
All Blog Entries

  1. My "Secret" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Of course and just like anyone else, there's some shit I ain't ever gonna do, oh, like, if you wanted to tie me up and just use the shit out of me, the answer is no; got a fetish I ain't feeling? Nope - can't help you; I'm not dressing up like a girl or playing with your feet, giving or taking golden showers - stuff like that. What? You want me to tie you up and beat on you and make you submit to whatever I feel like doing? Eh, no and I will tell you that it would not be a good thing for you since I long ago learned that I like "beating on people during sex" way too much for my own comfort so, that would be a definite no.

    Roleplaying? I don't have the patience for it and I'm too literal-minded about having sex because while sex is fun, it's not a game to me... and I had that cousin who, I guess, "made sure" that sexual role playing was gonna be something I wasn't going to like a whole lot. Having said that, if it's something we can both agree on and you meet my three criteria, the only thing I wanna know now is when and where?

    Easy, right? I'd guess that for a lot of guys, going out of my way to make it easier might sound terribly risky and maybe even dangerous and to that I say what I've always said: I'm horny... not stupid; if I get the slight whiff of something that ain't quite right, the answer is no and that's my final answer; thanks to the mistakes I've seen others make, when in doubt, I just won't. Do I worry about catching something? Of course I do but I'll also point out that I have [B]never[/B] caught anything nasty. Never. Because I do know how to say no; it's just that I don't go out of my way to find reasons to say no to anyone. But if you give me one, guess what ain't gonna happen? I even know what to look for when it comes to a healthy dick and I just might be the smartest person you'll ever meet because I do know some stuff about that... because I learned that not knowing this stuff is what gets people in serious trouble when it comes to sex... and I still trust my instincts more than I will trust anything you have to say.

    They haven't been wrong yet. My secret isn't that much of one. Nine times out of ten, I've already decided to say yes... unless you fuck up and give me a reason to say no. I never - and still don't - give a shit about the things a lot of guys fret over; you have a dick; it works the way it's supposed to; you're old enough to keep both of us out of prison and, importantly, I'm not going to have to be forced to defend myself. So what if you don't have a huge cock? Doesn't matter to me. I'm not really a "fan" of kissing and cuddling but I've done it just the same so if you wanna warm up with kissing and all that? I'll give it try with you but it's not gonna be a reason for me to tell you no, thanks for asking. That top and bottom thing? I could care less about it; either way works for me and it really does depend on how I feel at the moment... and I've been known to change my mind, too.

    Rimming? Uh... nope; don't know you that well enough. Fisting? Nope, not even going there. You wanna play alpha male games? I'm not the one... because I'm just as alpha as the next guy and with a very nasty and quick temper and, fuck no: I'm not a girl so don't even think about treating me like one and I might be a lot of things but submissive isn't one of them. Yeah... I got some "rules" and as long as you don't push up against them, we're going to get along fine and make each other cum.

    Otherwise, sure - we can do something. Just one thing and this is the now 65-year-old talking: If you don't suck dick or don't want your dick sucked, I'm gonna have to tell you thanks... but no thanks because why should you be the only one having this particular kind of fun? If fucking ain't your thing, I'm good with that but, yeah, I could change my mind about it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. My "Secret" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]My protege said one day, "It couldn't have been that easy!" and I said, "Yeah, it was really that easy, well, at least for me and it was that easy because - and I hate to say it - I went out of my way to make it easy; that's something that, these days, guys aren't so willing to do."

    He said - and in a joking kind of way, "Wow... you were quite the nasty critter!"

    And I said, "Yep - sure was and I still am." I explained to him - and not for the first time - that I only have three main criteria: Be of legal age to consent to sex wherever we happen to be; be clean and healthy enough for sex; don't be my idea of an asshole. If you meet these things, we can do it; if you don't meet any of these things, it's not gonna happen and it's not going to be easy for you to convince me otherwise because while I've learned from my own mistakes over the decades, I've really learned from the mistakes others have made and mistake they're now wishing they hadn't made.

    He's asked me about my "type" of guy and I don't think he really believes me when I say that I don't have one. Race doesn't matter to me nor does any of the other stuff that guys fret over. He'll send me a pic of a guy with a ginormous dick and how he wouldn't even look at it... and I'll say, "Shit, if I did anything, I'd definitely suck it!" He gets... tickled or impressed or something when guys my age and old wants to get him naked in some way and he'll sometimes ask me how I'd feel if some guy older than I am wanted to do something... and I'll tell him that if he can meet my three things, sure -why not?

    Or some really young buck will be chasing after him and he'll ask, "Would you do him?" Of course I would... as long as he's 18 and able to prove it if I happen to think he's trying to bullshit me; otherwise, why not?[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. My "Secret" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]By the time HIV/AIDS appeared on the scene, it was a damned good reason to tell some guys, "Nah, that's okay..." - but not all guys. I'd even go as far as to say that I was very damned lucky to be able to say yes to guys that I somehow knew were safe to say yes to - and whether I knew them or not. In my head, it would be "simple" in that if everything checked out with the guy, then it would be on... but if something didn't sound or feel right, it just wasn't going to happen. And even then, it was never about what some guy wanted to do because it didn't matter to me any more than it mattered to me what he looked like, how old or young he was, or how big his dick was. My only... issue was guys with uncut dicks; the only thing they were allowed to do was fuck me with them because I just wasn't - and couldn't - put those ugly things in my mouth but, yeah, I could wrap my hand around them and jerk them and if they were okay cumming like that, fine but if they weren't? Lemme bend over for you so you can stick it in me because if I try to suck it, I'm gonna throw up all over the place and I know I will because the few times I even tried to suck an uncut dick, I threw up before I could get it into my mouth.

    Lesson learned. Other than that? The answer was always yes until given a reason to say no. Getting even older and wiser was showing me that some guys were making it all to easy for me to say no to them and mostly because there was something about them than I just didn't like and even if I wanted to, if my instincts said, "Tell this asshole no!" I would tell him thanks, but no thanks. The logic, at least for me, was simple: You get to get more dick when you say yes than you do when you say no... but if you're gonna say no, be sure there's a reason you can point to for turning down some dick...

    And for me, that was usually whatever was going on in the other guy's head about it. Mindset. Attitude. Stuff like that. Even as I got into middle age, this was - and still is - the determining factor; if you don't feel right to me, the answer is no; if I have any doubts or uncertainties, I'm either going to tell you no or honestly tell you that I need to think some more about you. You don't get kicked to the curb for anything other than not feeling right to me and that includes trying to bullshit me and trying to con me into believing that you're the guy I should have sex with: I've been around the block so many times that I own the damned block so you're not likely to be able to fool or otherwise get over on me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. My "Secret" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Whenever I talk to my protege about all the dick I was able to get, he sometimes asks me how I managed to do that and more so when I grew up at a time when homosexuality was the most hated thing in the world and even more so because, as it was being said, Blacks were the most homophobic people on the planet.

    I'd tell him that sometimes I was just in the right place at the right time but my real "secret" was that I rarely, if ever, said no when some guy - any guy - would ask me if I wanted to do it with him. Sometimes, I would say no because the guy asking didn't "feel" right and I'd learn that this was my instincts giving me a warning and one that, yeah, I learned the hard way to pay attention to. But if my instincts weren't warning me, sure - when and where? It wasn't even a matter of what; topping, bottoming, flip-flopping (in today's terms) didn't matter and while I had to learn how to deal with guys using me only as a cum-dump, eh, I learned to get over it because a guy did it to me and it felt good, well, most of the time and while he was doing it but sometimes not so much after the fact.

    It's the thing that, today, tends to embarrass me when I think about how easy I was but not easy because I was gullible but easy because I loved doing it with other guys and it made sense to me that if a guy wanted to it to or with me, saying yes made more sense than saying no... but, again, I'd learn that sometimes I should have said no but it's done and over with so there's that.

    As I got older and wiser in these things, I'd have a lot of good reasons to say no to a guy and sometimes I would... but not all of the time. Oh - you want me to suck your dick (or you wanna suck mine)? Okay! You wanna stick it in my ass and fuck me (or you want me to do that to you)? Okay! You want us to take turns sucking and fucking each other? Great! When and where?

    Not much of a real secret, huh? As I continued to grow and learn, I'd see guys pretty much going out of their way to find reasons not to do it... but they liked doing it... and then they'd moan and groan about missing that opportunity and that they should have said yes, knew they wanted to say yes, but just didn't. Even they'd ask me how I was getting so much dick and they weren't and I'd tell them, "I rarely say no."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. Very Late One Night - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]But I couldn't bring myself to do that; that really wasn't me and no matter how pissed off I was so I grabbed him by the arm and pulled him to a sitting position and said, "Here... let me pay you the fee for the ride..." and pressed my knob against his lips; if he resisted, okay - I'd just get dressed and leave but he opened his mouth and let me in and, again, kinda unlike the way I usually am, I started fucking into his mouth, not enough to hurt him but he wanted to suck this dick? Well, maybe he'll be careful what he asks for with the next guy!

    Now, I'm really kinda thinking that I'm fucking his mouth and in a way I had hoped he didn't really like - serves him right - but he grabs my ass and shoves the rest of my dick in then used his hands to let me know I can go back to fucking his mouth - but deeper... so that's what I do but I'm also admitting a couple of things to myself. One is I didn't like myself for doing it this way... and, hmm, it's kinda fun, too. At one point, I had pulled out, pushed him onto his back again, and then straddled his face - but not sitting on his chest - and went back to fucking his mouth that way and a way I had seen in a porno flick.

    He's fingering my ass and balls and that's just making me fuck his mouth even more until we both felt my dick swelling and I unloaded into his mouth and with most of my dick down his throat. As I came, yeah - I felt kinda bad because he could choke but, then again, he wasn't in distress so I didn't move until I was done. I got off of him and if looks could kill, he "killed" me a few times - and I ignored his looks and gave him one of my own that said, "You really don't wanna fuck with me about this..."

    Then he smiled - and giggled like a girl - and said, "That was amazing! Can you stay and do it like that again?"

    I said, "Hell, no; just give me the money you promised and I'm outta here - I gotta go to work in a couple of hours!" He goes to his bedside table and hands me a small wad of bills, all the while pleading with me not to leave but I got dressed, gave him some kind of a look, and left for home. As I walked in the chilly air, I wasn't happy with myself about the way I treated him but, on the other hand, you piss me off and the payment for that might not be me kicking your ass - that would be too easy. I shuddered to realize the depth of my ability to be... evil, for lack of a better word. I shouldn't have done what I did and the way I did but I also found that I didn't give a fuck, either. What made it worse, at least for me, was that I found no pleasure in busting a nut in his mouth... but my anger and temper was really happy about how it went down.

    I got home and went to bed and my last thought before sleep claimed me was that it was I was never gonna see that guy again.

    I was wrong... but that's for another time.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. Very Late One Night - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]He quickly went from, "Yeah, that feels good!" to "Wait! Wait! Slow down! Not that fast! You're gonna make me cum too fast!"

    Which was exactly what I intended! He was trying to get away from me but I had pinned his legs with my weight and used my hands to slap his hands away as he kept trying to push my head away. He was whining and crying like the little bitch he proved himself to be and I had to admit that I was enjoying what I was doing... and because it wasn't the way he planned for shit to happen. Dick size didn't mean anything to me and that was "bad news" for him; he was only like 4" erect and it was stupidly easy for me to take him deep and quickly and without any real intent to make this good for him. I wanted to "punish" him for his complaints and his bragging - when he sucked me, I just wasn't "impressed" by his feeble skills.

    He had finally stopped struggling but now's he's really crying and I barely felt his dick twitching in my mouth as he came and, in one of those rare moments, I was pissed that he barely had enough spunk for me to get a taste of. Then again, the way I had sucked him wasn't me either. I stood up and looked down at him; tears are streaming down his face and he's crying like a baby... and I didn't feel sorry for him one bit and I was kinda shocked to realize that I was thinking about other ways to make him miserable, oh, like flipping him over and ramming my still-hard dick in his ass.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. Very Late One Night - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I'll cut out the part where we made small talk and get to the part when he started hitting on me, like, asking me if I'd ever had another guy suck my dick; I played dumb and asked him why he was asking me and, of course, he said that his "fee" for giving me a ride was me giving him my dick to suck - and he thought the way he said it was funny since I was a cab driver... and it was kinda funny... but I wasn't sure if I wanted this guy sucking my dick but as we got closer, I thought, "Eh, why not?" I even "confessed" that I sucked dick, too, and he seemed delighted and said that if I sucked his dick, he'd even pay me.

    We get to his place and we hadn't even gotten through the door good when he started undressing and talking about how he was gonna suck my dick better than anyone ever could which was something I never paid any attention to because I'd heard it too many times before but this time, his bragging pissed me off and I wanted nothing more than to just leave right then and there... but I am, if nothing, honorable; I agreed that we'd blow each other and I didn't feel right walking away like that... but I was gonna fix his ass for pissing me off.

    We get to his bedroom and I stripped from the waist down and he went from complimenting me on the size of my dick... to getting a little pissy because even though I had washed up after having sex, he could still smell her on me. That pissed me off even more and I told him, "I never said that I didn't fuck women..." Now I wanted to keep my word and get the fuck out of there. He's sucking on my dick, making all kinds of ugly faces and mutter about how much he hated pussy-flavored dick and all that did was piss me off further: Time to end this!

    Since he was already sitting on the bed, I just took a step back to get my dick out of his mouth, then stepped back and pushed him onto his back, got on my knees and started to suck him... as hard and fast as I could manage.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. Very Late One Night - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had met this woman when I was driving a cab for a living; we'd hit it off and we started having sex - a lot of it. Things weren't getting serious between us but even after my car had broken down and I shopped for something I could afford, she'd pick me up after work and we'd spend a large part of our time together fucking then she'd drop me off at home.

    One day, she picked me up as usual and, as usual, we fucked all day and into the night; to that end, I'd have to say that she admitted to not being all that experienced at sex... but her enthusiasm was delightful and I liked that she told me, "Any way you can get your cock in me, I'm okay with it!" Time for me to head home, got in her car... dead battery. To make matters "worse," she didn't have a phone; I could have called one of my cab driver buddies to pick me up but I knew given where she lived, the closest pay phone was literally a couple of miles away.

    Shit. I could have stayed with her - it wouldn't have been the first time - but I had volunteered to do a double shift, which meant coming in very early and, well, I had to get home - weird moment. Anyway, I decided to hike to the pay phone, get someone to pick me up, no big deal. I said my goodbyes to her and started walking, thinking about being able to fuck such a woman; I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear a car coming and then rolling up alongside me and it startled me when the driver rolled down the window and kinda yelled, "Yo, man - you need a ride?"

    It was kinda chilly and while I wasn't fond of accepting rides from strangers, I wasn't that worried about protecting myself so I told him I could use a ride to the pay phone a mile or so down the road. Once in his car, he told me where he was going and I learned that he lived just a few blocks from my place so when he offered to drop me off at his place, I was good with it, figuring - as he did - I could easily get home from there and more so since from where he stopped for me, I was just about five miles from home.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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