
All Blog Entries

  1. Opportunities - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]In my 20s, wow: Who knew there were really that many guys who had reason to want to have sex with another dude? A lot of the guys I knew, say, from playing basketball at the court across the street from my house, would sometimes make me laugh at how clumsy and funny their were trying to make it known how horny they were or "trying to be slick" and say something like, "Shit... I need my dick sucked right about now!"

    Or, one of my favorites, some guy complaining about his balls hurting and then being bold enough to pull his dick out and start stroking it... while looking at me and like they're wondering why I'm not getting the hint. Oh, I got it just fine and the moment they mentioned their blue balls condition... but I had long since learned that there were some guys who didn't need to know that I could take care of that for them and some guys who'd be a major problem.

    But there were a lot of guys who just seemed to know that if they wanted a blow job, I was the guy they needed to hook up with. I even found out that some of the guys who'd come looking for me had been recommended to me by guys I'd had sex with - nothing like word of mouth advertising, huh? It would usually be some guy who I'd seen around the neighborhood but not someone I hung out with all that much and, as such, I'd often get blindsided by the reason they're talking to me or the few guys who were bold enough to let me know that they heard that I give good blow jobs and would I blow them because they really need it bad?

    Whether I did or not wasn't the point or what really bothered me: It was feeling like I had a sign on me that invited horny dude to come check me out. I was standing in line at the bank one day and the guy behind me moved a little closer and whispered, "I'd really like to suck your dick when we leave here - you down for it?" Or sitting in a bar after work and having a quick drink or two... and the bartender is bringing me drinks I didn't ask for; or some guy would sit next to me, strike up a conversation and then tell me how much he'd love to take me somewhere so we could have sex.

    Sometimes I'd accept, sometimes I didn't not because I wasn't down for it but I'd learned to trust my gut instincts and when they told me to tell someone no, I listened.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Opportunities - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Early in my bisexuality, I learned that I didn't have to do a whole lot to find a guy who wanted to do it: They'd find me. With my cadre of very horny friends, that was easy - all I had to do was go outside and meet up with them and then just be ready and waiting for them to suggest that our time would be better spent sucking and fucking each other.

    I learned that when I was incredibly horny for some dick and I'd purposely go looking for it, shit: Where did all the guys go? Or if I saw some guys I knew were okay with this, damn it... they had other things to do or had other reasons why they didn't want to. But the moment I wasn't thinking about doing it with boys, they would often come out of the woodwork and all too eager to have sex with me.

    Which was fine and even better when a bunch of us would get together; then there were plenty of dicks to suck and to have in my ass and since we were about being fair, lots of guys to suck my dick and take it in their asses. I thought this was just one of those things that only happened with the guys I knew of but as I grew up, shit... whenever I was starving for dick, I could never find someone willing to give me some! But I could be somewhere and minding my own business - and not even thinking about having sex and now I was spending a lot of time fending off offers of sex.

    It got to be pretty annoying after a while. Along the way, I'd run into guys who were also looking and totally frustrated because they couldn't find anyone and they'd ask me what I did to get some dick and I'd tell them that I had the best luck getting some when I wasn't looking for it and, sometimes, when I didn't even expect to get some or the chance to.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Almost Busted Again - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]A quick glance at my friend told me he was thinking the same thing I was and, to be honest, I realized that we were both sitting there trying to look innocent... and wasn't doing a good job of it if his body language was any indication.

    Father and son talked for a moment and I had an overwhelming need to get out of there just in case he really did put one and one and the open window together... but I made myself sit there and act as cool and collected as possible, which was hard to do since I could feel his sperm squishing about between my cheeks - and now I was worried about a wet spot on the front of my pants from my very recent release.

    Father and son finished their conversation and his dad turned to leave -then stopped. He looked at us with a look that made me want to pee myself and said, "Next time, open the damned window before shit gets started, dummies!" He walked out of the room, shaking his head - or was he laughing at us? I couldn't tell and I didn't want to hang around to find out! I told my friend that I'd see him later and went on home, feeling a lot of adrenaline leaving my system after, first, having had some amazing sex and knowing how close I came to getting busted again. As I walked home, I shuddered to think what could have happened and I was worried about what my friend might be going through now that I'd left.

    Shit. I hope he didn't get into any trouble...

    That night, my brother and I were into it but some of fun was missing for me; I was very worried about the near miss earlier that day and even more aware that our mother just might be keeping a closer eye on us - and without either of us knowing that she was; as he fucked me, I was so paranoid! Every sound I heard was making me almost jump out of my skin and my brother noticed it. He stopped fucking me - and I noticed that I could feel his pulse through his dick buried in my ass, something I'd never noticed before. He asked me what was wrong and it got... weird because I started telling him what happened earlier... while he had all of his dick buried in my ass... and he thought the whole thing was funny which didn't improve my mood any.

    We finished having sex but for the first time ever, I didn't enjoy it all that much; I laid awake for the longest time thinking about all of this and finally fell asleep thinking that if I get caught again, I just get caught... but I needed to do more to make sure I didn't get caught.

    The next day, I had just stepped outside when my friend came running up to me and said, "Let's go to the park - I gotta tell you something!"

    Uh-oh. I didn't know what he wanted to talk about but I felt relieved that he didn't get into trouble since he was outside and didn't appear to have suffered a beating. Once in the park, he told me that his father was talking to him about guys having sex with other guys and that he knew that we'd been having sex and that he understood it... and warned him to be more careful because if his mother were to catch him, he'd be in very deep shit.

    "You didn't get into trouble?" I asked.

    "No, but I thought I was!" he said. "Man, I almost shit myself when he said he had to talk to me about something and then he said that he knew what we had done!"

    I almost shit myself hearing him telling me this, too. Well, not really but it sure felt like I might.

    "So, um, when can we do it again?" he asked. I had been so deep in thought that I almost missed him asking that.

    "I dunno... we gotta make sure we can do it and not get caught," I said. "Did you really like it?"

    "Hell, yeah I did - way better than jerking off!" he said. "Is it weird that almost getting caught makes doing it again more exciting?"

    "Nah, not really," I said. "Where I used to live? We all knew that the thrill of having sex with each was knowing that we could get caught, as funny as that sounds."

    "Tell me all about where you used to live!" he said. I spent the next couple of hours telling him about all the guys I had sex with... and the few adults, too, including the one who got me hooked on dick. Just talking about it made me very horny and it made him horny, too.

    "If we go to my house, we'll have time," he said. "My dad made it a point to tell me that him and my mom would be out and when they'd be back. So, do you wanna?"

    "Let's go," I said. I knew we were throwing caution to the wind since, you know, parents couldn't really be trusted. But I knew I'd be lying to myself if I said that I didn't want to have sex with him again.

    We spent the next two hours sucking and fucking each other until we wore each other out and the only interruption was his dad calling to let him know - again - exactly when they'd be home.

    "My dad said that he hopes that we're done and everything is in order by the time they get here," my friend said. "Man... is it weird that he knows we were fucking and he's okay with it?"

    "Yeah, it is," I said. I thought for a moment... then told him how my brother and I got caught last week.

    "No shit! Man, you're fucking lucky that you have a brother!" he said. "I'm an only child and, damn, now I really wish I had a brother!"

    We had sex a lot that summer and, thankfully, didn't come close to getting caught either at his place or mine... but that last close call really had me rethinking some stuff to make sure that something like that didn't happen again.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Almost Busted Again - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We were really getting into it. I stopped sucking him long enough to suck on his balls and I gasped and sighed as he imitated what I was doing. I went back to sucking him and slipped a finger between his butt cheeks and pressed it against his hole - and he did the same to me; I pressed a little hard and felt the tip of my finger go in and, yep, he did the same and it felt good... and good enough for me to stop sucking on him and say, "Get that grease over there, put it on your dick, and stick it in me!"

    Shit... he got up so fast he almost knocked me off the bed! As he grabbed the can of Crown hair grease and slathered in on his dick, I rolled over onto my stomach and waited impatiently for him to climb on me and stick his dick in my ass. He mounted me and I had to reach back to get him to the right spot and when I did, I almost threw up when all of his dick went into me at once but I didn't. He might not have known how to suck a dick but he knew what to do with his dick in my ass and, pardon the pun, but he was fucking the shit out of me and cussing up a storm. It felt so good and I wanted it to last "forever" but the way he was fucking me had changed and I could feel his whole body getting ready so he could cum in me.

    I felt his dick swell in my ass; heard him saying, Oh, no! Oh, no!" over and over - then his dick was pumping away like crazy in my ass and it felt so heavenly and I wished he could keep doing it... but, yeah, that was impossible so I just laid beneath him until he finally stopped cumming and his dick got soft enough to pop out of my ass on its own.

    He rolled over, gasping and said, "Do me! Stick it in me before I change my mind!"

    I jumped up and grabbed the hair grease and smeared a huge amount of it on my dick and rushed back to the bed; I had happened to look at my watch and thought that we still have 45 minutes left before his parents got home. I got on top of him and took a moment to ask him, "Are you sure because this is gonna hurt a little?"

    "Do it, stick it in and fuck me," he said - so that's what I did. I moaned and he yelped as the head of my dick went into him (but not as fast as he'd done to me); I stopped for a moment so he could get used to it and when he said, Go... go..." I pushed more of myself into him until all eight inches of my dick was inside him.

    "Oh, god, it fucking hurts... but it feels good!" he said as I started to fuck him. It was already warm in his room and now it was really hot; sweat was still pouring off of both of us and as I raised up so I could see my dick buried in his ass, some sweat got into my eyes and was stinging like crazy - but my dick looked very good stretching his asshole nice and wide... and so good that I was about to cum.

    It was building up to the moment where I couldn't stop it and just when I blurted out that I was gonna cum, I heard voices downstairs - oh, shit: His parents were home!" But I was also cumming and I couldn't have stopped and pulled out even if I wanted to - and I sure as hell wanted to because chances were good that one or both of his parents would come looking for him and just walk into his room and if they saw this...

    And to make matters worse, it was like my body was taking its own sweet time pumping my sperm into him and I heard his mother tell his father, "Go see if he's in his room!"

    Oh, no! He heard it, too, so I hurried up and pulled out of him - and my dick was still pumping a little and a spurt landed on the place on the bed where he had been laying - he was already up and looking for his pants and I wasn't too far behind him. It was so crazy that it wasn't until I actually looked to see that I had his underwear on! There was no time for us to switch; there were footsteps on the steps! We lived in the projects - all of the homes were the same - so I knew there were 13 steps to be climbed and his dad had already taken 6 of them already.

    Panic was setting in for both of us and I had enough time to whisper to him, "Open the window -hurry up and open the window!" He managed to fling it open and sit down next to me when his bedroom door opened and his dad walked in... and it seemed like my heart stopped beating as he looked at both of us, saw that the window was open, and looked even harder at the two of us.

    I spoke to him and he returned my greeting... while still looking at us with great suspicion. I was thinking, "Oh, shit... he knows what we did!" and was waiting for all holy hell to break loose.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Almost Busted Again - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As I got free of my pants and underwear, I looked up at him and saw him looking at me, his eyes practically popping out of his head to see that there was none of his dick that wasn't in my mouth. He blinked and, I guess, saw that I was naked from the waist down and said, "Can I suck your dick, too?"

    I just nodded and with his dick still deep in my mouth, I turned around so that my dick was now hovering over his face; I so very much wanted him to suck me but I wasn't sure if he really would or not... but then I felt his lips kissing the head of my dick, then felt his tongue licking it - then felt the wet warmth of his mouth as his took more of me in... and I really went to work on him.

    I could him gagging a little so I made myself be still but he was handling it okay - and I knew that because he didn't stop sucking. I was literally slamming my face into his crotch, burying his bone deep in my mouth and throat and doing everything I could to make him cum again and, preferably, before he made me cum... but I always had a "problem" with guys who sucked dick for the first time; their... fumbling movements would always make me cum before I wanted to and this time wasn't any different.

    It made me stop sucking him and tell him that I was gonna cum, the signal that told him that if he didn't want to get a mouthful of cum, now would be the time to stop and move away. In our side by side position, I could see him nod; it told me that he heard me and that it would be okay to cum in his mouth. I was too close for comfort and I hurried up and went back down on him, sucking him furiously and just as he started to cum, I did, too, and I could swear that he was giving up even more spunk than he had the first time... but I couldn't keep thinking about that as my own dick was pumping away in his mouth.

    We kinda moved away from each other enough for our now-soft dicks fell from each other's mouth. I sat up and looked at him and was about to ask him if he was oka when he smiled and said, "That was amazing! Can we do it again?"

    I looked at my watch and asked, "What time will your parents be home? It's almost three o'clock now!"

    He said, "They won't be home for another hour!"

    That was good enough for me. I took a deep, cleansing breath, took a look at him, and went back down on him and a moment later I felt his mouth on me again. This time I wasn't in a big hurry to make him cum but my mind was also on the time; an hour might seem like a long time but when you're sucking dick, it can feel like only minutes have passed.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Almost Busted Again - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He got quiet again and experience had taught me to know what he was going to say next once he got up the nerve to say it... and I didn't have to wait very long.

    "Um, do you think...?" he asked, letting his voice trail off.

    For some reason, that kinda pissed me off and I finished the question for him by saying, "You wanna know if I'd suck your dick, huh?"

    "Well, yeah, that's what I was about to say," he said. "But I've never done anything like that before!"

    I didn't know about him but I went from being totally bored to totally horny; I wasn't really that sure that he really wanted to do this but I was quickly getting to the point where I didn't care if he was sure or not... and more so when I could tell that the thought of it was something he found exciting since his dick was hard.

    "Are you sure?" I asked him, already trying to imagine what his dick looked like - and hoping that he didn't have all that ugly-looking foreskin that just gave me the creeps.

    "I think so," he said, now looking very uncertain - but that was good enough for me.

    We were already sitting on his bed so I just kinda pushed him over until he was lying on his back; I unfastened his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear... and I felt myself drooling because his dick was hard and beautiful - and no foreskin. I looked up at him and saw he had that "deer in the headlights" look; he was scared and I almost didn't go down on him... but I said, "Fuck it..." to myself, leaned over him, and took him into my mouth.

    I heard him say, "Oh, shit!" - then my mouth was flooded with a lot of spunk; it caught me off guard and I had to hustle in order to swallow it. His cock was pumping like crazy with pulses so strong it had me thinking that it had to hurt. The good part was when he was finished cumming, his dick was still very hard - so I kept sucking on it. He went "crazy" - talking nonsense and cussing as his body made him fuck into my mouth. He felt and tasted so good; my own dick was very hard in my pants and for a moment I thought that I might cum in my underwear and I didn't want to do that so I sucked all of his dick down and held it there while I managed to get out of my own pants and underwear.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Almost Busted Again - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I think it was a week after my mother had caught me dick-deep in my brother's ass (and getting my own ass chewed out) when I was hanging out with one of the guys and on a really boring summer day that left us with not much to do.

    The public pool that was across the street from where we lived was closed while they emptied the pool to give it good cleaning due to it somehow becoming contaminated with algae - who knew water could turn green like that? We were bored out of our minds and was running out of stuff to talk about; we'd been talking about the various girls in the area - who was giving up the pussy and who wasn't - and most of his part of the conversation was bitching about the girls who letting him get anywhere near them like that.

    "I get sick and fucking tired of jerking off," he complained and looked at me as if, I dunno, he expected me to agree with him or something.

    I wasn't feeling his pain so much because one way or the other, I was getting laid pretty regularly but I did say, "I don't - I like jerking off because it's fun and it feels good!"

    He rolled his eyes and was quiet for a moment and in the moment, I got a sense that this conversation was about to make a major change. He looked at me and then asked, "Well, what do you do when you can't get any pussy?"

    "That doesn't happen too often," I said with a shrug. "Girls let me fuck them because, um, I eat pussy, mostly."

    "I was thinking about that," he said. "But, shit, I dunno know about that." He got quiet again and in a way that I recognized.

    "You ever do it with another dude?" he asked.

    Now it was my turn to get quiet and think about how I was going to answer that question or give him a non-answer - and decided, what the hell - just answer him.

    "Yeah and quite a few times," I said, watching him closely to see how he was gonna react to that answer.

    "Really? What's it like? Do y'all fuck or something?" he asked.

    "Yeah, we take turns fucking each other but a lot of times it's just sucking each other off," I said.

    "No shit!" he said. "But you like girls, right?"

    "Of course I do," I said, rolling my eyes at him for asking such a dumb question. After all, we had become friends because he found out that I had fucked his sister and had called himself trying to fight me - and got his ass kicked for his troubles. "But it's something that guys do and especially if they can't get any pussy."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Flipped Scripts - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]In my early days and if a guy flipped the script, eh, I just went along with it even though I really didn't want my ass bothered in any way. Back then, it was "easier" just to go along with the change than to have an argument or a fight get started but I'd often feel bad about caving in like that... so I had to learn not to. It's one thing if a guy now wants to fuck and I'm agreeable but if I'm not, well, either we're gonna keep doing what we agreed to do or everything stops right here, right now.

    And, yeah, I've had guys try to force the issue and I've shown them the error of their ways; he might think that I'm some kind of girly type of guy because I very much wanted to suck his dick but I also had the muscle, will, and skill to defend myself against any unwanted actions.

    When I say no, I mean it. Now, other guys are gonna be the way they are in this situation so it's not that someone trying to flip the script on you is gonna happen - it's all about what you do if/when it does. I usually suggest to guys that going into a sexual situation, don't expect anything but this is an exception: Expect things to not go the way you planned it. The trick is to not be totally on guard for the script to be flipped but put a plan together in your mind about what you're gonna do or say if and/or when this situation occurs.

    Even with sex between men, no means no; a guy being pushy about wanting you to do something you do not want to do is considered to be very bad form and you do not have to allow it and, yeah, it's best to be prepared to defend your decision and by any means necessary.

    I know that while I'm mainly a cock sucker these days, there are guys out there who will want to fuck me and experience has taught me to get it right up front those things I am not going to do or allow; if I say to leave my ass alone, I make it clear to the guy what could happen if he thinks he can sneak something in - I am not going to react kindly to it so if that's what you have in your head, get it out of your head... and now you can't say that you weren't warned. I will tell them that it's not unusual for me to change my mind... but don't expect me to and if I do happen to change my mind, I'll let you know.

    Once I get all of this out, we're either going to suck each other... or nothing is going to happen - and that's just the way shit goes. I also don't know how many times I've run into a guy who doesn't want his cock touched or sucked and, being a very hungry cock sucker, yeah - that's disappointing... but because of the script changes I've experienced, I know not to even try to convince the guy to let me suck him... but I will tell him, before anything happens, that I'd love to suck his dick and if he says no, the matter is dropped.

    Because you learn to respect the things a guy will and won't do and it doesn't matter why he doesn't want to do something. You get to understand some hard facts about this: Guys do not all have the same idea about how sex with other men is supposed to be. You will eventually learn that whatever you have on your mind might not be what the other guy has on his mind and just because you wouldn't do any script flipping doesn't mean that some guy isn't going to do any either.

    I go into every sexual situation with a man with the thought in my head that things can change and at any moment; I know that this is a kind of gentleman's agreement when we talk about what we wanna do and all that but I also understand how having sex can change what a guy is thinking about and that even I can change my mind despite what we originally agreed to. It happens and you have to understand that it does and, again, you just never know if or when something like this is gonna happen.

    You just gotta know what you're gonna do if it does and you're not agreeable to it. I don't really like kissing guys and I've told guys this... and they've tried to kiss me and I'll move away or otherwise stop them and then say, "I told you I don't like doing that." I learned to expect guys to do shit like that and then not to be bothered by it. I don't know how many times I've heard guys begging, pleading, and even demanding that I do what they want to do... and I've said no and reminded them that I told them I wasn't interested in whatever they're trying to get me to do. It makes for a ruined moment and while that sucks, it's better than having your principles violated when you don't want them violated.

    Some guys just aren't going to respect the fact that if you're a cock sucker, that's all you want to do and it's the only thing you will do; they're gonna think that because they're into fucking guys, you should allow them to fuck you and if you don't, they're gonna think you're all fucked up and shit like that. Again, things like this have [B]always[/B] been an issue a lot of guys wind up facing and it's not easy to not be bothered by it except, again, get it into your head that what you're thinking about and what's going on in his head might not be the same thing and if you haven't created a plan for dealing with this moment, I highly recommend that you create one.

    Otherwise, you're gonna find yourself feeling some kind of way about having the script flipped on you because you didn't expect it happen and it begins with being as explicit and as clear as you can be before anything happens and let it be known, right up front, that trying to flip the script is going to be a very major problem. At this point, it's now up to the other guy to decide if he's gonna go with the plan as agreed to... or he's gonna walk away because what you're not going to do is a big-time deal breaker for him. And if the deal gets broken, fine - nothing to be all that upset about because there are other guys out there somewhere who will be more than happy to go along with with you want to do.

    You wanna blow me but don't want to be blown in return? Bummer for me... but you're gonna suck my dick and since I love having my dick sucked, I'm not gonna be mad about not being able to suck yours. I know that I'm gonna be hoping that you might change your mind about that but I'm not gonna expect you to... and I'm not going to ask you to. Just know that this is me... and there are guys who just aren't like this and know that as hard as you might try to avoid guys like this, you'll never know how shit is going to go until the moment it happens so, yeah, be ready for it; if you understand that it can happen, you don't get surprised by it and you already know what you're gonna do or say if it does happen.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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