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  1. Bored

    Hello there is there any horny males or transgenders that want to talk
  2. NEW MEMBERS - Introduce Yourselves Here!

    Hey everyone im new im from the city
    Of Angeles

    [QUOTE=Drew;228636][SIZE=4][COLOR=#800000]Welcome New Members!!

    [SIZE=3]We don't allow members to post personal ads in the forums, but it is natural to say "Hi!" and introduce yourself to existing site members and for them to welcome you as well. So this thread is the place to do so![/SIZE][/COLOR][/SIZE][COLOR=#800000]

    [SIZE=3]Our chatrooms, forums and Private Messaging systems are very popular, so you will no doubt make new online friends here - many of our members have been online friends for many years.

    And if your goal is to meet people in your part of the world in person then be sure to create, craft and refine over time a quality Personal Ad - it will appear to other members from your part of the world on the homepage and elsewhere on the site.


    - Drew[/SIZE][/COLOR][/QUOTE]
  3. Get Down on It - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My legs were wobbly and my butt hole really felt weird; his stuff was running down my leg and all that Vaseline had my butt feeling very squishy and messy.

    He got himself together fast enough to run a finger into my crack and I looked at him - was he gonna do it to me again?

    ”Good, there’s no blood,” he said with a sigh. “You’re not hurt, are you?”

    ”Nope!” I said; if anything, I was giddy and very happy.

    ”Let’s get you cleaned up,” he said.

    Five minutes later I was back outside, a crisp $10 burning a hole in my pocket. And I had an new trick to show my friends.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Get Down on It - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He got me where he wanted me and I could feel his thing pressing up against my hole; he said that in a moment, it was gonna go in and he’d take it easy because he didn’t want to hurt me and I said okay... or something like that.

    ”Okay, here goes,” he said and pushed upward and because he still had Vaseline on his hands, I slipped from his grip and sat right down on his dick. It was a strange feeling; it hurt but it kinda didn’t hurt and I felt full and like I needed to sit on the toilet. I realized that it was all the way in me and you would have thought I hit the lottery... if it existed then.

    I thought he going to ask me if I was okay but he didn’t when I started moving around on his thing - it was weird doing it like this and I really didn’t know what to do - I was used to lying down for this favor. But I must have been doing something right because he moaned in my ear really loud and I could feel his thing get big - then it started jumping around and I knew he was shooting his stuff in my butt.

    And there was a lot of it, too. He was trying to move in and out but I guess he decided to stay still and let me move around while his stuff was going in me. My butt was hurting something fierce and I moved to get out of his lap. As I moved, his thing came out with a popping sound and, for a moment, I feel some cool air somewhere I’d never felt air before and just before all the stuff he shot into me came right back out.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Get Down on It - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He put me down and had a big smile on his face as he asked, “You’re kinda young to be doing that, ain’t ya?”

    I just shrugged, my eyes fixed on his “gigantic” thing that had a clear drop of stuff I wanted to taste. He saw me staring and he laughed and just as I was about to go back to sucking on him, he stopped me and said, “That’s not the favor I really need.”

    By the sly look on his face, I knew what favor he really wanted - and it sent a chill through me. My excitement grew as he made a jar of Vaseline appear out of nowhere and smeared a huge glob of it between my butt cheeks; I almost fell down when his finger slid into my butt - it felt so good even though, yuck, my butt cheeks felt all sticky because of the stuff he put in there.

    ”Come sit on my lap,” he said, taking me by the hand and helping me climb onto his lap. “Now, I’m gonna put it in while you sit there, okay?”

    This was different but, okay, as long as he was gonna put it in me and do the nasty to me. Today, I know his dick was pretty average - about five inches or so and not all that thick - but for the 10 year old version of myself? It was beyond big![/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Get Down on It - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I remember the older man asking me if I’d do him a “favor” and knowing full well what that meant and I was oh, so eager to do a “favor” for him, my eyes already locked onto the bulge in his pants.

    He was hard and ready and so was I. As he pulled his pants and underwear down, I caught that musky whiff that was strangely sweet and sour but I forgot all about that funky smell seeing his dick standing up and awaiting that favor. He didn’t have to tell me to start; I just looked at him, he looked back at me, and I went after his dick, slurping it into my mouth and immediately letting my tongue fly all over the spongy head of it.

    He moaned - that told me he liked what I was doing as much as I liked doing it; really, who knew doing this was so much fun? Sure, I could get into big trouble but that hadn’t happened yet.

    He stopped me from sucking on his dick long enough to get me out of my shorts and underwear, exposing my ding ding which was standing up and out.

    ”You’ve got a big one,” he said with a smile before literally picking me up and holding me while he sucked on my ding ding, sending so many good feelings through me and until I got that really good feeling and shot my stuff into his mouth.

    I don’t think he was expecting that and I could see the surprised look on his face as I looked down at what he was doing to me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. A Surreal Moment - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I could see and feel his body preparing to receive my spunk... and then everything went straight to hell; my brain just shut down as I felt my cock swell inside the warm wetness of his mouth, heard him, for a moment, grunt as he felt it and my whole awareness was filled with the indescribable sensations of shooting my load and they were unusually intense. Some awareness returned; my cock is pumping away like crazy and I can feel his... loose tenseness (if that makes any damned sense) in his body as he swallowed all that I had to give - then I felt that good but kinda fucked up feeling of having all the "air" go out of me.

    He asked me if I usually shot that big of a load and I had no answer for him - but I did read the note my brain left for me and praised his cock sucking skills and honestly so - he was amazing and, I thought, should have more confidence in his abilities. He saw that I was happy and, so, he was happy... but his dick was still hard and required more attention, which I gave without hesitation... but I wondered, if only for a moment, if that jerk that lived inside my skull was going to fuck this up for me.

    Brain: Nah, my job is done and you've learned some stuff we'll talk about later so, for now, suck his cock again, entice him to supply more of that tasty sperm, and have fun doing it - I'm outta here!

    Me: Asshole.

    Brain: Careful! Ya better watch what you say to me - I just might make you want him to fuck you so you better act like you know and suck that dick!

    Me: (nothing to say about that)
  8. A Surreal Moment - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Brain: He's better at this than he said he was, isn't he?

    Me: Yeah, he's quite good.

    Brain: I've written a note to remind you to let him know how good he really is, okay?

    Me: Gotcha - he's really into this now.

    Brain: Yes... and we're taking notes, by the way.

    The guy is, indeed, very much into sucking me and I noticed that he'd sometimes go at me like he wanted me to cum now... then slow down and like he wasn't quite ready - and the look on his face appeared to me to be one of confusion.

    Me: He can't make up his mind if he wants me to cum now or later.

    Brain: Yes, I noticed that... but you know how it is; you want him to cum but you want to hold off making that happen, too.

    Me: I knew that.

    Brain: Did you really?

    Me: Fuck you!

    Brain: If only that were possible; now, pay attention because he's decided you should cum fairly soon...

    I'm watching myself being sucked and I can see how his whole body is reacting to this "sudden" change; he's sweating like it's 100 degrees in the air conditioned room; he's breathing like there's not enough oxygen in the air around us and with the way his body was against mine, I could feel his heart pounding away in his chest. I looked past his head, which was now moving faster and with more purpose, and saw that his cock was erect again and as I return to focusing on my cock in his mouth - and noting the difference in the color of our respective skin - I saw that his nipples were hard as well.

    Brain: He's very excited, as you can see.

    Me: I see that.

    The guy shuddered and I felt it go through his whole body.

    Brain: He just had an orgasm, if you were wondering what that was.

    Me: I felt it and recognized it well enough.

    Brain: You should; you had a couple of good ones while you were trying to suck the skin off of his cock.

    Me: Fuck you!

    Brain: (laughing)

    His pace slowed somewhat as his orgasm raced through him; I could see his cock twitching and wonder if he was going to ejaculate because this was feeling that good to him.

    Brain: He might; need I remind you how many times you ejaculated on yourself while doing the same thing?

    Me: Let's not and say you did.

    He didn't cum on him but my asshole of a brain decided to end this very surreal moment in time and uncorked the full power of the feelings the other guy was giving me. It was like I snapped back into myself and being overwhelmed by a lot of feelings all at once.

    "Shit, I'm gonna cum..." I said, gently placing a hand on his head and gently fucking into his mouth - well, not hard enough to give him any issues.

    He moans his understanding and, indeed, nodded.
    Inside My Bi Mind
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