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  1. Real Time - Part II

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"Wow, okay," I said and I admit to being surprised; when he said it, I thought he was talking about some time back in the day.

    "Ain't that some fucked up shit?" he asked.

    "Others would think so but I wouldn't," I said truthfully. "What happened?"

    Kevin went on to tell me that he and his brother had been hanging out - and talking about Kevin's son and his announcement - and they were drinking and talking about how things used to be. Kevin said that the next thing he knew, his brother just came right out and said that he had always wanted Kevin to suck his dick and that he had always wanted to suck Kevin's dick.

    "That's some crazy-ass shit, huh?" he asked.

    "No, not really," I said. "Some hair of the dog tends to bring out the truth sometimes."

    Kevin told me that once he got over his shock he told his brother, "We should do it - fuck it, right?"

    Then they did and I could tell that he was both troubled... and, um, excited.

    "I don't believe we did that shit," he said, shaking his head.

    "Lemme ask you this: Did you enjoy it?" I asked; he didn't even have to say that he did - the look on his face provided the answer so I said, "If you both enjoyed it, then it's not a problem... unless one of you makes it a problem."

    "Doesn't that shock you?" he asked.

    "Ha, over the years, nothing like this surprises or shocks me," I said. "Do you really think you're the only guy who has ever sucked his brother's dick?"

    "You?" he asked and I just nodded. He said, "Damn... now I don't feel so bad about it."

    "No point in that," I said. "It happened, you said you both enjoyed it - end of story."

    "So I'm not really some kind of freak?" he asked.

    "I wouldn't say you were," I said. "Sometimes, Kev, shit happens when it's supposed to."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  2. Real Time - Part I

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]I had my thoughts yesterday about my brother and people losing their minds over brotherly sex and thanks to a guy I was talking to the day before yesterday. Not a friend so much but we've talked before about a lot of things so, as I was getting out of the car after a trip to the store, we saw each other, spoke, and he asked if I had a few minutes to talk. I said that I did... but let me take this in the house before my lady thinks I got lost.

    A few moments later, I'm back outside - masked, of course, and we're social distancing; pleasantries are exchanged, we both agree this COVID shit is some fucked up shit... then he hits me with this:

    "I think my son and his sons are, shit, they go both ways."

    I took a minute to form my response in my mind then said, "These days? Men are a lot more accepting of it, not like it was back when we were young bucks. Why would you think that?"

    Turns out that his son told him that he was bi, as well as telling him that he taught his sons to be open about their sexuality and not to be ashamed of it. "Kevin" was clearly disturbed by this news and felt like he had failed as a father, prompting me to squash that thought.

    "Your son is a grown man and, if I remember, your grandsons are old enough to make their own decisions about stuff," I said. "You didn't fail your son; if you made a "mistake," it was trying to hit him with the values you and I grew up with and values that, today, don't really mean a whole lot."

    He asked what I would have said or done if I found out any of my kids went both ways... and I laughed and told him that two of the three were bisexual - and I was okay with it and more so because I was bi, too. He seemed to be surprised for a moment then nodded, saying that one of the things he liked about me was that I was a pretty forward-thinking kind of guy.

    A moment of silence and just long enough that I thought we were done talking when he kinda made a face then asked, "Can I tell you something and it stays between us?"

    "Yes and no one around here will ever know that you said it," I said.

    "I sucked my brother's dick," he said and in a voice so low I almost didn't hear him.

    "Okay," I said. "I don't find that to be all that unusual."

    "I sucked his dick yesterday," Kevin said, his voice even lower.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  3. "How Could You..." - Part IX

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]If you don't mind, it doesn't matter... and I know that I'm not the only guy who figured this out. If you asked me or could have asked him if we loved each other, we'd both say that we didn't although we did have a grudging respect for each other and that was really along the lines of knowing that if it came to it, we could take each other out - permanently... and it didn't have shit to do with having sex with each other, well, as far as I've been able to figure out, anyway. We didn't always try to off each other whenever we saw each other but it was pretty easy for us to push each others buttons because, being brothers, we knew where all the buttons were. We didn't always agree on stuff and, at the least, we'd argue about whatever we disagreed on.

    And then he'd ask, "Hey... you wanna do it?" and I'd say, "Sure - why not?" and no matter how pissed off we were with each other before the question was asked. Sometimes, I wouldn't see or hear from him for months at a time - which was fine with me and probably him, too. But when he'd show up at my door, I knew he wasn't just stopping by just to say hi and I remember asking him about that one day; did he drop by to say hi and find out how I was doing... or was he stopping by so we can fuck?

    He laughed and said, "What do you think?" And then we were naked and doing what we always did. Suck each other off. Take a break. Fuck each other and if time allowed, take a break and do it all over again. Nothing unusual going on here.

    Just nature doing what nature has always done and continues to do.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  4. "How Could You..." - Part VIII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3] Did we know better? Yes - no question about that and even as I write this, I remain very mindful of the sin we both agreed to commit with each other and even when I was very reluctant to do it in the first place. The hard part for me was to be able to admit to myself that I just flat out loved having sex with him - we were very good with each other and despite our animosity. We both had been having sex with other guys and we both agreed that while it was good - or sometimes not so good - when we did it - and no matter why we would - it was always good.

    I'd often think that brothers bond with each other... just not always in the way they're expected to and certainly not the way we learned to bond with each other. It never failed to amaze me how we could have such great contempt for each other and with deadly intent... unless we were screwing each other silly. Only then could we put our differences aside and it didn't make sense and it still doesn't.

    It just was what it was. People who know about this would be disgusted and all that and my reaction to their disgust would be just to shrug; right or wrong, you still can't change what has already happened. We did it and probably way past what would be considered to be acceptable. And it wasn't that we were "enemy lovers" so much as it really drove home a lot of truths that most people just do not want to know about. Did I question the state of my moral compass? I did. A lot. I still do. But I understand sex and that the only limits in place are the ones we - society - put in place and it's an inescapable truth. Guys screw each other... and brothers are no exception in this and, really, neither is anyone who is of a mind to have sex in this way.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  5. "How Could You..." - Part VII

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]We both laid there, joined together, gasping and all that - and then he punched me dead in the face!

    "Didn't want you to forget that I'm still mad at you," he said - and just before I punched him right back - things had gotten back to normal between us and now we're right back to fighting which is how all of this moment got started. I never figured out why he'd want to fight me. Oh, he could fight like a demon... but I was bigger, stronger, and trained in the martial arts as well as being able to fight in the streets. It didn't take me long to pin him face down and in a very painful arm and shoulder lock and I was really putting the pressure on and letting him know that I could break him any time I wanted to.

    And it didn't escape either of us that my dick was once again very hard and all he said was, "You know where to put that, right?"

    Of course I did and as we'd done so many times before, we both gasped as my dick easily and familiarly slid into him. "Maybe this is why we fight... so we can 'kiss and make up' like this?" I had said once I had all eight inches of dick in him.

    "Probably," he said, his voice all dreamy. "Shut the fuck up and fuck me already..."[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  6. "How Could You..." - Part VI

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One day and when he was slowly shoving his dick in and out of my ass, he leaned forward enough to whisper in my ear, "Have you ever thought about how wrong it is for us to be doing this?"

    Strange question to ask while we were doing it, huh?

    "I think about it all of the time," I said. "I just don't pay a lot of attention to it any more and before you ask, no - I don't regret any of it."

    "Hmm," he said, burying his dick in me as far as he could get it. "So how come we can't get along with each other... unless we're doing this?"

    "I don't know," I said. "I gave up trying to figure that out a long time ago; it just is what it is... and it's better than us trying to kill each other."

    "Shit..." he said as his dick started pumping in the grip of my ass. It was still very good; still very damned nasty and immoral. I shouldn't be using my anal muscles to squeeze his dick while he was emptying his balls into me and I sure as hell shouldn't be enjoying it or, really, still enjoying it. We were "mortal enemies" except when we did this. I can't explain it - I just learned to accept it; strange bedfellows and all that.

    He pulled out of me and used his hands to prompt me to turn onto my back; as I turned, I could feel his spunk starting to ooze out of me as he lowered his head to suck me into hardness before lubing us up and straddling me and the look on his face as my bigger and fatter cock slid into his ass was one I never got tired of seeing. He fully seated himself on me and started moving, his hands on my chest and idly playing with my nipples and said, "You know I can't stand you, right?"

    "I know," I said, thrusting upward into him and making him get "that look" on his face.

    "I just don't know why sex with you is so damned good," he said as I reached and grabbed his dick and started stroking it.

    "I stopped trying to figure that one out, too - it's always been good and I don't question why it is," I said - and thinking that this was a really weird time to be having such a conversation.

    He lay down onto me with his head next to my ear and whispered for me to fuck him. I was driving my dick into him and all the while thinking that we should have never started doing this and that it was true that we couldn't stand each other. I'm getting close to cumming and thinking that, shit - being like this with each other? We could have done great harm to each other, maybe killed each other while being so vulnerable and with our guard down... yet, it never occurred to either of us to do anything other than to enjoy having sex with each other and as crazy as it all turned out to be.

    I busted in him and he sighed in my ear and said, "That just never gets old..." and even caught in the throes of my release, I couldn't have agreed more. We were both grown men and grown men who should have known better... and the truth was neither of us gave a damn about it.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  7. "How Could You..." - Part V

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]"No, it isn't," I said. "I just understand a truth that few people understand. Boys have sex with each other and one's brother is just another boy and you only think the way you do because you refuse to see the truth of what sex is really about."

    "But the bible..." they began to say and I waved them off; it was a very old and tired comeback that I knew was coming, that and I knew for a fact that whatever the bible said about it was dead wrong - and at that time in my life, I knew why it was wrong.

    "It's wrong," I said. "Or, really, it's not telling the truth; it's hiding the truth to be more accurate. Why do you think the bible says it's wrong?"

    "Because God said so," was the expected answer.

    "Really? You believe that, huh?" I asked. "And despite that, guys still have sex with other guys, don't they? It makes you wonder which thing is actually the truth - well, it would if you didn't believe what you believe."

    Over the years, it's not like I never thought about the morality of it - I did. I'd even be thinking about it while having sex with him. They say if you don't mind, it doesn't matter and, clearly, neither of us minded a whole lot. Even after we got busted, it changed nothing other than to be more mindful not to get caught again. I understood the morality and, again, even understood why it existed for this and, okay - it is what it is but I couldn't get past the fact that despite how forbidden it was, brothers were and had been screwing each other all along. We weren't doing anything that other brothers hadn't been doing - and were doing. Given the way we'd come to... hate each other, we'd found a way for us to get along with each other even if it was only for as long as it took for us to suck each other off and then dump cum into each other's butts.

    We didn't mind... so it didn't matter. It was sex; maybe not the way it was - is - supposed to be but sex just the same. Getting excited. Dicks getting hard. Sucking on them and tasting sperm and the sure and certain knowledge that we both got our sperm from the same source since, duh, we had the same father. Knowing how nasty it was and knowing that because it was so nasty, that's what made it so good. We should have never started doing it and we both knew it - and it changed nothing; you just cannot ever undo what's already been done and, yeah, sometimes it's really about being in for a penny and in for a pound.

    If we were going to hell, we weren't gonna be the only ones.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
  8. "How Could You..." - Part IV

    [FONT=verdana][SIZE=3]One person I shared this with said, "You couldn't have been that smart at that age!" and I very much begged to differ with them because I was. My parents knew it and the school knew it and they agreed to have me tested... a lot. I had no idea what an IQ test was... but I sure as hell found out what it was and what it meant... and that I didn't like taking tests.

    So all of this just made sense to me; I'd realize, later on, that I had been able to do what a lot of people either couldn't do or it took them a long time to do it: I knew the truth of it and now it was just a matter of me spending a lot of time hashing out why it was the truth. All along, my brother and I would take every opportunity we could to suck and screw each other silly. I felt... honored when he busted his first nut with me; I was happily and eagerly sucking his dick when his whole body shook, he said something I couldn't make out - then his whole body went as stiff as a board and before I realized what was happening to him, my mouth got flooded with a whole lot of his stuff - and I mean there was a lot of it and so much that I almost couldn't swallow it all - some got away.

    He was beyond over the moon and with a silly grin on his face said, "I'm a big boy now!" - then went down on me. A little later, he was in my ass and fucking me with more gusto than usual until he shot his stuff into me and as I felt his dick pumping away in me, I felt that we had finally "closed the circle" and that when we did it again - not if we did - it was going to be even better.

    "Your moral compass is obviously broken," someone once said to me.[/SIZE][/FONT]
    Inside My Bi Mind
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