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  1. Flipped Scripts - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]In my early days and if a guy flipped the script, eh, I just went along with it even though I really didn't want my ass bothered in any way. Back then, it was "easier" just to go along with the change than to have an argument or a fight get started but I'd often feel bad about caving in like that... so I had to learn not to. It's one thing if a guy now wants to fuck and I'm agreeable but if I'm not, well, either we're gonna keep doing what we agreed to do or everything stops right here, right now.

    And, yeah, I've had guys try to force the issue and I've shown them the error of their ways; he might think that I'm some kind of girly type of guy because I very much wanted to suck his dick but I also had the muscle, will, and skill to defend myself against any unwanted actions.

    When I say no, I mean it. Now, other guys are gonna be the way they are in this situation so it's not that someone trying to flip the script on you is gonna happen - it's all about what you do if/when it does. I usually suggest to guys that going into a sexual situation, don't expect anything but this is an exception: Expect things to not go the way you planned it. The trick is to not be totally on guard for the script to be flipped but put a plan together in your mind about what you're gonna do or say if and/or when this situation occurs.

    Even with sex between men, no means no; a guy being pushy about wanting you to do something you do not want to do is considered to be very bad form and you do not have to allow it and, yeah, it's best to be prepared to defend your decision and by any means necessary.

    I know that while I'm mainly a cock sucker these days, there are guys out there who will want to fuck me and experience has taught me to get it right up front those things I am not going to do or allow; if I say to leave my ass alone, I make it clear to the guy what could happen if he thinks he can sneak something in - I am not going to react kindly to it so if that's what you have in your head, get it out of your head... and now you can't say that you weren't warned. I will tell them that it's not unusual for me to change my mind... but don't expect me to and if I do happen to change my mind, I'll let you know.

    Once I get all of this out, we're either going to suck each other... or nothing is going to happen - and that's just the way shit goes. I also don't know how many times I've run into a guy who doesn't want his cock touched or sucked and, being a very hungry cock sucker, yeah - that's disappointing... but because of the script changes I've experienced, I know not to even try to convince the guy to let me suck him... but I will tell him, before anything happens, that I'd love to suck his dick and if he says no, the matter is dropped.

    Because you learn to respect the things a guy will and won't do and it doesn't matter why he doesn't want to do something. You get to understand some hard facts about this: Guys do not all have the same idea about how sex with other men is supposed to be. You will eventually learn that whatever you have on your mind might not be what the other guy has on his mind and just because you wouldn't do any script flipping doesn't mean that some guy isn't going to do any either.

    I go into every sexual situation with a man with the thought in my head that things can change and at any moment; I know that this is a kind of gentleman's agreement when we talk about what we wanna do and all that but I also understand how having sex can change what a guy is thinking about and that even I can change my mind despite what we originally agreed to. It happens and you have to understand that it does and, again, you just never know if or when something like this is gonna happen.

    You just gotta know what you're gonna do if it does and you're not agreeable to it. I don't really like kissing guys and I've told guys this... and they've tried to kiss me and I'll move away or otherwise stop them and then say, "I told you I don't like doing that." I learned to expect guys to do shit like that and then not to be bothered by it. I don't know how many times I've heard guys begging, pleading, and even demanding that I do what they want to do... and I've said no and reminded them that I told them I wasn't interested in whatever they're trying to get me to do. It makes for a ruined moment and while that sucks, it's better than having your principles violated when you don't want them violated.

    Some guys just aren't going to respect the fact that if you're a cock sucker, that's all you want to do and it's the only thing you will do; they're gonna think that because they're into fucking guys, you should allow them to fuck you and if you don't, they're gonna think you're all fucked up and shit like that. Again, things like this have [B]always[/B] been an issue a lot of guys wind up facing and it's not easy to not be bothered by it except, again, get it into your head that what you're thinking about and what's going on in his head might not be the same thing and if you haven't created a plan for dealing with this moment, I highly recommend that you create one.

    Otherwise, you're gonna find yourself feeling some kind of way about having the script flipped on you because you didn't expect it happen and it begins with being as explicit and as clear as you can be before anything happens and let it be known, right up front, that trying to flip the script is going to be a very major problem. At this point, it's now up to the other guy to decide if he's gonna go with the plan as agreed to... or he's gonna walk away because what you're not going to do is a big-time deal breaker for him. And if the deal gets broken, fine - nothing to be all that upset about because there are other guys out there somewhere who will be more than happy to go along with with you want to do.

    You wanna blow me but don't want to be blown in return? Bummer for me... but you're gonna suck my dick and since I love having my dick sucked, I'm not gonna be mad about not being able to suck yours. I know that I'm gonna be hoping that you might change your mind about that but I'm not gonna expect you to... and I'm not going to ask you to. Just know that this is me... and there are guys who just aren't like this and know that as hard as you might try to avoid guys like this, you'll never know how shit is going to go until the moment it happens so, yeah, be ready for it; if you understand that it can happen, you don't get surprised by it and you already know what you're gonna do or say if it does happen.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Flipped Scripts - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'm writing this for the topic Blondeblowjob7 wrote about on the forum but it's also something other guys should be aware of and prepared for. As I responded to him, I can't begin to tell you how many times I've gotten with a guy, we've agreed that we're only going to suck each other off... and then the other guy is either asking, begging, or demanding to fuck me.

    It's bothersome and it can be a serious mood killer and if it happens to a guy a lot, it can make them leery about getting with guys going forward and, as I wrote, the best way to deal with this situation is to first expect it to happen - then be happy if it doesn't. If it does - and you're not of a mind to go along with it - now it's about saying no and not allowing yourself to be persuaded - or coerced - into doing something you just do not want to do. It's an awkward situation and either the guy who asked is going to not make a big deal out of his request and things keep going or he's gonna not like having his request rejected and the whole situation grinds to a halt.

    It's always been a problem and the kind that you never know is going to show up. I've been happily blowing guys and then hear them say that they want to cum but they can't... but they could if they could fuck me and I had to learn how to say no to this as well as being willing and able to stand by my decision to say no.

    You think and expect that once you agree to something, nothing is going to happen other than that... but you learn that what you expect - and what can really happen - are two very different things. It's always a thing where you have one thing in mind and you know that you're not going to deviate from this but what you don't know is what's going on in the other guy's head and, yeah: Some guys try to be slick about it. They have it in their head that they want to fuck you and it's still in their head when you don't agree to that because they figure that while you're sucking his dick, he can talk you into being fucked... because he's been able to flip the script like that before.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. Taking It In Me - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]After a lot of years of having fun being fucked, it just stopped being fun and for the longest time, I thought it was because I'd been fucked by a guy who, to this day, had the longest dick I've ever seen - a measured 13" and, yeah, I measured it because I wanted to know how long it was. It wasn't that he couldn't get it in me - he got all of it in me; it wasn't that he didn't fuck me good and nicely - I'd never been fucked that good before.

    I just somehow didn't enjoy it as much as I had before... and as far back as a week before I ran into this guy. Not two minutes after we got done with each other and he'd gone on about his business, I decided that I was gonna give up being fucked and, in turn, wasn't going to fuck a guy because still and to me, you just do not ask a man to do something that you wouldn't do. I disappointed a lot of guys going forward and guys who I actually felt close enough to and wanted them inside me... but no; it wasn't fun anymore and I'm not of a mind to do something that isn't fun so when such a guy said that we should fuck each other, I'd tell him that we'd have to settle for just sucking each off.

    Some guys were okay with this... and many were not... and I wasn't going to feel bad about them being unhappy. It would be a few years before I'd want a guy to fuck me... and I let him do it and it was wonderful and taking a turn fucking him was once again satisfying. The thing I learned from this "dark period" was that being fucked and as a matter of course wasn't as much fun as being able to pick and choose when I wanted to be fucked and who'd get to fuck me. I knew that the size of a guy's dick didn't matter to me - and seriously didn't after Mr. 13" - and I was comforted in knowing that if/when I wanted to be fucked or be the one doing the fucking, I could... but on my terms, as it were.

    Not just because it was expected and, as I would eventually learn, constantly having to clean my ass out even on a just in case kind of thing was too much work to be bothered with.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. Taking It In Me - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]As previously related, my cadre of friends weren't the only ones putting their dick in my ass and as sordid as it sounds, there were a few adults who'd get as much dick as they could in me without causing any damage and fuck me until they came; the feel of their dicks growing bigger in me just before it started pumping was scary good although, at least in the early going, they couldn't get much more than the head in me but with every encounter, they'd manage to get a bit more in me and it just added to the nasty pleasures.

    But, of course, all of my friends could easily get all of their dick in me and, gods, it would feel so good but sometimes it would make me feel dirty and nasty; it was a feeling I had to learn how to ignore and most of the time that was easy... and sometimes a guy would pull out and I'd feel his spunk oozing out of me and I just felt awful and like no amount of soap and water would ever get me clean again.

    I knew this was all in my mind except when I'd run into that one guy who just didn't fuck me nicely which was usually being too rough and/or talking to me in a way I just didn't like... but I learned that even in this, you sometimes had to take the bad with the good and then learn from it.

    Sometimes a guy would shoot his load before even getting the head inside me... and I used to get so pissed off it wasn't funny. I don't remember if I ever said anything about it but I do remember that I'd get this very disappointed look on my face that would say more than words could. In the early going, eh, it wasn't [I]that[/I] big of a deal since most guys could get it back up in a couple of minutes and succeed in getting it in me, fucking me, then creaming my hole. It was something I found reason to think about although, as I write this, I don't quite remember why I did but I'm sure it had to be something about what part of being fucked I liked the most and coming to the conclusion that my favorite part was when the guy shot his load into me and while that felt just heavenly, it really didn't feel that bad if/when the guy spilled his load in the crack of my ass so I decided that as long as the guy shot his load - in my hole or all in my crack - that worked.

    The thing that [B]never[/B] worked for me was being fucked in the missionary position. Oh, a lot of guys would fuck me in that position but my hips joints would hurt more than my asshole would and no matter how flexible I was - they just didn't like being in that position at all and it was "better" if I had my legs on their shoulders; at least the pain in my hips wasn't as bad as having my legs splayed open, you know, like girls/women usually do when they're being fucked. I guess the only "good" thing about being screwed in that position was that I could often look down and see the guy's dick going in and out of me and I even admitted that it was quite a rush to be able to see that... but not worth having to deal with my hips hurting like I was 100 years old and with a bad case of arthritis.

    It was just easier for me to lie on my belly and wait for the dick to start going in. Being on my knees wasn't bad but sometimes the guy would be fucking me so hard and fast that he'd wind up making me lie on my belly anyway; sometimes the guy would yank me back up onto my knees and all because he wanted to keep his eyes glued to his dick in my ass.

    Okay, whatever...

    One thing I learned was that there is such a thing as being fucked too long. Lubricants eventually break down and the heat of the resulting friction, well, it didn't feel good and that just sucked given the many times I'd find myself lying under a guy, he's having fun back there, but I'm actually praying that he'd hurry up and cum and get out of me. I knew I could tell him to stop and that if I had to, make him stop... but I now understood why some girls would just lie there and take the fucking because it was easier than starting an argument or a fight; just hurry the fuck up and cum and get the fuck outta me already.

    To me, there was nothing worst than wanting to be fucked... and the guy couldn't keep his dick hard enough and, to be honest, I've never understood why that happens except that, in some guys' minds, they knew where their dick was about to go and something in there head was saying, "Oh, hell no!" and their dick would stay really soft until they gave up trying to stick it in - then it would go right back to being as hard as a rock.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Taking It In Me - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My first love has always been sucking dick; the feel and taste of it that was so similar yet different from guy to guy and, of course, having that great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction to feel and taste his cum in my mouth. But for the longest time, my second love was feeling a hard dick in my ass.

    Even as a horny youngster, I wasn't really afraid of it even though, yeah, it didn't feel all that good going in. Sometimes it did hurt and a lot but I was determined not to tell the guy to stop pushing it in or to wait x-amount of time. Sometimes the dick would go in me so fast that the speed of entry would sometimes make me feel like I was gonna throw up and, a few times, I did a little but I'd bear up under having that unpleasant feeling and taste going on.

    When I knew a guy was about to stick it in me, there was that sense of anticipation and even a bit of anxiety since I knew that once the head got past the muscle, the rest of the dick wouldn't [usually] have a hard time following although in the days where a guy with some appreciable girth was going in, yeah, taking the head in was the easy part... but I still found no reason to complain or even make a sound even when it did really hurt.

    To feel his spongy knob against my slicked-up hole... then that first push and I'd gotten used to willing myself to relax and to even, um, push out like I was taking a shit - it really did help and as odd as that might sound. Then came the stretching and it was a delicious kind of pain, kinda like having a cavity that was bothering you but you can't stop probing it with your tongue and making it hurt. It was all about relaxing and remembering to breathe normally as more and more dick would go into me until either I got all of it or as much of it as was gonna go in there.

    Then it was all about lying there and being fucked until he started cussing and I could feel his dick stretching my hole even wider before it started pumping away inside of me. Ah, so nasty but so good, too! In those times when my friends who wasn't shooting spunk was fucking me, damn - once they got in me, it just felt too good to feel them on top of me and feeling their prick sliding in and out of me and, sometimes, I'd be so comfortable and feeling so good that I'd nod off until he did or said something that would snap me back into full awareness.

    I always expected to get fucked but if a guy didn't want to fuck me, I didn't get too disappointed but, yeah, it would have been nice and I'd often feel... bad because I'd fuck a guy but he didn't want to fuck me and it felt so unfair to me but at least I'd give his dick a very good and thorough sucking so in a way, it kinda equaled out.

    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Inside My Head... While Giving Head - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Between being awakened and the sex, I was so tired as I pulled out of him and, as I knew it would, I could feel my stomach rumbling because all of his spunk had upset the water balance in my gut big time - but it was worth it.

    As we moved to hit the bathroom to clean up (and I could take care of my little problem) he asked, “What the hell was that?”

    I laughed and said, “Well, you said that you thought you were cumming too fast so I wanted to make sure that you’d cum twice - was it good for you?”

    He laughed and said it was, said he’d see me later, and went off to bed, leaving me alone with my thoughts as I made another trip to the bathroom. Was I feeling love for him? No but I cared for him a lot which made all of this very special. I’d sucked so many dicks in my day but few that made me feel the way I did about him.

    A look at the clock on the wall told me that I’d better take my ass to sleep because it wouldn’t be long before his mom and my wife would be home from work and both looking to get laid...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Inside My Head... While Giving Head - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I would have given this more thought but he was fucking into my mouth with short, fast thrusts; I could feel his cock quivering in my mouth - then felt him swell and so fast that he gasped - then flooded my mouth with his sperm - where was this kid keeping all of this?

    He thrashed and moaned as his cock pumped cum into my mouth and I just swallowed and got lost I’m feeling his cock expanding and contracting and feeding me more of his seed. I felt him softening and didn’t want to let go of him... but he had recovered enough to say, “Fuck me... put your big dick in my ass...”

    The lube was right there within my reach and I even fucked with him some more by keeping his soft prick in my mouth while I applied lube to both of us and even finger fucked his hole just a bit longer before I reluctantly released him. He turned over on his own, lifting his ass and I wasted no time stabbing him with my hardness. Jesus... he was so tight as I settled onto him and started to fuck him. He started to fuck back against me and I could barely hear him muttering to himself about it feeling so good and to not stop.

    As I fucked him, I took a moment to look at my dick buried in his ass;I wanted this to last “forever” but with the way he was ducking back against me, that was Gina happen and I just went with the flow until my cock swelled inside of him and made both of us gasp - then I got swept away as my load was pumped into him.

    Ah... so good, so good...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Inside My Head... While Giving Head - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I looked up at him and could see the wide-eyed look he was giving me and I felt... evil to see my intentions dawning in him and now, with his cock fully hard once more, he saw that - to coin a phrase - resistance was futile and just submitted to my lust for him.

    Ah... I wish you could have felt what I was feeling as I worked my mouth on his cock; I wish you could have felt the fever-like heat rolling off of his young body, could smell his muskiness and hear him moaning things not in English. I wish you could have tasted him - so fresh and clean and I thought for a moment - and as I took all of him and held it there - this is why a lot of older guys like these young 20-something kids and probably because they reminded us of when we were that age, so horny and filled with so much cum...

    And cum he was close to giving me again. I wasn’t in a hurry to get it; I wanted to really savor having him in my mouth while ignoring my own erection - that would get taken care of in good time. He felt so good in my mouth; I loved the way his body was reacting to what I was doing and when I looked up at him, that look he was giving me meant so much and touched me deeply.

    I might have fallen in love with him in that moment...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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