
What did your wife say when you first told her that you were bisexual?

  1. welickit
    You could find a guy that has had a vasectomy or otherwise. Either way go slow and keep an open honest line of communication between you two.
    Good Luck
  2. axlton
    Vasectomy wouldn't necessarily be an issue my wife has a mirena and unless we knew for a fact that the guy was ddf we'd double up on the protection with condoms. But yeah, I hope we can try this once or twice in the near future.
  3. welickit
    We both wish you the best of luck. Take your time and find someone who is also willing to take time. We are venturing forth with a guy right now that we plan to meet with for the first time next week. We have gotten to know each other by email and phone and have found that we have many interests in common besides being bisexual. Having something in common, to us, is important and it certainly helps with conversation at that all important first meeting until everyone calms down, the butterflies go away and you can all exhale and relax.
  4. welickit
    We met with a new guy yesterday. We contacted him first and his reply wasn't the usual one sentence and ready to jump in bed. We took a few days to get to know each other and he never once got in a hurry. It was his first time having sex with a couple so he was a bit nervous. We had intended to get together chat and see how everyone felt. I guess everyone was more than comfortable with each other because we all ended up naked and a fun time exploring each other. We all agreed that we would continue the relationship so it worked out to everyone's satisfaction.
  5. aLABiM75 & StrF51
    aLABiM75 & StrF51

    I told my Wife while we were still dating.
    She was cool with it and my toys, and videos, and even plays with my hole from time to time.
    She is well aware that the closer she gets to my anus the more sensitive I am and takes advantage often.

    If you can not tell your partner all of your fantasies and them you, then maybe you're with the wrong partner or are a bad one.... is what I figure.
    Honesty is what a serious adult relationship is all about.

  6. ExSailor
    She's not my wife but she's my life partner. She's also bisexual and we have known of each other's bisexuality when we first met decades ago when we were friends.
  7. Paddarick69
    it was 1997, my wife was this hot chick I had just met, and I said in the midst of a conversation we were having about sex and our past , "I've had sex with guys"... she said "wow, that's kinda hot"... lol
  8. SC24FUN
    With us it happened kind of slowly.

    I went on a weekend canoe camping trip with a good friend. When we go into the tent (drunk) on Sat night he asked me if I played with dick. I told him that I had not but didn't mind the idea. We had some fun and passed out. When I got home I finally told her what had happened and she got really hot and fucked my eyes out.

    Later we went on a weekend backpacking trip with him. There was a lot of good fucking and sucking and we found out that she really liked to share a dick with me.

    The next time was at a bike rally where we met an old friend and went back to his room. It wasn’t long until we were all naked and having fun most of the night. The next morning I went to his room and gave him a great sucking. Then we both went in with my wife and screwed and sucked and screwed and sucked for a long time.

    We met him again at some bike races and he came to our room for a night of fun.

    It was after that I realized that I was in fact BI. I told her and she said no but I explained that I really liked the fun we had and could not wait for the next time. That made me BI. She agreed that it really turned her on to suck dick with me and to help someone suck mine. So now she is totally good with me being BI.

    We have had several more fun times with our bike friend but we live 500 miles apart so not easy to get together.

    Hard to find fun close BI but we are trying.

  9. JP1986UM
    I came out 5 yrs ago. Since then I've had a BF and we're looking for a couple to play with. She wants a GF. Go figure. AS long as I can get a BFF and play with my man I am ok with it all.

    I love having sex with other men. Funnest time with your clothes off.
  10. twoforone16
    When we were dating I told her as I was not going to live the life I had with my 1st wife. She OK I understand it some thing that I can not give you the real thing( she does us dildos). We have had MMF nights with every one leaving happy. Some times I play without her and she is OK with that also. My life is good!!!! It would nice if she was BI (she did try but the other woman was stight and just laid there) maybe some day.
  11. Darkspace5150
    Just came out to my wife and my bisexual fantasies. At first she was uncomfortable at the thought but I explained I couldn't be with another man without her and she excited at the thought of both of us going down on a guy. Later told me that she knew I had bisexual feeling before I did. Mainly because we use anal sex toys lol.
  12. Hypersexual11
    My wife found out I was bi, when I admitted to her that I was having an affair with a couple, a straight woman and a bi man. To be honest, she really had no reaction to me having sex with a man. She was very upset that I'd been having an affair with a woman though. We had been married about 28 years when I started this relationship. I had been seeing the guy alone for several months. He mentioned that he and his wife invite guys to join them. I had turned him down the couple times he invited me. I had no need for a woman. I was just looking for a nice dick to suck.

    One day my resolve was tested. He was home with the wife and could play but it had to be there and with her. I was kinda manipulated but I only blame myself for such poor self control. Had there been another option, I would have taken it. Now..I can say that this was a bad decision. But..had I not had this affair, my wife would have never found out about me. I had been seeing guys behind her back for almost 15 years with no suspicion. There was no way I was going to tell her. (insert long boring story of conservative upbringing here)

    After she found out, and after a cooling down period, we were able to start to talk about it. I had to admit, having access to a pussy and a cock at the same time, in all the combinations there are, is an amazing sexual experience. I told her I would like to be able to do this with her. She was a little mad that I had done this without her but there was a reason. I had brought up many times in the past, the prospect of bringing in another guy, dating back to when we were newlyweds, just out of high school. She had seen me lick a cock in a moment of drunken group lust in high school. She always turned down the idea. She told me at this point that she had thought that I was testing her, to see if she felt I was man enough for her. (insert long boring story of being very young and very insecure about everything and dating this woman)

    So, after working out all this crap, we decided to find us a guy for some MMF sex. That was 3 years ago. We have fucked close to a dozen guys, most more than once. We currently have 2 guys we see on a fairly regular basis but I am always on the lookout for new meat for us. The wife would be happy for me to leave it alone and be happy with the 2 we have. But you know us bi guys. We have this fucking impossible vision that we constantly have to pursue. because I KNOW, if I look hard enough, he's out there. The perfect bi fwb!
  13. biguyforguys
    Mine actually knew before we were married we were friends first...
  14. marriedbipoly
    It took me 20 years into our relationship and she was shocked, didn't say much for 6 months til I brought it back up. She then asked questions and related her feelings and had got in touch with her desires. She realized they were not unlike her curiosity she realized she had to be with a woman and after months of talking we decided to open up to explore our sexualities together.
  15. avondale13
    My wife were friends for may years and had sexual dalliances from time to time. We went our own ways but always stayed in touch even though we were on different sides of Australia.Tracey told me in one phone call she was bi and I also had been sleeping with the same sex and told her and we both laughed. Some 10 years ago circumstances brought us together and we married 5 years ago. The bisexual sides for us both works well with no jealousy
    and everything up front..e are very very lucky.
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