    But, at the same time, some young guys had "daddy issues;" getting busy with someone who was old enough to be their daddy was just too much like committing incest which, on the surface, doesn't make sense because, duh, they weren't related to the guy in any way, right? But it was the perception more than a matter of fact for a lot of younger guys.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. The Numbers Game - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]When I was young and all too eager to deal with a dick - any dick - a lot of "way older guys" would manage to find me and give me their cock to play with while action among my peers was kinda consistent and even at that age, it didn't take being a genius to figure out that older guys were more than happy to "take advantage" of someone they assumed didn't know any better.

    Growing into a teen, a lot of the action with my peer group seemed to taper off... but stuff with older guys picked up and I personally thought it was funny listening to an older guy trying to seduce or otherwise trick me into doing something with him - but, again, I reasoned that they were letting my age fool them into thinking I didn't know what the deal was. Trying to get some dick from someone your own age wasn't impossible - it just stopped being easy (in that sense) but by the time I was like 16, I noticed that guys who were like 10, 11, and even 12 wanted to find out from me what dick was like - and on top of those guys who were 20 and up.

    You get subjected to this numbers game and it's subtle; maybe you notice what's really going on, maybe you don't. I noticed it and I started trying to figure out why it was happening the way it was, like how I'd spent a couple of years working for an older man, cutting grass, helping to fix things around his home, etc., and one day I was on my knees sucking his cock, not just because he had finally gotten around to asking but because I wanted to. In talking with him a little while later, he confessed to being bisexual and that he had a "thing" for younger guys (but not too young). Our conversations really shed a light on this younger/older thing that I'd been aware of for a while... but more study was needed.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Since opening our marriage

    I am the 1st to admit that being with my wife for over 30 years we know each other like a rerun tv show. She as well as I would be pissed as hell if either of us would have thought of cheating. Time changes everything as we now share our bed often with others from both sexes.

    I get so aroused knowing my wife still has what it takes to make a man want to fuck her. In our late 50s we still have our youthful bodies that enjoy all aspects of sex. Jealously never comes into play anymore, our like minded friends are as we are, just aging horned up people who enjoy the bi lifestyle.

    We have 7 individuals who we play with on a regular basis, 4 men and 3 women. My buddies that bed her are very clean, safe and always pleases her as well as her friends please me often. Years ago since our kids moved out we designated a room for our play room. King size bed, all the toys, lube, and most importantly a separate shower. That is where we play, we have never taken anyone to our personal bed.

    All that being said I love seeing her getting her cock fix, she loves oral as I do and is not shy about swallowing all of it. She absolutely loves our 3somes with my buddy. My ultimate favorite is 69ing her his cock buried deep in her as I lick her pussy and his balls as he thrusts his 8 inch cock into her honey hole and when he cums it drips onto my face which she helps me clean up. We have sex parties every couple of months which have to be carefully planned because we need to make sure our kids don’t unexpectedly show up. Yep all said we are having the greatest time of our lives.
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