
Bike tour Southern East Coast

  1. shyjim99
    Anyone want to group together to tour the south eastern coast this spring or summer? I live in south Delaware and would like to meet up with like minded riders to tour Virginia,North Carolina,South Carolina and all parts south to eventually wind up in the Florida Keys and back. I plan on doing it solo but would really love to have riding partners. I am retired so I have nothing but time on my hands and an insatiable appetite to visit as many states and attractions as I can. I would really love to ride with a compatible partner who would like to share good times together. If your interested, contact me so we can begin to plan an itinerary and touring routes. I am flexible in regards to starting dates and return dates so that is not a problem.
  2. Daviecurious
    Kudos to you. MC tours can be/are great trips. Sounds like the coast is going to be your 'anchor', so do not miss the USS North Carolina, if you like history. Everything on that ship is geared toward/designed to get those 16in guns in range of the target. Imagine living w/29 other people, for months/years at a time, in a space the size of a living room. I get pretty emotional going through there.

    If your plans get you to the western part of NC, please let me know. Lots and lots of great roads here (if you are into curves, not getting from pt A to pt B). Not much in the area of attractions, but the Dragon is about 75ish mile away, and I get as much out of the trip there as I do the Dragon itself. One caution, I don't ride the Dragon on weekends. Way too many bozos. When I go on weekends, I spend time in the parking lot, looking at bikes and talking to people.

    As to Key West, the Island House for Men is a nice stop, from what I have heard. Google is your friend. I went to stay there once, and they were full. Very helpful; sent me to another gay hotel. Most comfortable and relaxed I have felt at a 'guest house'/hotel ever.

    Too cool!! You know we WILL expect updates on the trip. Dave
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