
All Blog Entries

  1. One Day... - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I,was happy, sated and a nervous wreck on the inside as my post-ejaculatiom brain kept trying to make sense of what I’d experienced - and was failing miserably.

    He brought me an ice-filled glass of Coke that I don’t remember asking for or agreeing to; fuck, I couldn’t seem to remember his name for a moment (it was Rick) but what I did know was that I very much wanted to suck his cock again even though he looked like he’d been ridden hard and put away wet already.

    And I didn’t know why I had to blow him again, not that he complained a whole lot when I put my glass down, shoved him onto the bed none too gently, and went after his cock as if my life did depend on it.

    This time, everything was in sharp focus but not in that weird way I had felt a little while ago. It took me a while to get him hard again but that didn’t matter; sucking his very soft cock was electrifying even though this wasn’t the first time I’d done double duty giving a blowjob.

    I do remember him groaning and telling me he’d never had a guy suck him off and start over again and that he wasn’t gonna get hard again, let alone cum and, um, so much for what he thought. His cock was magic in my mouth, from the way he tasted to the way he felt and something inside of me was howling with delight as I got him to the edge... and shoved him right over and drank my fill of him once again.

    But I wasn’t done with him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. One Day... - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I’ve always loved sucking cock but in this moment, I’d never felt so happy about doing it. It sounds corny but my soul was singing and it all made me feel so alive that it was a bit scary.

    I felt him swell in my mouth, felt his thrusting get more insistent as he tried to shove his cock all the way into my mouth and I knew the intense look he had in his face, which was all flushed and a deep red. The fucked up part was that my eyes were closed. He gasped and shot his load and in that moment, it was as if I’d returned to my body; the sensation surprised me so much I almost forgot to swallow before I wound up gagging or something.

    Even after I released him, I felt good but confused - what the fuck just happened? He must have asked me if I was okay and I must have told him I was or something to that effect but I was anything but okay trying to figure out what had happened to me, even as he nudged me into my back, settled I between my legs and started sucking me.

    I felt kinda bad because I wasn’t paying a whole lot of attention to what he was doing; I barely remember him trying to eat all of my dick and gagging. I was too busy trying to figure out how and why I’d felt so... displaced yet so very happy to be sucking cock.

    How could I have seen myself blowing him, let alone remember the look on his face just before he came... and with my eyes closed? Those questions ran through my mind and made me shiver, which I think he took as encouragement because he went to town on me, sucking my dick and balls until I fed him my spunk and, oddly, I guess, not feeling any different than any other time a guy had make me spill my load for him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. One Day... - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]...I was sucking a guy’s dick, nothing unusual about that, nor did I find it strange that before we wound up at his place and naked, we had run into each other by chance. There wasn’t anything I’d call remarkable about him - average looks, average cock - and the only “strange” thing is that we actually flipped a coin to see who’d get sucked off first and I lost... or won, depending on how you wanna look at it.

    There I was, lying comfortably between his legs and happily sucking him when I felt... dizzy for a moment. I took a deep breath and the next thing I know, I’m [B]very[/B] aware of what I’m doing; it felt like I was outside of myself and watching myself sucking a man’s dick and it was very weird. Everything felt so alive to me, like I’d become hyper-sensitive to my surroundings, like just knowing that his body temperature was just on the other side of 100 degrees and that before we met and agreed to do this, he’d been somewhere and drinking bourbon and I could taste it as I worked my mouth on him.

    He wasn’t aware of what I was experiencing as he gently fucked into my mouth but I felt so in tune with what I was doing and it was both wonderful and disturbing given that I’d never experienced something like this before. It was crazy, kinda scary, but I felt even more “compelled” to get him to cum in my mouth.

    I just could not get enough of sucking his dick; it had me so distracted that my brain registered that he was calling me “baby,” something I despise with a passion coming out of a man’s mouth... and I didn’t do anything about it other than to swallow his dick whole and hold it there, feeling him squirming like a fish out of water.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Anyone else bi-curious for female but want to watch males?

    I am new here but I am single and lead a very professional life. I just want to stay single but find one or two safe but fun people to explore my fantasies with... maybe even a couple. How do I meet them yet stay on the down-low? It turns me on to watch male/male on porn and would love in real life. Am I the only one?
  5. Spring break

    My wife and I decided to escape the not so lovely weather up North for some warm sunshine and close friends in Florida. Some decided to fly, we decided to trailer our bike and enjoy ourselves on the ride down south. Our mutual riding buddy and his hot wife went along with us. When we finally arrived at the resort these ladies were so horned up from our Vtwins that they rode us hard on the way down, and knowing there were 3 other like minded couples waiting for us was too hot to think about.

    we had 2 weeks to play and relax before heading home and we were bound and determined to enjoy every minute.i got to watch her take cock and cum to the extreme. I got to fuck their wives as well. I am amazed at how horny and willing these 50 something woman are. All are past child bearing so all got huge amounts of cum but one in particular really stood out, her name was Jill, she is the most animated women in bed I think I have ever been with. She and I spent a couple of nights together during our wife swaps.

    She is is very vocal and knows how to get you off and get you hard again, no wonder her husband wanted to trade her for a few nights, poor guy is going to get fucked to death. Sometimes I had to make her swallow my cock just to shut her up, but then again maybe that’s her plan as she loves sucking and swallow cum., she admitted she loves my cum for its taste since I don’t smoke and her husband does. Her only kink was she loves having a cock in her and pissing on my cock which is kinda kinky but it made me super hot and was my signal to pound the hell out of her.

    After 2 weeks of wife swapping I am totally exhausted but happy to have enjoyed our vacation the way we did.
  6. Maybe this morning.

    This guy has been emailing me for a couple of months and says he will allow me to suck his cock, but never does. Again we will try to set something up for this morning. I think it's about a 20% chance I will be sucking his cock this morning...I will let you know.
  7. Taking a chance II

    Well, today I was traveling for work... and I had my Adam4Adam mobile on... I finished up my first appointment, and it was about 11:30... sorta hungry, but sorta horny... guess which one won? I looked on my ap and saw a picture of a very attractive black man - he called himself Pharoah - I liked his profile, how it read, and his description: 47 years old, 6'2", 200 pounds - Yeah, I have a thing for Black men - I don't know why - can't explain why... So, I sent him a smile - but it came back that he doesn' accept smiles, but why not send a message...So, I wrote up something cute - sent it - and he answered quickly... to the point, he said was "are you looking to connect or no?" I said I was - and he sent me his address - I buzzed the door and went up to his apartment. Now, I was nervous - this is crazy... all the flags are saying - what are you doing> you didn't give this enough time to get a sense of what he's like... but, I decided once again, sometimes you just gotta take a chance... I'll know when he opens the door... So, yeah. He opend the door, fully dressed, put out his hand to shake mine, and invited me in. Very nicely decorated small apartment - very masculine decor and very neat. He asked if I wanted a drink of water - and then invited me into his bedroom. He made it clear, up front, that all he really wanted was a blow-job, and was I down for that? I said I was, so he began to strip off his clothes- laid a towel out on his bed, and propped himself up against some pillows, legs spread, and invited me to dive in. He had a nice tummy, with a tree of life tatooed on it, wore a beaded bracelet that I recognized as prayer beads of Bhuda, and a necklace - he was very nice, calm, and ready - his cock was not large at all, in the flaccid state, but grew nicely... very nicely, as I toyed with it, licked it, and took it into my mouth... This was so relaxing - you might find this hard to believe - but so nice, he rubbed my shoulders, and guided my face, and let me know how he wanted it... his dick was nice and hard, yet I was in no hurry for the reward. I began licking and sucking on his balls... he rubbed his cock against my beard, and then began to slap my face with it, gently, but you know - getting dick slapped is just that... soon I began to take his cock in my mouth again, with an all out effort to bring him to climax... he was very quiet, but I knew all the signs. His cock was now very thick and hard, and the head was swollen... I took it in as far as I could, because he was definitely a grower... and I jerked it as I sucked... soon I could feel him shift - he never said a word, but his hands were gently resting on my head - so I was aware he was about to cum... and soon I had hot gobs of cum pumping into my mouth... sweet cum - sweet reward... I licked and bathed his cock with my tongue until he pulled back - got up and went to his bathroom - while I laid back to catch my breath... No, it was not reciprocal. I didn't think it would be. that's OK, gentlemen... I love to suck cock. And this was a particularly nice one, attached to and came with a particularly nice man. He invited me into his bathroom to get refreshed. We got dressed - he said - great way to start the day... and I left his apartment... a few minutes later, he texted me, thanked me for the great suck - and asked me to remember him and come see him again...
  8. Finding me, How it began

    We live in a modern world. In this world, it seems people want to label everyone and everything, and honestly, I can't always make sesnse of it all, and probably don't want too.

    What am I, what label is proper for me, what category do I fit in, which group will accept me ?

    Really, who cares, I am me, thats who I am.

    I knew from an early age I was different, even back in 4th grade, I enjoyed changing in the locker room with other kids. I was always wanting to kiss someone, so, I guess I had a touch of an oral fixation rather young, and I didnt seem to discriminate between the sexes

    My first hand holding was 6th grade. I sent a message through a friend, to get a message to her best friend that if she liked me, I would like her back, at third period, we met at her locker to make it official, after 7th period, we broke up.

    My first real kiss was at the skating rink, I went in for the kiss, she stuck her tongue in my mouth and freaked me the hell out. 2 minutes later I was back for more. I lost my virginity freshman year. We were on an explorer scout camp out (co-ed), 3 guys sharing a tent, seperate sleeping bags, and this girl climbed into mine.

    We started touching and I rolled over, she grabbed me and put me inside her, my buddy Craig put his hand on my ass and asked me if I was fucking, I said yeah, I think so.

    She had the best 7 1/2 seconds of her life that day. I had multiple more relationships, but I was always less interested in banging than I was going down on the girls. I ended up with a decent reputation because I was enthusiastic about doing it.

    Highschool went on, Army, jobs.......but I still had lingering desires. I would watch pornos, I always wanted to see the close ups of the girls receiving, and usually found my mind wandering to wishing it was me.

    I had no one to speak to about this, no one I could trust. One night, the desire got overwhelming, so scared as I was, I drove by the local gay bar. A guy pulled up next to me and we drove to a park. He took the lead and reached in my pants, and started stroking, not knowing what to do, I did the same thing.

    He went down on me for a minute, so I tried it too, then we just whacked each other off......he said thanks, and walked away.
    4 years later, at work, a guy started talking to me, I didnt know much, and he suggested we get together and talk business. I knew he was gay and was hoping.

    Keep in mind, there was no internet, no way to do anything discrete, no cell phones, no way to stay unknown.

    I got there, we talked, and he started rubbing my shoulders. We went into the bathroom, I got on my knees and started sucking, he lifted me up on the bed and we ended up in a 69. I was scared, but really wanted to get laid. We worked it for about 30 minutes, but could never get more than two inches in, he was just too big, and I had never had anything there before. We ended up jacking each other off, then he told me he wasn't looking for a one night stand, but love........that ended that.

    I got married, had a kid, didnt stray of course, got divorced. Then the night of the second Tyson Hollyfield fight, my neighbors came over to watch it on my big screen. 2 minutes later when it was over, she offered to take my dog out, I said I could do it, she did it anyways.

    While she was gone, her husband told me she always wanted a three way, and since i am their best friend, would I consider it. She looked like Mariah Carey on that old album cover witht the fly away black dress, so, I said hell yeah, I figured it was drunk talk.

    She came back, he told her I said yes, next thing I know he is stripping, her shirt was off and kissing me. We pulled the couch out, and started having fun. I decided to test the waters, and while he was in her, I started licking her clit, she went wild, and I got the benefit of a penis and vagina at the same time, I was in freaking heaven.

    He came on her stomach, and I was able to get a little taste without anyone noticing it. I started kissing her, and he started stroking my dick, i thought, great, we are doing this. We did all the usual stuff, and he asked me to fuck him, being a friend, well, yes, but I couldnt get him to do me.

    We had a few meet ups like that, but I remained a virgin.

    More time goes by, and I get my first real computer, and end up on a bisexual message board where I met some gay and Bi guys. One guy we would exchange pictures, another one who was gay actually came over to my house.

    Actually he called himself a male lesbian, I have no clue to this day what that means......does he see himself as a girl and only wants sex with girls ? then why is he here with me.

    Apparently, he was only into stroking each other, I did go down on him though. he had an interesting penis, had a good curve upwards. I did talk him into trying to fuck me, he did for about two minutes, but said it wasn't his thing, dammit.

    I had a few other male to male encounters, some oral and stroking...............but something was always missing. I enjoyed my female hook ups, I enjoyed my male hookups, but I did not see my self as bisexual or gay or hetero.

    The reality was, I was in constant flux. Finally one day, a girlfriend left some clothes at my house, while she was at work, I kept looking at them, and finally gave in and tried them on, 5 minutes later I came like I never had before.

    After that, i always kept some lingerie around for nights alone. It wasn't always, sometimes a month, sometimes 6 months, sometimes a year, where it would call to me to wear it. I joined this board and read a lot of posts, but never really interacted with anyone.

    About a month ago, i was talking to one of my customers, and the talk got a little more at hinting certain things, and I thought I would go for it, I sent him a picture of me in black lace pantys, he really got into it.

    After that, i purchased a bunch of other clothes, and when I have time alone, been practicing dressing, and taking pictures. Soon I am meeting my friend when some other stuff arrives to try and take some good pictures, especially with the encouragement from some people here.

    So, what does that make me ?

    Bisexual, crossdresser, transexual, transgendered, all the above ?

    I honestly have no clue. Personally, I dont buy into the labels, I am just me. Sometimes I enjoy being en femme and my thoughts go to other men at that point.

    When in regular clothes, I think about women. I am not transitioning to anything...............I intend to stay who I am.

    What label fits me, well, none of them, the only label that fits me is "Happy"

    And, I wish that same label on everyone else, i guess my point is this. I have seen some posts that lead me to believe some people are going through changes and trying to figure them out. Some are trying dressing, some are exploring same sex hook ups, some are trying threesomes and foursomes.

    Don't worry about what to call it, I wasted a ton of time in life trying to figure that out, just, try what makes you happy, and explore and learn who you are personally, not, who someone else says you are, just be happy
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