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  1. "Seduced" - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We get our stuff together and he says, "We need to talk."

    "About what?" I asked.

    "I'm not a child molester," he said.

    "I know you aren't," I said. "If you were, I wouldn't be working for you. I'm not complaining so I don't understand why you're so concerned about this."

    "You're wise beyond your years," he said.

    "I hear that a lot," I said. "I understand it." I then told him about my first time with having sex with a man - and a grownup - a whole six years or so earlier and he was shocked.

    "I don't know what to say," he said.

    "There's nothing to say," I said with a shrug. "I believe that it's only a problem if either of us sees it as a problem and I don't see it as a problem - and you shouldn't either."

    I don't know if he came to terms with our conversation and as much as he appeared to but he had to be okay with it because over the remaining weeks of the summer, we spent every moment we could having sex and including me fucking him. He had said that he had never been fucked before... but he trusted me and that meant a lot to me. Summer was over and I had agreed to come back and work for him the following summer.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. "Seduced" - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]It was at that point when we both realized that he'd broken the zipper on my shorts and he apologized and said he'd replace them; his legs were still kinda shaky as he went to get a big safety pin - and just as his wife was coming through the front door. I heard him ask her where she kept the safety pins and told her that I had busted the zipper on my pants and a moment or two later, I was pinning my fly back together so I could go out and help him get the new mower out, set up, and running: I still had a lot of yard to cut and it was getting late. When he took me home, we really didn't talk about what had happened; he just said, "We're going to have a great time working with each other..."

    The next weekend, I got to feel his cock in my ass and I was both amused and kinda miffed because he was so worried about hurting me or doing some damage and I had to tell him that not only was it not my first time being fucked but I'd had bigger dicks than his in my ass - so, please, hurry up and stick it in me. It was... surreal to be in the garage and assuming the position against the now-cleared workbench and feeling him plunging his dick in and out of me and it felt so good and especially when he started shooting his spunk in me. He pulled out and spun me around so he could suck my dick until I cut loose in his mouth.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "Seduced" - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]The mower broke; it stuttered for a moment then it shut off with a very loud bang that almost literally scared the shit out of me. He came running to check on the noise and me and after seeing I was okay, we're standing there in our usual "work outfits" - shorts and shoes and no shirts - and doing the post mortem on the old mower. His wife came out with her famous lemonade, took one look at the mower and suggested that we'd be wasting our time trying to fix it so since she was going out to shop, she'd stop by Sears and get another mower. He said that he'd do it but she told him that his time would be better spent getting back to putting the doors back on the kitchen cabinets. The whole scene had me trying not to laugh at him but he agreed and said that he could use my help with the doors.

    Once inside - and his wife was gone - he came right out and said, "You know, I really like you - you're a fine young man and a hard worker."

    "Thank you," I said. "I appreciate that you gave me a job when you could have picked anyone else."

    "Well, I'd like to show my own appreciation, if that's okay with you?" he asked - and I thought two things: Here it comes... and finally!

    "Okay; what did you have in mind?" I asked and as innocently as I could manage while trying to hide how I was really feeling.

    "What do you know about... oral sex?" he asked. I had a few seconds to think about how to answer that; did I keep acting innocent... or tell him that I know all about it? I decided to tell him that I knew about it and mainly because he hadn't put any pressure on me with his "hints."

    "I know a lot about it," I said and reached out to cup his crotch through his shorts. "Would you like for me to show you how much I know?"

    I'm thinking he didn't expect that! He was speechless - all he could do was nod and that's all I needed. I unzipped his pants and reached in to pull out his boner - and one that sprang up the moment I touched him; I knelt down, looked up at him and had the nerve to say, "I know you were trying to seduce me, okay?" - then took him into my mouth. I hadn't been sucking him for a good two minutes before he cried out, I felt his cock expand in my mouth and hand, then a gusher of spunk shot out of him and as I hustled to swallow it, he had to lean against the counter to keep from falling down. He was calling God and Jesus and I almost giggled when I thought that neither of them were gonna help him at this point.

    I got done swallowing his load and looked up at him; his face was beet-red and despite it being cool inside, he was sweating like we were still outside... and then I was a little snarky because I asked him, "Does that prove how much I know about it?" He didn't answer me... with words. He blinked, shook his head, then practically tore my pants off; I'd later realize that he broke the zipper on my pants. He looked at my dick, blinked again, and asked, "How does a 15 year old have a cock bigger than mine?"

    I just shrugged and waited for him to do what we both knew he wanted to do. He knelt down and went after my dick like he was starving... and maybe he really was. At one point, I had to turn around so I could lean against the counter because my legs didn't want to keep holding me up. He was kinda taking his time and kinda hurrying up and I knew it was because there was no telling when his wife would return. I started fucking into his mouth - he liked that - and he grabbed my ass and starting shoving me into his mouth until I couldn't hold it any longer and I started to cum. He was sucking it down in a way that made me think I'd been hooked up to a vacuum cleaner![/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. "Seduced" - Part III

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Over the next couple of weekends, when I wasn't keeping his grass cut, I was helping him do other things around the house. We were cleaning out the garage and I had agreed that it didn't make sense for him to have a two-car garage and not be able to park both of their cars in it - it was a terrible mess with boxes and other stuff strewn all over the place and so much that, at times, we'd wind up brushing up against each other trying to move around the mess... and a lot of those moments, on his part, were intentional: He was trying to find out how I'd react like when I was reaching for something on a shelf and he came up behind me and pressed his front to my back while reaching around me to help me get the thing I was reaching for off the shelf.

    And, yes: His dick was quite hard and, yes, I acted like I hadn't even noticed it. To be truthful, I was kinda miffed that he hadn't asked yet but I could appreciate the care he was taking. We'd work side by side at times and he was dropping all kinds of hints that, if anyone else had been listening, would be quite innocent and unassuming... but I knew what he was trying to do and what he was trying to find out and as much as I wanted to just ask him, "Do you wanna have sex with me?" I didn't - I just let him go about his plan to seduce me.

    I'm going to skip ahead just a bit and get to the part when he finally popped the question...[/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. "Seduced" - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We got to his home... and I saw what meant when he said we were gonna have a long day; his yard was not only huge but it looked like it hadn't been attended to for a couple of weeks at the least and he had admitted to being too busy to keep up with it and other things like cleaning the garage, etc.. I sighed and thought that I was really going to earn my pay today and asked him where he wanted me to start.

    Minutes later, I had his mower up and running and attacking the more than ankle-high grass and I dove into the work; two hours later, I'd only gotten the front yard done and one side and mostly because in my eagerness to start working, I forgot to walk the yard to look for trash, branches, and stones that might get kicked up the the mower so by the time I got done, it was time for lunch. i was grateful for the break; I was hot and sweaty and had blades of grass sticking to me here and there. His wife had made me sandwiches and handed me a glass of the best lemonade I'd ever tasted - and while she chided her hubby about working me too hard.

    It was when she had gone to the store and I'd started on the other side I hadn't gotten to when he started his "seduction." It was pretty innocent, actually: He just came and asked me if I'd be more comfortable if I took my shirt off, seeing as how it was totally soaked with sweat and littered with cut grass. I agreed that I would be and as I stripped off my shirt - kinda difficult since it was sticking to me - I saw him rub his crotch - but I don't think he knew that I saw him since at the moment I did, I was just getting my cruddy shirt over my head. He's rubbing his crotch and with a dreamy look in his eyes and I knew he was going to ask if we could have sex.

    It was just a matter of when he would and not a matter of if he would... and I had already made up my mind that when he asked, I was going to say yes - I sensed that I had nothing to fear from him.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "Seduced" - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One of the things that used to crack me up or get me rolling my eyes a lot was when men called themselves seducing me. Of course, what they didn't know - at first - was that I had a lot more experience with men than I may have appeared to them. I realized at one point that the way I reacted to their seduction attempts might have actually encouraged them to lay it on thick because the instant I realized what they were up to, I was interested in what they were going to say so I'd listen, give answers to questions that really didn't answer their questions, stuff like that... and if I thought they'd "put on a good show" for me and their desires were... genuine - meaning they weren't about trying to harm me in any way or get me to do something I wasn't going to do - those lucky seducers would hear me say something like, "Oh... so you want to suck my dick and for me to suck yours? Why didn't you just say so?"

    One man really stands out in my memories. We had crossed paths at the local YMCA; he taught the advance swimmer's class I was in and it was after my second time in his class when I got this feeling coming from him whenever he looked at certain guys, myself included. In class, though, the worst he ever did was just look and he avoided actually touching any of us so in my mind, he wasn't really one of those perverts so much... but I guessed that if he could get to play with one of our young bodies, it just might not be a bad thing. Still, I didn't feel a need to encourage him or anything like that and figured that if he wanted to do something, he'd find a way to get that across.

    About, oh, maybe two weeks into the advanced class, he came to me after class and asked if I knew anyone who'd like a summer job cutting grass and doing odd jobs and I honestly told him that if the money was right, I'd be interested and more so when the city's youth job program, this particular year, ran out of jobs in the early going. We hashed out the terms and details and came to an agreement and he even agreed to provide transportation to and from his home in the suburbs. He talked to my mom and she agreed as well and the following Saturday, he was there bright and early to get me and let me know that we had a long day ahead of us.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. A Memory - Part X

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]Jamaal and I saw each other a few more times before life got in the way and his job transferred him to another state. He might not have been used to being the one to do some fucking but he adjusted to it well enough and I enjoyed having him inside of me so much that he even got to fuck me in the missionary position and the one position I actually didn't like or, to be accurate, my hips didn't like. It was... exciting to be on my back and looking down between us and seeing all that dick getting buried in my ass and to see the look on his face ever time he pulled it out and drove it back in deeply.

    Fucking him was amazing and we both agreed that it was like my dick was tailor-made to be in his ass and I had to admit that he could be fucked better than most women I knew. I didn't mind kissing him or being kissed by him, either; with him, it just felt right and natural. I even got to meet his Uncle Jimmy...

    But that's a story and memory for another time...[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. A Memory - Part IX

    [SIZE=3][FONT=verdana]​He collapsed onto me and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him; we were both very, very sweaty and I could feel his heartbeat against me even as my heart was still beating fast and hard.

    "That was so good," he said into my ear - and taking a moment to kiss my ear.

    "It was very good," I said, turning my head so I could kiss his sweaty cheek. "Uncle Jimmy?"

    I could already feel the heat rolling off of his body and I swore there was even more heat now; he kinda laughed to himself and said, "I did call you that, didn't I?"

    "You did," I said, adjusting my arms around him.

    "You remind me of him," he said as he dismounted and rolled over onto his back beside me. "Your dick is even a lot like his - wait; are you sure we ain't related?"

    "I'm sure we're not," I said while laughing. "He must have really been something, huh?"

    "He is," Jamaal said as he played with my left nipple. "When he first asked me to have sex with him, I knew I wasn't going to say no and that I'd do anything he wanted me to do. He was so gentle with me even when he fucked me; damn, his dick was so big but I guess I would see it like that since I was only ten the first time he took me."

    "I know the feeling," I said, remembering the times when I had an adult dick in my hand, mouth, and ass.

    "He told me I could never tell anyone and he didn't have to because I wasn't going to tell a soul," Jamaal said and his voice told me that he was remembering being in that moment with his uncle. "He'd come and get me and tell my parents we were going fishing - and we really would go fishing and bring home a lot of fish... but you know what else was going on, right?"

    "Yeah," I said, getting an image of Jamaal and his uncle by the water and having sex.

    I loved sucking him off; loved it every time he'd slide his dick in my ass and fill me up with it; it made me feel so good when he'd cum in me but it would also make me said - you know what I mean?"

    "Yep - I sure do," I said. "I bet that when he'd pull out, you'd feel good but feel very empty, right?"

    "Right!" he said. "There was never a time when I didn't want him fucking me or giving me his dick to suck!"

    "Is he still alive?" I asked.

    "He is and before you ask, yes - he still fucks me; as a matter of fact, I was supposed to be at his house already but, well, you know," he said.

    "Wow - must be nice," I said and for a moment, I envied him and more so since I only had one uncle and he never showed any interest in giving me his dick - but I had wanted him to.

    We eventually got out of the bed and got into the shower together; I think we both wanted to get things going again in there but I knew I was out of gas and he did have a date with Uncle Jimmy. After we got dressed - and that meant both of us remembering where we had ditched our clothes, I kissed him again and told him that I hoped this wouldn't be the last time we got together like this.

    "I hope it won't be, too," he said. "I only fucked a guy once before and I didn't like it at all... but I did like it with you and I can't wait to fuck you again it that's okay?"

    "It will be," I said and turned to leave because I could feel my dick trying to get hard again - and I had to get home.[/FONT][/SIZE]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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