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  1. why are my same sex fantasies usu submissive?

    why am i usually submissive in my same sex fantasies & often very submissive? totally not into the idea of humiliation or excessive pain. but like the guy being in control of me. tying me up so i can't move or resist his moves, or to make it easier for him to do certain things to me. blindfolding me so i don't see what he's about to do, cutting off 1 of my senses & the ability to judge things around me. gagging me so i loose my main way of expressing myself to him, silencing my voice. so my voice doesn't matter. being on the receiving end of him letting out his sexual frustrations, exhausting me & leaving me drained. having some of his friends watch so other people know about my submission & vulnerability. him inviting those friends to enjoy me too. him making it clear to me he's in control of me & i'm choosing to give that control to him. him testing the limits of that control, challenging me. why does this all appeal to me?
  2. My wife loves men

    My wife can't get enough sex, in our mid 50s we still are very sexually active however, i am not the super horned up man i used to be and she is all charged up and always ready to spread her legs. We opened our bedroom to others about 2 years ago and it seems she is loving life. She knows and accepts the fact that i service my buddy almost daily but thats almost always oral. She loves sex and in the 30 years we been married its always been that way. Yesterday she and i were at the gym doing our workout routine and she came over and said what do you think of that guy over there?

    My wife could make a dead man hard, at 5'8 120 lbs and still very youthful looking with bedroom eyes and a tight booty that loves cock, and she was flirting with him all morning. I walked over to him and introduced myself and after explaining the situation he smiled as if he couldn't believe his luck. I said we often share but this weekend everyone was busy with the Holidays and all. So if you want you can come over and tap that if you want and we can make a day of it.

    He got all excited and said WOW i have seen her before and always wondered how she was in bed, i said well you are going to find out. I gave him our address and said be there around 2 PM and leave your shyness at home. We left and headed home and i could tell she was excited about our afternoon date. He arrived and after pleasantries were exchanged sat down with adult beverages and talked for a while and laying down the ground rules for our party. He was asked if it was OK if i participated, he said that would be awesome, no rough stuff or ass fucking allowed he agreed.

    Once the rules were set my wife opened her legs to reveal her wet swollen pussy under her dress and he got visibly excited, seeing her rub her pussy was all it took to get this guy fully hard. She invited him over and she undressed him waist down and was shocked at his rock hard dick pulsating as it stood rigid and bent alittle. She tasted his cock and loved its texture and as he was moaning and feeling good and she said i need to feel this in me, he slid it in as i sat there stroking my hardon. My wife motioned for me to join them and he said hell yea lets play, and she swallowed my cock as he slowly fucked her, during that time he admitted to liking to suck cock and i did as well. The wife told me to lick her juices off his cock which i did, he went up and she started sucking him as i worked her pussy and she told him to suck my cock which without hesitation went right to work. She was begging for some cock and cum so he went back to work and started an intense thrusting that had her squirming in joy as he worked his bent cock and as he said he was ready to cum she said fill me up you bastard and as he dumped his load she was smiling and said ok honey eat my pussy so i went down on her and tasted his cum leaking out of her pussy.

    We made a new friend yesterday and we spent the whole afternoon playing and cumming, when he left he was exhausted but smiling and said that was the best day ever and cant wait for another afternoon of fun.
  3. Looking for a friend to chat with

    Hey If ya wanna chat stop on in .....
  4. Email fun

    Who wants to join, itsmejj and myself on a email swapping pics and nasty chat? Discreet fun.
  5. sexual guilt about liking 2 women togather

    some of u know i love the thought of 2 women togather. as in i reeeeeeealy love the thought of 2 women togather. it's the most erotic, hot, sexual, sensual, intimate, beautifull sex for me. for me there's nothing higher. if i ever wanted to be a women 99% of the reason would be so that i could be a women who can experiance the sexual touch of another women. that's how high i value it, that's how high it turns me on.
    the problem is, i'm a man. which is not a problem in itself. i accept this. i embrace this. being a man makes sense to me. i have questioned this as i do alot of things in life & the answer has allways been "ur a man." but because of this i will never experiance that level of sexuality i see 2 women can have. i fear my interests in the same sex might be an attempt to get as close to it as possible. sometimes i try & justify it by wanting to give same pleasure to a women, of her watching me with another man & her being as turned on about the thought of 2 members of the opposite sex togather as me.
    the bigger problem is i feel guilty about me really liking 2 women being togather. only because it's not definite i would like to be with a member of the same sex myself. in fact sometimes i feel like i'm forcing my same sex desires. it seems fair if i think 2 females is a good idea so should 2 males. some women might have the same appreciation as me, i wouldn't wanna be a hypocrite & not be willing to experiance what i would like 2 members of the opposite sex to experiance. part of this might be female bisexuality is far more accepted in society than male bisexuality which i think is unfair & i would like to do something about it. but that's not the main issue i struggle with. i fear at least some of my motivation to be with a member of the same sex is to be fair with my appreciation of the lesbian experiance. i wanna believe my wish for women to experiance each other is for there benefit & not for mine. maybe also i'm really very str8 & my desires to be with a member of the same sex is a kind of punishment of myself. it's hard to explain. i'm pretty confused about the whole thing. have been for years.
  6. Male Sex Toys

    [QUOTE=Uricey;321218][COLOR=#333333][FONT=Arial]I'm constantly buying sex toys for myself and have been for years, however, recently I've been involved with a man that is open to the idea of using sex toys. He has never considered it before until he saw my treasure trove. The thought has crossed my mind to get him a couple, but I don't know where to begin. Men from my past would not even consider opening up about their interest in sex toys, so the thought never occured to me that I could consider him when I shop. Any reccomendations for a beginner male's toy that is easy to use, reasonably priced, and effective on the pleasure scale? I'd greatly appreciate the help from other "connoiseurs of sexual pleasure[/FONT][/COLOR][/QUOTE]

    All the best: [URL][/URL]
  7. How have felt this way?

    Like I have said in earlier post. My first experience was with my cousins at the age of 5 or 6. Even then in felt good. I didn't know why then. I just hoped it would happen again when I as there. I know some would say that I wass to young and that I didn't know any better. I'm not sure, but I do remember that it felt good.
    When I was in my teens I was more than willing to fuck my best friend I really liked feeling him in me. I used to fantasize about a male teacher fucking me, again I never thought about it being right or wrong just that I knew it would feel good. when he wanted to play I was more than willing.
    Most of my life my family and people around me thought I was gay. I wasn't sure what I was. I knew I liked girls and I thought about sex with girls, but I also thought about sex with men mostly, I was attracted to old men. My friend decided that he wanted to be with girls more than with me sexually, but it was ok. I had a crush on his sister so it was fine, I later married her. it wasn't until I was in my late 30's I think that she realized I am bisexual. We had a friend and we experiment with each other, his girlfriend and my wife were there. he was naked on the bed. His girlfriend said we could do what we wanted to him. So I started sucking his dick and loved it. It took me some time to get use to it, the taste of precum and cum.
    Anyway most of this I have already told. I keep my sexuality private because it's no one's business but mine and my wife's and the person I'm sleeping with. I love the time I had to experiment. I am no longer bi curious but I am bisexual. and I enjoy it when I can.
  8. Northwoods hunting season

    As I have mentioned on previous posts, I have a northwoods cabin that my wife and I bought a number of years ago.It is my sanctuary away from the hustle of everyday life. As an Engineer for the a large company stress is a major player. My bisexual leanings are my release from that stress.

    I have been fortunate enough to cultivate bi sexual relationships with a few select like minded married men that make going to the cabin for hunting season all that more enjoyable. A week before the Wisconsin gun deer opener, and I open the cabin early for the season. For the last 5 years I have hosted hunting season and love every minute of it.

    My best friend and I are here 1st and believe me we have a great time getting drunk , shooting our guns and lots of man fun. Of our group of 5 guys there are 3 tops and 2 bottoms, I am 1 of them bottoms that love multiple men. But at least for the 1st week it’s just the 2 of us.

    Maintaining a clean ass is paramount for the next 2 weeks, as my buddy loves mounting me multiple times . Both he and I are morning guys so getting up and getting ready for morning sex is just our thing. Getting creamed in the ass is our ritual during hunting deer camp.

    I have read post that ask if guys kissed and such, nope we don’t kiss, but suck lots of cock and fuck to our hearts content. I’m not shy when it comes to wanting to suck cock and honestly I crave it. Last night I got an ass full and this morning when he wakes up will be yet another hard pounding as his cock is always ready in the mornings.

    Last night was full of cock and cum, my ass is a little sore this morning but am ready for when he wakes up. I can’t wait for the rest of the guys to arrive.
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