
Would You Date A Bisexual Person?

  1. hanalee
    Recently, I received a note through an bisexual online dating site from a bisexual man. After looking at his pictures and reading his profile, I wasn't all that interested ... but I still admit that when I saw he'd listed himself as bisexual, I almost didn't bother looking deeper.Though I would be more than happy to have a bisexual man as my friend (and I do have one close bisexual female friend), I don’t think I'd be able to date a bisexual man.

    That's not to say I don't understand how two men--even if one or both are "mostly straight"--could be sexually attracted to each other.
    (No one would think twice about a male masseuse giving physical pleasure to a male client, and what is sex but the natural progression of pleasant touching? Etc.) And I've dated (let's see) three boys who'd kissed a few guys back in the day before deciding that, actually, they preferred women and were going to stick with girls. That didn't bother me.
    I also think that if it was more culturally acceptable to do so, plenty of us--maybe all of us--would experiment more with our sexuality, rather than leaving most of it to the graduates of Brown and Vassar. (Do you agree?)

    Is all that just good old-fashioned ignorance dressed up in nice words? Then again, this is all in the abstract, and if I met a bisexual male with whom I felt a deep connection, I have a feeling I'd put aside my prejudices. And yet ... they are prejudices. Prejudgments. Which make me write off bisexual men off before I even meet them. I think I need to get over this mindset.

    >>>click here to visit that bisexual dating site
  2. viothe
    As bisexual,we shouldn't view people with prejudice.We should be mutually understanding
  3. lance71
    I'm an older bisexual male. Male bisexuals are not as accepted as female bisexuals . The reason for that would take a long answer. I would think that a bi woman would accept a bi man more easily than a straight woman?
  4. bi4asplay
    I was Bi way before Bi was cool. I managed several swinger clubs a few years ago. Of course I could not let it be known that I was BI. The Bi ladies in all of them really looked down on men that were BI. A BI man was not welcome at all. I had a lady partner for several years that at first was very anti Bi men. We had a guy over for some play and he started to play with me and she became enthralled when he stared to suck me. Before long she asked met suck him. She climaxed just watching. From then on she was always on the look out for BI guys that we both liked.
  5. ohbimale
    I am 55 and been bisexual all my life. I have had relationships with both genders and would date either gender now.
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