Another refugee here. I haven't been able to open SBG for almost or A year now. Always got email updates on threads but clicking on the link lead me to nothing. Glad I found this!
Hola! "You don't have to live like a refugee"
I agree with Papa, going to take a while before we establish a 'feel' like we had before.
Hellooooooo fellow Shy Bi Guys
Gotta keep coming back to this group, I think. Maybe we can create an active sub-culture here. I am not sure how well-protected this site is - appears to be lots of "guest' appearances on the main forum. But, this is a deeper level....
SBG was unique, a little bubble of honesty and sanity. Distinctly NOT a hookup site. Removing that element made a difference in the quality of the conversations. The conversations were its real strength, so honest and raw. Guys shared amazing stories, as they were happening. There was a real kindness and support you do not see in hookup communities, where conversations tend to be shallow and kinda tasteless.
I agree with both of you guys.
I'm all for carving out a spot for ourselves here in this group, where it will be easier to carry on the SBG ethos. Ultimately, my hope is that somehow, someway we create a brand-new spot with a community that will draw the same kind of crowd SBG did. This takes money, tech saavy and the desire to see it through. But anything is possible
Thanks for creating this group, Playful.