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Thread: DIY Dildos

  1. #1

    DIY Dildos

    I feel kind of foolish posting about this, but I'm curious to know -- has anyone found a way to make a good quality mold of your cock and cast a realistic dildo from it?

    A few weeks ago, my friend, Dave, and I spent $50 each on a pair of "Clone-a-Willy" kits we found on Amazon. We tried using them a few days ago, and the results were to, say the least, disappointing.

    Like a couple of giddy kids, we followed the directions to the letter, got one another good and hard, even put on cock rings to help us maintain our hardons during the casting process. We mixed the casting powder in Dave's kitchen with scientific accuracy, plunged our throbbing erections into the casting medium, and held them there while the medium hardened. The directions were kind of hard to follow and the process extremely messy.

    By the time we got around to pouring in the silicone dildo material, we already knew the result wouldn't be reasonable facsimile. Dave's flesh colored dong was at least roughly cock-shaped, but lacking any of the detail we?d hoped for. My fanciful purple penis produced a fairly accurate impression of my cock head, but the rest looked like an mangled, amorphous blob.

    Apparently, fake phallus failures are common. The manufacturer, Empire labs, sells refills of the 100% body-safe alginate molding powder with the caveat ?If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!? We?re wondering if we should.

    Has anybody achieved a successful result with Clone-a-Willy or similar products?
    Last edited by Ken Hadashi; Jul 6, 2024 at 1:38 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: DIY Dildos

    It’s not silly, I’ve never seen this kit but I do remember back in the early days of the internet seeing a company doing dildos molded of porn stars dicks. I wondered about that myself, never tried those but I am fascinated with different shapes and sizes and the idea of a dildo exact size and shape of my own cock and being fucked by it is interesting, then doing it with a replica of someone’s cock that is different.

  3. #3

    Re: DIY Dildos

    Quote Originally Posted by Ken Hadashi View Post
    I feel kind of foolish posting about this, but I'm curious to know -- has anyone found a way to make a good quality mold of your cock and cast a realistic dildo from it?

    A few weeks ago, my friend, Dave, and I spent $50 each on a pair of "Clone-a-Willy" kits we found on Amazon. We tried using them a few days ago, and the results were to, say the least, disappointing.

    Like a couple of giddy kids, we followed the directions to the letter, got one another good and hard, even put on cock rings to help us maintain our hardons during the casting process. We mixed the casting powder in Dave's kitchen with scientific accuracy, plunged our throbbing erections into the casting medium, and held them there while the medium hardened. The directions were kind of hard to follow and the process extremely messy.

    By the time we got around to pouring in the silicone dildo material, we already knew the result wouldn't be reasonable facsimile. Dave's flesh colored dong was at least roughly cock-shaped, but lacking any of the detail we?d hoped for. My fanciful purple penis produced a fairly accurate impression of my cock head, but the rest looked like an mangled, amorphous blob.

    Apparently, fake phallus failures are common. The manufacturer, Empire labs, sells refills of the 100% body-safe alginate molding powder with the caveat ?If at first you don't succeed, try, try again!? We?re wondering if we should.

    Has anybody achieved a successful result with Clone-a-Willy or similar products?
    As BackyardShaman said, it's not silly at all. When I was a sophomore in college, I got a three-day modeling gig in Palm Springs. It was for an artist colony and they were studying nudes. The pay was pretty good. I got $50 an hour and a two-night stay in a luxury hotel, plus $75 for meals. The hard part was staying still for two hours at a time and then getting back into the same exact position so the painters and sketch artists could finish their works.

    By the end of the third day I was pretty much spent. There were only 12 artists, plus the gallery owner (Victoria) who had put on the class. Just as I was getting ready to leave, Victoria (who was much older - probably mid-50s - and very attractive as well) approached me and asked if I'd be willing to stay an extra day. She said that in addition to being a gallery owner, she was also a sculptor and that she had a special request. She wanted to know if I would allow her to use my penis as a mold. She explained that it would be painless and probably wouldn't take that long, but that I had to remain 'firm' as she put it.

    Naturally I was flattered, but also curious as to why? She was totally up front with me and said that she was making models for sex toys and she would give me an extra $250 if I was interested. She had already had me at sex toys! After everyone had left, we stopped and had a late lunch, then I followed her back to her studio, which was in the old part of town just off of Canyon Highway. We went in through the back of the building and she told me to make myself comfortable upstairs in her flat while she got everything prepared. She also gave me a little blue pill that she said would make me harder than I'd ever been in my life, but not to take it until she told me so.

    The main part of the gallery was closed at the time so there would be no interruptions. While she worked her magic (as she called it) in the studio, I turned on the TV and made myself comfortable. It must have taken her about 30 minutes or so before she called me and gave me the go-ahead to take the pill. I had never taken Viagra before, but I'd heard it would really make and keep you hard. They weren't lying. In less than 15 minutes, I swear my cock was a full half inch longer and thicker, and my balls felt like they were twice their normal size.

    About that time, Victoria called me down to the studio. I was a little embarrassed at first. There was definitely no hiding my hard-on. I just decided... fuck it and went down totally nude. I mean it wasn't like she hadn't seen me naked before.

    She met me at the bottom of the stairs. I was a little surprised to see her at first. She had changed and was wearing a black bustier, black satin pants and high heels. she also had an elbow high pair of latex gloves. I think the first word out of my mouth was, "Wow!" She wasted no time and grabbed my hand and told me to come along. By that time she had everything ready. She had me sit on a high stool, similar to what you would find in a bar. Next, she reached into a large vat of clay. As she began to apply it to my cock and balls she explained that it was a special type of surgical molding clay that doctors would use when setting molds for amputees... that it was quick setting, yet semi-pliable. As she began applying a coat of clear gel to my cock and balls, I didn't know whether to run out of there or stay; however, given the circumstances, I decided to stay (plus I hadn't been paid yet).

    She literally glopped the clay onto my lap and began to mold. She even managed to push a tiny bit of clay/plaster into the slit of my cock to ensure a realistic mold. Between the curing process and the feel of her hands massaging my cock to shape the mold I nearly lost it! Eventually she got the form that she had been shooting for, and after a rather careful removal process, she had the first impression or casting that she had been going for.

    The session didn't end there. She wanted to do two more, which, after having made it through the first one, I was happy to oblige. Finally, when we were done, she used some kind of surgical instrument to gently remove any residue from my cock slit and told me to go back upstairs and shower. By the time I had cleaned up I was still hard as a rock. As I sat down on her couch to catch my breath, so to speak, Victoria came upstairs to let me know that she had three perfect specimens that she would be able to use as molds.

    "You don't know how many women and men are going to appreciate your contribution today," she said. "And for your efforts (she passed me an envelope). Plus I'm going to give you one of the best blowjobs you'll ever received." With that, she kneeled between my legs and sucked me like no one would ever believe. When I came that day, it reached a 100 on a scale of 10. Honestly, I'm surprised I didn't blow the back of her head off... that was how much and what force the cum came. Like a champ, she took it all... swallowed every drop. We never had actual intercourse, but I would have gladly stayed if she'd asked. Damn, I wanted to fuck her so bad, but she wasn't into that.

    I didn't stay long after. I got dressed and made my way back to L.A. As I got into my car to go home, I checked the envelope. There were 20 $100 bills and a handwritten thank you note, not just signed by Victoria, but everyone who had been in her class.

    About a month later, I received an unmarked package in the mail. When I opened it, there was a life-size dildo in my exact image... veins and all. And there was another handwritten message. Thank you for participating... Happy modeling!
    Last edited by jjourneyman; Yesterday at 2:41 PM.




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