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  1. #1

    Weird Thing That happened,

    I had a weird thing happen to me.
    I had posted on Double list seeking a top. As usual it was a very decent post (As Double list censors/flags posts that have certain words in the content.
    So last night I got a reply from someone - and that was a 6 line, decent response where this guy said he was 45, single, could host and was a top looking for a bottom. He also attached a pic of his body from the chest to his tow. He had an attractive, muscular body and a hard cock that seemed to be about 7-8 inches. Nice - I thought.
    In the next email he sent pics of his bottom from yesterday - a "bubble butt" as he put it. I told him that I had a dad bocy and if he had high expectations, it wouldn't work. He said that was okay.
    He kept sending emails with the usual questions "What do you like", "How sub can you be" etc. I in turn gave him the info and also said that should things work, I would need it to be safe play with a condom. He said he preferred bareback, but respected my point of view.

    As things progressed, I asked him if he would like to meet for coffee - to which he said he "did not drink coffee". Lame thing to say I thought because he could still come, meet and talk even if he did not drink coffee. Anyway no issues there.

    4-5 short emails later, he said he didn't want to send any more emails - instead wanted my phone number to text. I said that I could not share my phone number for reasons of privacy, but would meet in a coffee shopt. That trigerred something in him and he started abusing me, calling me a bitch, a slut, and accusing me of being a time waster, and never having the intention of meeting him. There was so much anger in his words - and the intention was to insult me, verbally abuse me and to make me feel bad and worthless simply because I would not share my phone number.

    He sent 4-5 emails which said the same including one where he said I should Fuck my boyfriend with whom I share my phone. I don't have a boyfriend and it sounded very silly. After I told him we should leave it there - he still said "Fuck you" on his last email.

    I do not know if this guy has an anger issues, is a weirdo or dangerous. Just thought of sharing my experience - and if there are any lessons to be learnt from your inputs and replies, that would be great. Thanks in advance.

  2. #2

    Re: Weird Thing That happened,

    Smells like a scam my guy. Sorry. I think you dodged one there.

  3. #3

    Re: Weird Thing That happened,

    Right after the first abusive email is when I block his address. You don't need that negativity in your life. Sorry how it played out!

  4. #4

    Re: Weird Thing That happened,

    well, yes there are some people out there with power issues. Unfortunately one of the in things now is subs, and when an A hole who has never had power suddenly can be sexually dominant to someone, it goes to their head.

    One way around the whole number thing, look at apps for a free text number. I utilize one, they cant tell the difference. The one I use as long as I use it every 30 days it is free, solves all those issues.

    Now, I have some unbreakable rules...........there is no negotiation.

    1) Meet at hotels - And I make a comment, hey, so you feel safe as well as me, we both know hotels have cameras in every single hallway and elevators. (Now this is not true of all hotels, but most decent ones these days and no one has ever checked me on it). The understanding they can be on camera heads off some jerks right away. If i look out the peephole and it looks like they are trying to avoid with a hoodie or something, we are done.

    2) I keep two guns in the room until I feel safe both hidden but accessible, only ever pulled one once.

    3) If they stink of alcohol, or eyes are pin point, we are done before we start

    I have dealt with a ton of online tough guys, probably because the way I look, they make an assumption about me, so I have gotten used to red flags to watch out for, comes with time and experience

  5. #5

    Re: Weird Thing That happened,

    I agree. I always use a burner phone for just that reason.

  6. #6

    Re: Weird Thing That happened,

    Quote Originally Posted by Tarz1986 View Post
    I agree. I always use a burner phone for just that reason.
    If you have gmail, just get a google number




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