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  1. Husbands who cheat on their wives-Rant ahead

    Warning: rant. For the last month, I have been visiting this forum to try and gain some perspective and understanding of my husband's bisexuality. And it needs to be said: those of you that lie and cheat on your wives need to stop. I was terrified that my husband was either doing this, or will do this, because there are SO many of you that do this, and have no qualms about it. You may think you are protecting your wife. You may think you aren't hurting anyone because she doesn't know. You are lying to yourself. Take it from the straight spouse: we need to know. Will she be angry? Hurt? Absolutely. Will your marriage end? Quite possibly. Tell her anyways, she deserves to know. Love means respect and HONESTY, and sometimes honesty hurts. Stop being cowards. Stop disrespecting your wives. Cheating is cheating, you don't get a pass because it's with a man. If your wife doesn't understand, then she is not the right person for you, and that's life. You pick up the pieces and move on. But she deserves MORE than what you are giving her right now. She deserves a partner who loves her enough to tell her the truth, and she deserves a partner who is not afraid of her or the unknown.

    Reading about how so many of you deceive the woman you supposedly love has made it monumentally more difficult to believe that my husband and I will make it, that he loves me, and is still him. For those of you cheating on your wives and bragging about it on the Internet, you give all bisexuals a bad name. So just stop. You want LGBTQ equality? Then stop perpetuating negative stereotypes, and stop cheating on your wives.

    (This also pertains to women, but the number of stories I have read from men vastly out weight those from women)
  2. fun

    My husband n I r lookin for a girl to join in on some fun if interested hmu
  3. Greensboro NC

    It was a crazy time. I was approaching the half way point in a 27 city tour searching out sites for upcoming summer of rallies.

    I climbed off the plane in Greensboro, NC and proceeded to the auto rental counter. The clerk greeted me cordially and asked my name. Gave him my drivers license, signed papers, and was on my way, not even suspecting what the day held.

    I climbed into the car and headed off to Ramada Inn, near the airport. Checked in, put my luggage in the room. Went for some lunch in the hotel restaurant.

    The group I was meeting with was located some 30 miles west of Greensboro, and wanting to spend as much time as I could with them, headed out early.

    I arrived some 40 minutes later, had a terrific meeting and pot luck dinner before heading back to the motel, sleep, and the next plane ride the next morning.

    I tried to sleep. I just could not sleep. Got up, took a nice warm shower, rolled a washcloth up to resemble a cock, covered it with a condom, slowly worked it into my ass as I masturbated. Had my orgasm, climbed back into bed and waited for sleep to take over my tired and relaxed body.

    Sleep still evaded me. Next alternative, some liquor. So I dressed and headed to the motel's bar.

    Taking a seat at the corner of a "U" shaped bar, ordered a screwdriver.

    There was what appeared to be a businessman sitting across the corner from me and we began to chat. At this point I honestly had not begun to think sex. I began to feel that he may be prospect as we chatted.

    Fate stepped in with the arrival of another gentleman, young, more handsome and the "gaydar" sounded inside my head. He joined our conversation and the original chatter, excused himself and left.

    I chatted with the second guy a few minutes, while I finished my drink. Set the empty glass down, started to rise from my seat, looked him in the eye and said, " I'm going to my room, would you like to join me?"

    As we entered the room he immediately dropped to his knees and reached for my zipper. I told him he could suck it, but there was nothing for a reward as I had jacked off in the shower a short time ago. He still took my cock into his mouth and sucked it straight down his throat.

    I enjoyed his talents, but what I really wanted and needed was to be totally and completely fucked until I figuratively was knocked out.

    After a few minutes of watching his head bob up and down on my, now hard as a rock cock, I stood him up as we started to undress each other. Once naked we moved to the bed as we were playing with each others balls and hard cocks.

    I reached into my overnight bag and took out some lube and a condom. He took the condom and started to roll it over my cock, I held his hands and told him, " NO, put it on you. I NEED to be fucked, and fucked hard." I watched in anticipation, my asshole puckering over and over with the thought of him inside me.

    There is something so very, very special when you take a man inside your body.

    We kissed. I worked lube into my very horny ass in preparation of his entrance into my now "throbbing" hole.

    I straddled his hips. Kissed his lips, as I lowered myself onto his cock. No pain, no strain, one move and he was deep inside me.

    I could only guess his length, somewhere around 6 inches, but it was sooo beautifully thick. He filled me with what I really needed and wanted. He fucked me, virtually non-stop for about 20 minutes...pausing now and then to let things cool off a bit.

    For my part, I was having the most magnificent fuck of my entire 45 year life. Every stroke made love to my prostate. My cock was swinging and bouncing in every direction as I drove down on his cock as hard as I could. I wanted every inch, every square inch of cock skin to caress my insides.

    We both were having trouble breathing as we worked toward a climax. I leaned in and gave him another tongue sucking kiss and to my surprise, I came. Shooting cum up along his stomach and I felt some hit me.

    That did it for him. I felt his cock swell to what felt like twice it's size and then the cum started to flow deep inside my hot ass.

    It was strange, I wanted more. I was ready to try for seconds, or ask if he had a friend who could come and fuck me more. But, he begged off both parts, saying he had to get to work early the next day. A very proper kiss between us and he quietly closed the door as he left.

    I slept. Boy did I ever.

    The next morning, I found great pleasure in clenching my buttocks and feeling the delicious soreness that comes from being well fucked.
  4. Some wives/girlfriends DO understand

    I have to tell you, my husband and I were best friends before we dated and married. Then a while ago my husband began sneaking around with men and it damn near ruined our marriage. When I found out I was devastated. Not that it was with a man, because I'm bi and have a large LGBT group of friends, but that he thought he couldn't tell me AND he felt the need to cheat on me to get this "extra fun". We have worked thru it, and plan on enjoying this together, the way it used to be, the way it always should have been. It's the same reason we won't accept men that are "on the down low" (aka cheating). If you can't be yourself 100% with your mate, you're either not putting enough faith in them or you're with the wrong person. JMO
  5. Naked and alone in Las Vegas

    [B]Third night all alone and one night left. I'm in a strip Hotel and looking for simple cock play with no luck. Craigslist sucks. What do I have to do......
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  6. What to do...

    Hello all!
    [TABLE="width: 500"]
    So.... Where to start..... In the past year my partner ( my wife ) and I rode the waves of built up turmoil in our relationship. We attempted excursions beyond the accepted norms is society. We had some fun but realized after the fact that " hooking up" with couples for sex was a little cold and did not add to our own experiences sexually.
    In the months afterward we realized that there was a degree of I'll do it because the other wants it. We were open to each other in the aftermath to sort out our life together. That being said the decision was made that we must be honest with compassion and work toward understanding with compassion. Which has worked well as we are becoming a stronger couple with respect for each other individually yet cherishing the strength we have unified ... Or together.
    During this time I made acceptance of the fact that I am attracted to both sexes and consider myself bi or at least bi- curious) I did have one brief male male female encounter which I found amazing yet denied it in my conscious mind but allowed it to excite me in my lone sexual sessions. I came "out" to her and she is working on understanding. At this point I have yet to be active with another man.
    I am not sure when this will happen ( although i know I desire it ). I also think the reason for this is that I'm not looking for a fly by nite happening
    . I've always been more comfortable with women ... I'm not a jock or into sports. As I get older(53 in good shape ) I find I wish to have male friends to perhaps grow beyond to a more intimate phase. She is not against it however we are working on us first.
    We share MFM fantasies with a like minded man ( preferably a couple as she also has bi yearnings) I suppose my question is are there couples that desire what we do. To socialize... Get comfortable and allow a progression to more intimate activities? Or are we going to be disappointed?
    We are both new but open and do not want to live with regrets. We have all done a lot of it in our lives.
    I know others must feel as we do and welcome feedback. An interesting aside of all this is that I have more compassion for all alternate ( used loosely ) lifestyles lesbian ... Gay..: transgendered in fact we both do. The amount of fear I had to overcome just to tell her gives me respect for those who have come out completely .
    Thanks for reading and hopefully the feedback

  7. Smooth Chubbies

    Hi to all,

    I wanted to know if any of you have fantasies about smooth chubbies or would like to share images guy or gal.
    Tags: chubbies
  8. My bbw wife's panties?

    I think My wife is a sexy Latina mature BBW apparently others do as well she falls into many fetish categories. I have many fantasies involving my wife, She is very shy and traditional. we have been talking and role playing for years and she is now ready come come out of her shell. we started by selling her panties and got very turned on by the fact that guys were really into her panties,
    The deal is wife will only wear panties she is comfortable in and will only wear them for 24hrs. she doesn't have any thongs available sorry. so if you don't care about the style of pantie and your mainly into the scent then your our guy. wife will only allow me to send limited pics. The only other thing is we don't have pay pal but I'm sure we can work something out. can't wait to read your interesting comments
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