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  1. #1

    Is not shaving a gay thing?

    I just had a disappointing experience with what I thought were two nice gay guys. Indeed, I was thrilled to meet with 2 guys at once, living the dream, that unfortunately became a bit of a nightmare. They were no where near accepting or easy going as me, and things ended rather abruptly (if not with a strained politeness.)

    But, one thing that got me, these guys, in their 60s or older, didn't shave. I mean their faces.

    The stubble was not comfortable on my shaft or balls, but when one tried to kiss me (which I actually don't like) it was like sandpaper on my face. Geez, how can that be enjoyable? I recoiled.

    I still have great sex with my wife, just far less often, but one thing I have done, without fail, for the past 3 decades plus is ALWAYS shave before sex! Takes just a second, like a quick brush of the teeth.

    So, is it gay guys who get turned on by having their faces rubbed raw and red by unshaven stubble?

    BTW this is one of the reasons, in my limited experience, I seldom ever meet gay guys.

  2. #2

    Re: Is not shaving a gay thing?

    I am waxed, decided to go gay 6 years ago now.

  3. #3

    Re: Is not shaving a gay thing?

    I guess it all comes down to preference in some way. My bi "playmate" and I both have (neatly trimmed) beards and we kiss and all that as well as going down on each other. I kinda don't mind that it doesn't feel like I'm kissing a woman to be quite honest. I've had a beard in one form or the other most of the past four decades or so and the women in my life have generally had no complaints. My current (and last) wife would perhaps prefer I completely shave my face and I did so for a decade, but she's ok with me going back to the beard. Most women seem to find the beard very attractive. I certainly vastly prefer it. As to stubble - I have to admit that I'd perhaps find that a bit off-putting. I do keep the pubes trimmed short and my balls shaved, though.

  4. #4

    Re: Is not shaving a gay thing?

    No, having a beard does not indicate ?A gay thing?, some gay males have beards, some gay males don?t have beards. Some bi males have beards, some bi males don?t have beards. Some straight males have beards, some straight males don?t have beards. So no, it?s not an indication of gay to have facial hair or hair elsewhere. I?m clear that you don?t like beards so you and I definitely wouldn?t be involved intimately. I?m straight leaning bi and I?ve had a beard for many years now. I will say my beard is soft and women in particular that I?ve been intimidate with love it. I?ve never had a male complain about it either, however I?m not going to kiss another guy.
    Last edited by BackyardShaman; Jul 29, 2024 at 2:01 PM.

  5. #5

    Re: Is not shaving a gay thing?

    not at all some men shave and some dont




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